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TWR multi clanning rule?


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Loyalty is for one clan and one clan only. Loyalty can be for a team but a clan is always priority.




I look at it this way.




Single Clan = Good Relationship.


Multi Clanning = Cheating in a relationship.


Team = Bisexual relationship allowed by the clan.


Country Clan = Kinky Thing I Don't want to get into.






LLL. But seriously why be in two clans? To help another clan out? How so? or maybe cause your friends are there? Pick one or the other. IF your in a clan trying to help it, you being in two clans isn't showing the clans actual potential. For Example TK has a load of multi-clanners, its just not right.




If you have people in other clans at least call yourself a Team. No dissing on anyone but I think a Clans a clan and a teams a team. Some people need to realize that.


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IRC:Strikee | Illusion Leader | GFX Tag: .Strike

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Should we have a poll?


Based on the nature of this dispute I don't think a poll would really help.


Why not? If we narrow it down to about 3-5 choices, this could happen.




Best way to handle this imo.




Well narrowing it down seems to be the problem :)

"It's not a rest for me, it's a rest for the weights." - Dom Mazzetti

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Loyalty is for one clan and one clan only. Loyalty can be for a team but a clan is always priority.




I look at it this way.




Single Clan = Good Relationship.


Multi Clanning = Cheating in a relationship.


Team = Bisexual relationship allowed by the clan.


Country Clan = Kinky Thing I Don't want to get into.






LLL. But seriously why be in two clans? To help another clan out? How so? or maybe cause your friends are there? Pick one or the other. IF your in a clan trying to help it, you being in two clans isn't showing the clans actual potential. For Example TK has a load of multi-clanners, its just not right.




If you have people in other clans at least call yourself a Team. No dissing on anyone but I think a Clans a clan and a teams a team. Some people need to realize that.




ROFL at ur comparisons. just rofl.


Yes multiclaning might be unloyal, and a bad thing, specialy for the clans because the member prefers to be with the other clan at one time and with that clan at another etc and you cant really rely on multiclanners for any event IMHO.




But I think the rule is ok, that way it doesnt affect the TWR rankings and it gives clans that accept multiclanners the possibility to be in here.




Also what would happen to the teams and country clans in the TWR? :S.




person who won the most awards: Generaldesor


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I'm in Team TKO Blitz and PKM. I have to choose which one to fight for within TWR. I think that multi-clanning should be allowed because it's up to the clans themselves to police this. For example, if a PKM vs Tko Blitz war happens, it should be up to each clan/team's rules to choose who to fight for. I personally see no problem with me fighting with TKO Blitz against other clans.


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I think the rule is fine as it is, and if a clan has multiclanners, well that just makes the clan look bad. The rule was put in place, if anyone remembers, because BEFORE a war even took place the declaration topic would take up 8-9 pages of lists of multiclanners. Then AFTER the war there would be a victory topic with 8-9 pages of disputes by the defeated clan of multiclanners in the war. If the multiclanning rule returned to the way it was before, it would make a lot of clans (since several clans on here have people in PK clans) inactive as they would just become fed up with all the arguing on TWR and leave




Well of course you say that, considering you have members from DK and VR. =D>




Like I've said, we need to make a comprimise. The rules shouldn't give an advantage to anyone. That means that a clan with a ton of multi clanners should be at a same advantage with a clan that allows NO multi clanners. That's why I think the best possible solution is a multi-clanning cap of 5 people per clan from clans outside the TWR, and to keep the current newly announced rule where no person is allowed in 2 clans/teams in the TWR.




Thought I'd post this btw, since I Lol'd at it when I saw it:








The red is pro flaming. This is the problem we have.

New account: Jack

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Too keep it simple, I made a new topic where I'm going to add a poll to soon. Just so the topic only has the updated information, and people aren't confused since we just had a new rule in the TWR about multiclanning.




Closing this topic, discuss on viewtopic.php?f=39&t=801768 where I'll add a poll later to decide.


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