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the andy milonakis show..?


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For those of you who don't know this show, Its a show on MTV about this kid who acts like a [developmentally delayed], running around doing crap like putting peanut butter on his face. Anybody else think this show should be banned from TV? Whats the point of it?? And half the ignorant morons at my school says it the "best show on tv" Hell, I think they should actually put music back on MTV instead of having all these STUPID shows.












Just my opinion.

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Actualy... maybe just get MTV rid of all together? The music sucks on it anyways >_>.








But back to the point, i've never seen nor heard of that show before. But then again, I haven't seen nor heard of a lot of stuff.

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There are worse things on TV.








End Topic.








not s ure about this, his show is just the worst thing on air, id rather watch cspan for 12 hours and have drool hanging out of my mouth than watch that show, its horrible its stupid its the worse thing on tv

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Apparently, he is also married and has two kids.








I wonder what it would be like to be Andy Milonakis' kid?








Actually. No, I don't. Nevermind.

Things are sick and twisted from too much sun and Nazis.

Sex, meth, and death fetishes, both of them have got these.

Guarenteed not to bore ya, Germany or Florida!

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Apparently, he is also married and has two kids.








I wonder what it would be like to be Andy Milonakis' kid?








Actually. No, I don't. Nevermind.








Ew. Who'd want to marry him? Or have kids with him? :?


Retired tip.it moderator.

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You want to ask him questions like "Are you married?" and "Did you go to college?" but those questions seem inappropriate or ridiculous. (The answers are no and no, for the record.)








http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/co ... 71_pf.html








Unless you can prove to me he's married, I'm sticking to this.


Retired tip.it moderator.

Teaching and inspiring.

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Actualy... maybe just get MTV rid of all together? The music sucks on it anyways >_>.








Nah, we should keep them. They broadcast orignal Japanese horror movies, which are tons better than the remakes that come out three years later. :P








I haven't seen the program, but I think there are worse programs, like those phone games.
















It lives in africa and will eat you when it sees you, what animal is this?










Signature by Maurice Sendak

When the stars make you drool just like a pasta fazool, that's amore!

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I don't see the arrival of such a show as surprising considering that the type of comedy featured on it is basically how the majority of youth in this country make eachother laugh when they're hanging out. It's just a guy runnig around doing random stuff and acting intentionally stupid. I'd say most people have at one time or another joked around in an totally goof manner with their friends and as far as the misbehaving in public....the rent-a-cops around here have a full time job just chasing kids at the mall who bother shoppers. Most every teen at one time or another has been dared by their friends to go do something really stupid like hit on a hot chick with some incredibly corny punch line to see if she'll knee him in the groin, or maybe going up to some guy and telling him that you're imagining his girlfriend naked just to see if he'll punch you in the face. That's just the state of american youth culture.








I think you underestimate the depths of stupidity that television is probing as of late. All of tv is being slowly but surely engulfed by the black hole that is reality tv and hardly any of it is original. They just take an assortment of volatile people and mix them together like nitro glycerin and let us sit and watch for an explosion. Occasionally they add a twist(who am I kidding, it's not much of a twist because they all do it) and throw in some sort of competition for money which is the equivalent of throwing a live rat into a barrel full of ill-tempered starving rattle snakes and then shaking it up for good measure. Oh and they usually include some sort of way for all of them to stab eachother in the back to get the money instead of just making it a good clean competition. They know we all enjoy watching human beings stoop to unbelievable levels out of sheer greed.








For crying out loud, one of MTV's biggest shows was the Ozbournes and all it is, is a bunch of people running around cursing at eachother and at the dogs for crapping on the carpet. Occasionally the none stop cursing is interrupted by the kids acting spoiled and bratty or the dad trying to figure out the tv cuz he's a frickin moron. Of course he can't figure out the tv and just resumes the cursing because he can't grasp the controls of a tv......








Then there was the Anna Nicole show....that actually made it into it's second season! SECOND SEASON!?!?!? MTV isn't just going to run shows for the heck of it, if they arn't getting ratings they won't get paid as much for advertisements so they wouldn't run the show without good ratings. But to get good ratings it means people ACTUALLY WATCHED IT!








I can understand why people might tune in to watch the show once....who could resist tuning in at least once, just to see what all the fuss is about, especially since it's about a former playboy playmate, model, billionaire's widow who has two D size breast implants crammed in each boob,(I"m sure that inspired at least a few guys to tune in long enough to see how fat she'd gotten) who carries around an urn with her dead 90 year old husband's ashes in them and talks like her brain was liquified by drug use and ran out her ears while her dog humps a teddy bear in the background? I'm sure someone at MTV thought that show was bullet proof but despite the shocking fact that it actually made it to it's second season before it was cancelled tells you what kind of garbage the average tv user is used to viewing.








When it comes down to it, some guy going around acting like an idiot to make us laugh isn't really that bad......

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that show is so lame.... its like watching a fishbowl without a fish -.-








id rather go to school then watch that show well.... school bites too, guess ill rather be nice to my sister








jackass - funny as hell




some fat kid doing crap - kill him :evil:

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You want to ask him questions like "Are you married?" and "Did you go to college?" but those questions seem inappropriate or ridiculous. (The answers are no and no, for the record.)








http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/co ... 71_pf.html








Unless you can prove to me he's married, I'm sticking to this.








*apologizes for misleading forum*








Just something I heard somewhere, I'm not surprised it isn't true. I'd prefer not to think about it, in any case.

Things are sick and twisted from too much sun and Nazis.

Sex, meth, and death fetishes, both of them have got these.

Guarenteed not to bore ya, Germany or Florida!

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.Definitely the stupidest show ever, but it doesn't surprise me at all that this crap is on MTV.








I would have never guessed he was 27. I've only seen about half of 3 episodes from when I was browsing channels. (That's all I could take...) And yes, all MTV is anymore is shows that dont make sense like 'Punk'd'...now that show REALLY has no meaning to it. :roll:

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According to IMDB, he was born in 1976. That's crazy.. he doesn't look or sound anywhere near that old..








The link that was posted earlier in the thread explained that he has some kind of growth hormone disorder. So that would explain it.

Things are sick and twisted from too much sun and Nazis.

Sex, meth, and death fetishes, both of them have got these.

Guarenteed not to bore ya, Germany or Florida!

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According to IMDB, he was born in 1976. That's crazy.. he doesn't look or sound anywhere near that old..








The link that was posted earlier in the thread explained that he has some kind of growth hormone disorder. So that would explain it.








Yep, sure would.

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so what the link is saying that his body skipped puberty.








But at least he has a GINORMOUS PACKAGE.








That's right. Andy Milonakis doesn't need no puberty. Andy Milonakis gots the goods.

Things are sick and twisted from too much sun and Nazis.

Sex, meth, and death fetishes, both of them have got these.

Guarenteed not to bore ya, Germany or Florida!

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