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Documentary of a Blue Polar Bear. Blog to 99!

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Yo homie! This blog is old, and I'm reviving it. So if you're reading this skip these first two page and head on ova to my new-ish intro. Or if you want you can read all this stuff, but eh...

New Start, New Intro


Or skip this whole mess and just jump here.. It's mah new blog, in a new place.


[hide=]Somewhere along this blog I will forget to update but reach my goals. And somewhere along life I’ll earn a degree in Aerospace Engineer. Which will come first? I don’t know but if you’re reading this you are my audience.




About Me



[hide=]My name is Meghan and I am an 18 year old high school graduate on my way to Ohio State University this fall. I will be majoring in Aerospace Engineering with a minor in Astronomy. I do activities just like any other young adult. I play soccer, hanging out with friends on occasions, events in the city, videogames, TV, computer, etc.[/hide]


About me in Runescape

[hide=]My name is Polarbearblu and I’ve been on adventures since 2005. I’ve done every F2P quest, have access to 3 guilds (last I checked), and as of yesterday I have a Combat level of 80. Things are going good so far.

In my early days I was a lonely newcomer looking to play the game and gain fame. Of course when I got lost around Falador (at the time I didn’t know it) and got killed by a guard I found out this wasn’t a quick and easy play. But with hard work and a lot of mining I found my way around and soon became one of the many players helping noobs who begged for change the bank (note: I never did such things, I was proud to earn my little 300gp and invest my soul into selling bronze swords).[/hide]


Reason for the blog

[hide=]I worked hard to complete each quest and feel the since of accomplishment. Every attack level, defense level, strength potion, and swing of my steel was to kill the vampire at Draynor Manor. Every coal ore I mined before the Mining Guild was to make new weapons (sadly I sold coal too so there is an even bigger gap between my mining and smithing than already in the game). And then the unthinkable happened…

Jagax changed. You see I had completed every quest and I was intended to train until level 80 so I can do some good old fashion PKing. Every since I was a level 45 in the wild I never went again because my computer froze while I was on tip.it on to find I was getting a melee beat down by a guy 10 levels higher. I died. That was my second and last death (later I would return and almost kill a guy for a runebattle axe but he ran once he found out he couldn’t kill me. He attacked me first). But as I was training my combat and miming/smithing as of December 10, 2007 Runescape in an attempt to fix Real World Trading took out the PKing in the wild and limited trading. What the heck was THAT?

While I was looking forward to PKing I wasn’t upset with the changes.

“…now is not the time to be whining and complaining for what's been done to be undone but the time to start coming up with ideas (that are feasible) to adjust the new updates to improve the game for us players while helping Jagex win its war on RWT.” – Maunglord

But for some odd reason I didn’t take advantage of the updates. I just continued to mine, got bored, and stopped. Somewhere between 3 to 6 months I quit playing to focus on getting ready for college and school. After a while I came back but for no more than a month at a time. Two months ago, an idea hit me. I would earn 99 in almost every skill as a F2P.[/hide]



[hide=]So by now you know that I want 99 in all F2P skills as a F2P. But with 15 F2P skills I decided that would be a little much. Possible, yes. Will I do it? No. However, I will attempt to 8 F2P skills as a F2P and never becoming a member. Now why would I, or why have I not become a P2P. Well I have many reasons why.

1. I had just got a checking account

2. I don’t have $6 a month

3. Runescape didn’t have prepaid cards like WoW did

4. The only 7-eleven I know about is downtown. I’m not going downtown just for one.

5. I’m going to college.

6. If I buy a card for 30 days and only play 2 days I’ll be po’d. etc


I can sit and try to come up with reasons all day. Including why I would.

1. More content.

2. Members always get new quest.

3. I did all the F2P quest

4. Access to all minigames

5. Easier to level up and make money

6. Prepaid cards. etc.


But the number one reason why I would not become a member is because...




I’m Cheap.




I could do better thing with 6 dollars. That and as a college student I’ll need it. So as a F2P I will get 99 in my highest skill, starting with combat.[/hide]




Current Stats and Progress







Combat Progress bars on page 2 as well.[/hide]


Join me as I work to my goal for that sense of accomplish. As check my guide to see how I get there. You might find this as a nice little guide too. But mostly just a blog. And thanks for reading![/hide]


"Goals dont have a deadline." -xxxgod quoting Lady Shahdie

[slayer "Essentials"][click pic for main blog][click quote for mini blog][Worthwhile Auras]

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Good Luck with getting 99 in all those skills!!


I know it will be difficult but I also know you can do it!


You will feel very accomplished when you complete your goal!


:thumbsup: :D \:D/



My Blog: http://forum.tip.it/...el#entry3250508

My Forum entry: QFC - 48-49-627-63687284

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:thumbsup: good luck on your goals! 99s in f2p are very very hard. just dont ever give up! a good friend of mine once said, "goals dont have a deadline"

~ 3,072nd to 99 Mining on August 30th, 2009 ~
~ 112,084th to 99 Magic on April 16th, 2011 ~

~ 131,681st to 99 Crafting on March 29, 2019 ~

~ 178,385th to 99 Prayer on April 2, 2019 ~

~ 234,921st to 99 Defence on May 9, 2019 ~

~ 173,480th to 99 Herblore on June 21, 2019 ~

~ 155,160th to 99 Smithing on July 16, 2019 ~

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Thanks battlerifel and xxxgod. I will try my best. Also xxxgod, I love that quote. And for the sake of awesomeness will use it so, credit to you of course.




Tomorrow's Post [Centrel Standard Time]




Act 1: Scene 1: White Knight Invasion


"Goals dont have a deadline." -xxxgod quoting Lady Shahdie

[slayer "Essentials"][click pic for main blog][click quote for mini blog][Worthwhile Auras]

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Hey, you might want to add some cool looking images to your goals, use tip.it's goal bar maker or draynor.net's one (Both of these are safe sites of course) you might also want to add trackers and all kind of images.




Good luck with blog


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Thanks J35u5_M4. I was actually going to put some. And so








I added an overall progress chart to the main post (the first post) of my blog. In the next post I make Ill also add some milestone charts for combat.


"Goals dont have a deadline." -xxxgod quoting Lady Shahdie

[slayer "Essentials"][click pic for main blog][click quote for mini blog][Worthwhile Auras]

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For what seem like the past few weeks I have been fighting and killing monsters to raise my Combat level. A little while ago I was a level 78 fighting Ice Gaints when a level 98 came in on me and four other people. Looking at our level he told us that it would be way better to fight Moss Giants. An hour conversation would soon follow with him eventually convincing me to go fight them in the wild. However after 2 days, 1hour a day and 5 different revenants attacking me in the middle of combat I search for different monster. This led me to a white knight invasion.




But just why would I fight White Knight? Well by the way things were explained, and that now make sense to me, I earn more exp with the same amount of food fighting monsters half my level. For explain, with one full inventory of food I could earn more exp fighting Moss Giants than level 80 beasts or Lesser Demons. You earn exp for what you hit and how hard you hit.




Now I love Ice Giants. They have low defense, big bones, good drop, and usually there isnt many folk fighting them, actually none on low populated worlds. But because they are 13 level above half mine Im not effectively earning the most exp I can. I need to fight monster no more then 5 levels above or below me.




So this is why I fight White Knights. Despite the armor, they have good drops, good training location, rates at which they regenerate is good, close to a bank, and stores. The only problem is quick access to food. But these guys even drop food. So no worries. In the past 1 ½ to 2 weeks I advanced 4 skills levels and 1 Combat level. Plus with the new notes sections and special calulators on here I know how many to kill for the next level, and I can keep track.




The follow photo is the armor and weapon I use to fight with.








I could go right to 99 from my levels now but that be stupid.


So Im going by milestone. First target levels, 70. With the expiation of mining, I will train all my stats until 70 starting with combat. Once combat is done I will move on to fishing and cooking. Next will be mining to milestone 80. Then smithing to milestone 60.




All Combat related Milestones are below.














Wish me luck! 204 White Knights until 65 Defense.


"Goals dont have a deadline." -xxxgod quoting Lady Shahdie

[slayer "Essentials"][click pic for main blog][click quote for mini blog][Worthwhile Auras]

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So I was 90 white knights away from defense level 65 when I ran out of food. So what do you do when out of food? You buy food or make your food. So I went fishing, and instead of hitting level 65 defense I hit 67 fishing!








I return back to go train after 200 lobsters and no more than 10 knights in I get pulled to a random event. After the random event I take a genie lamp and get 500 craft exp, enough to give me level 51 crafting.






Some white knight later I got 65 defense. Today was a good day.






"Goals dont have a deadline." -xxxgod quoting Lady Shahdie

[slayer "Essentials"][click pic for main blog][click quote for mini blog][Worthwhile Auras]

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Nice work,


Keep it up :thumbup:




You might want to add the white knight invasion thingie just in your first post?


or you might not do that but that's what I would do #-o :lol:






anyhows! keep it up \'


65 67 65 68 60 91 59 64


82 89 84 93 83 83 82 71



If U click this I won't eat your brain! I Plomise



angel2w.gifThank you Hawkxs For the awesome siggy!

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Thanks Ilufyou.




I was actually thinking about that but I decided not to. I didn't want to make my first post super long.


"Goals dont have a deadline." -xxxgod quoting Lady Shahdie

[slayer "Essentials"][click pic for main blog][click quote for mini blog][Worthwhile Auras]

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Holy blimp!




Did anyone notice the new animations from the new animation pack 1? I know this is a little nerdish but its kinda cool. Actually very cool. It feels realistic when my character is fighting and the knight is fighting back. Its so fluent. Up until the death. And my rune scimitar looks good. But enough about that.








Since I now have a level 66 in attack, I am 4 levels away from 70 in each combat skill I am trying to level to 99. Almost there.


"Goals dont have a deadline." -xxxgod quoting Lady Shahdie

[slayer "Essentials"][click pic for main blog][click quote for mini blog][Worthwhile Auras]

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Gratz on all cb stats Upsidedown 99 \'<3:


Btw U inspired me. I feel like killing White knights to :lol:


It's just the feeling I won't do it tough. White knights are to much ftw ::'


65 67 65 68 60 91 59 64


82 89 84 93 83 83 82 71



If U click this I won't eat your brain! I Plomise



angel2w.gifThank you Hawkxs For the awesome siggy!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Having all melee skills on 70+ is a really good thing. After you have them on 70, I suggest you train strength till 99.


The reason is: With level 70 attack, you won't miss them often. So, a higher attack level may let you hit them a bit often, but no much. But with a higher strength level, you do more damage which gets you more exp. Then you shuld train att and def to 99.

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Nice work on all your skills so far. As a fellow F2P'er, I know how difficult it is to train to 99.




Excellent work on your blog as well. I look forward to reading about your adventures. :D



THE place for all free players to connect, hang out and talk about how awesome it is to be F2P.

So, Kaida is the real version of every fictional science-badass? That explains a lot, actually...

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Thanks Ilufyou. You should still definitively go beat some white knights. They are cool but I need a monster than wont be as aggressive. And I like the drops. Best behind Giants for a F2P. Also thanks for the advice ElChris. Ill try it. And thanks Kaida23. I hope you get to 99 mining.




So lately Ive been slacking. By now I would have been at least three levels up in attack by now. But Ive been a little lazy, plus I had to study for the past three weeks and set one day aside to take my math placement test for school. But I plan to get on the ball. Even with the two days of orientation for school I will take this week to get in gear.


"Goals dont have a deadline." -xxxgod quoting Lady Shahdie

[slayer "Essentials"][click pic for main blog][click quote for mini blog][Worthwhile Auras]

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Members > 1 lunch a month.


If you turn your screen upside down you have 99 melees.


GRATS ON 99@!@!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




Oh how I wish that would appy in game. Turn it upside down and your combat level shoots up!








So... with the new level I have two choices. 274 white knights to kill or 149 cockroach soliders to slay. Also I'm thicking of going to try my hand at bounty hunting.


"Goals dont have a deadline." -xxxgod quoting Lady Shahdie

[slayer "Essentials"][click pic for main blog][click quote for mini blog][Worthwhile Auras]

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Gratz on 67 Attack!!!!


I would kill the Cockraoch Soldiers because you have a small chance for a rune drop. And those are always nice!




They are! I got 3 rune square shields but I really want a rune scimmy so if I lose it on a PvP I won't feel so bad because I'll have another. Or I could just use my addy set...


"Goals dont have a deadline." -xxxgod quoting Lady Shahdie

[slayer "Essentials"][click pic for main blog][click quote for mini blog][Worthwhile Auras]

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Yesterday I earn a few unwanted but still good levels. Actually the cooking level was wanted.


[hide=Yesterday's levels]49firemaking.jpg65cooking.jpg[/hide]




Today I earned a level in fishing and cooking.








Instead of Bounty Hunter I'm going to Duel Arena to since I have 500 cooked lobsters after I eat a lunch. Maybe I'll play a stacked duel.


"Goals dont have a deadline." -xxxgod quoting Lady Shahdie

[slayer "Essentials"][click pic for main blog][click quote for mini blog][Worthwhile Auras]

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People might say the game had a glitch. But I say I was fighting ghost.




[hide=Ghost or glitch]Spiritofthewhiteknight1.jpgSpiritofthewhiteknight2.jpgspiritofthewhiteknight3.jpg[/hide]




In any event I did some Duel Arena and Bounty Hunter before going back to knights to advance 2 attack levels and one combat level. I almost have 70 attack. Im also still just 4 levels away from 70 in strength and defense. By time I get 70+ combat I should be level 85.




[hide=Bounty Hunter]PvP-1.jpg[/hide]




Oh and I cant forget about good ol mom




[hide=Damn you M.O.M]stupidmom.jpg[/hide]




Lastly I decided to put a clan up. However it will more than likely not be for getting together and smashing folk on PvP. I dun have the money for that. I'll be using that to avoid adding people to my friend list at the moment (trying to clean that out) and I'm actually looking for a duel arena sparring partner that is a level 70 through 85. So if you even wanna chat stop by Absolutezero (I'm kinda nerdish).


"Goals dont have a deadline." -xxxgod quoting Lady Shahdie

[slayer "Essentials"][click pic for main blog][click quote for mini blog][Worthwhile Auras]

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So I hit 70 attack and 46 prayer earning combat level 83. Next I got 2 levels on defense making it 68. I also got one hitpoint level (it took forever). Tomorrow and Thursday I will try for 70. Then on to strength.


"Goals dont have a deadline." -xxxgod quoting Lady Shahdie

[slayer "Essentials"][click pic for main blog][click quote for mini blog][Worthwhile Auras]

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  • 2 weeks later...

A quick update.




I got 70 defense, 47 prayer, 67 attack, and 49 woodcutting. I am now fishing so I can have enough food to get 70 strenght.


"Goals dont have a deadline." -xxxgod quoting Lady Shahdie

[slayer "Essentials"][click pic for main blog][click quote for mini blog][Worthwhile Auras]

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