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New sig for me, an Abstract this time.


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Decided to play with C4D some on this 'putter. :) . Gotta say, I like the iso camera angle for the program, can get some cool views with it.








Anyways, this was my result. C4D + Photoshop. Didn't want it to get too hectic with a ton of brushing, so just kind of went for... I dunno, this kind of style. I haven't used a smaller sig in a while, kind of refreshing.












well, what do you all think? I haven't even touched a 3D modeling program other than for landscapes in age's, let alone sit down and do an abstract for me. But I figured that if I take a small break from landscapes it would be for the better :)

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I just don't get why you put the slicing tool number in there :lol:








Overall it's ok, but you should make the gradient overlay a little darker on the top part, it's too white.




Maybe if you changed the ocupacity on that layer it would help as well :)


^The most disturbing signature on Tip.it^

Last.fm|HELLY KAYLA!|Oh the mehagurtz!|#Siencemakers

"they care less about their spelling mistakes then I." - Lionheart

"apinagez... let me

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It's kinda hazy on the top, and not much post editing. Your landscapes don't seem to have much photoshopping either, you really should try to experiment a lot more with it. :wink: Especially for abstract jumbles, they are very easy to quickly edit once you get the hang of it.








I've seen the slice thing look good in a few designs, but I don't think it works at all in this one.

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Somehow I think it would look better if you got rid of the haze, and maybe made the colours a little more saturated.

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