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Tyler's party


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When I was much younger....Sorry, I should explain what has happened first. I have been pressganged into a band of scavangers who's only goal seems to have been to loot the fortress to the north. I am standing alone in a building, the first time I have been truely alone since we left Marlburg, try to let some of my emotions out before they flare out into a ramage....As I was saying, when I was much younger I was once kidnapped, is kidnapped the right word? Relocated perhaps...In any case I was taken away from the other refuguees that I had adopted as my family. A band of soliders...that is to say the government paid their wages but we all knew that they were mercenaries, but then we all knew that the government was false, so I say kidnapped....




When I was much younger I was kidnapped by those hired to protect me. I was forced to endure death on a daily basis, inflicting it not...though I do wish...sometimes...




They took me to a processing facility, showed me the VA tape, that is Video Audio, the title was something innane like 'A guide to a better life'....they brainwashed me. They convinced me that what they said was good, that I needed to exploit and be exploited, that only by being exploited by my superoirs could I find the truth and only by exploiting my inferiors could I survive. It all made sense...those who were better than would know more, while those who were below me had items that I needed....


I became an overseer-er at the seventh district mining facility, then the sixth, then the first provincial mining district, then finally the chief overseer of KV-N1-19...the planet I had been sent to after...Well what happened.




In that time I sent thousands to their deaths, condemned millions more to the life that I thought I had escaped and made hundreds more of the blood sucking parasites which had kidnapped me. I suppose I think of that now because of the people around me...They have just gone to claim the belongings of this place, without regard for who might be here, nor for if they might return. They pulled me in for a few moments, I went to get a bow, and before I had walked five yards I was hit by the wave of revulsion of becoming a looter once again.




I have discarded that bow, the arrows I have kept...Scavagening is not looting, scavangening is taking what has been discarded, looting is taking what has been dropped, lost or otherwise taken. These arrows are no longer their owners, but free for anyone to take...that bow is still someones, be it the man who made it, the man who used it or the man who killed the last two...It is not mine.








I am still wandering around, still looking for some scrap of living civilisation...I walk the corridors of these deserted...well not deserted, what would they be? They are not empty, nor abandonded...just without people...these lost buildings. I walk along these corridors in buildings without incident for joy or remorse, merely the sense that what once was is not now....I am not sure if that is a good thing or a bad thing.




I have found the records room, while the others went to loot the houses I went to the yellow zones in the central north of the city...Most of it is market place, but at its core is the palace...the courthouse...the buildings which don't run the city but record those who do...the place where justice and freedom are regulated and occasionally dispensed. The kind of place that I hate. The pomp and arrogance of the system, the system which regulates the industrialists and chains the workers...the middle ground which stands on the backs of the other two.




I think I have entered the courthouse. There is a single reception area, a curled wig lying on the floor behind the chair behind the desk. Perhaps the clerk's other duty was night watchman? Or perhaps he was covering the desk...or even perhaps looking for a record, like I am. His footsteps seem sensible ones to follow and I peer into the open draw, see the day planner and read. Inside there are endless lists of dates and people, dates and people. The present is impossible to determine because they could plan years...even decades in advance. I am looking around for a calandar, but there is nothing resembling one. The rest of the files are drab and pointless, listing quota after quota, punishment after reward, scandal and trial.




The door to the main chamber is locked, there are no noises on the other side so either 'The Event' occured during session or who ever was inside has died...in either case it probably would be ok to open the door.




The key was in a draw in the desk, but there was no one inside anyway. One strange thing did occur though, or rather continued to occur...A recording machine ticked round and round...It looked five sixths spent and had recorded my earlier conversation...I rewound it but there were no clues...I will play the beginning section again:




"The twenty forth year of Commander Jacorn, of the second season and forty six days, of the first hour. Commander Jacorn sentancing. This court blesses all those here present and wishes prosperity to those who obey the law and retribution to those who break our laws. All in favour?"


"We agree."


"Locksmeed finds the defendant guilty of theft, how does the court find him?"




"Mincus Davvy you have been found guilty by the courts, do you wish to go against their ruling?"


"I do"




"Do you admit that you stole five sheep from Farmer Stavros?"




"Can you explain the circumstances that you were discovered in then?"






That was it, it just cuts out, no sudden judder, no panic, just gone. Afterwards I looked around but there was nothing much in way of infomation.




The star is going down, so I should probably head back.




I know I said I was heading back but something has caught my eye, in the area outside there is a fountain, but a fountain that works in rhymic bursts, one long one, one mid length one and then five short bursts, going...well I assume anyway, north, south, east, west and then up.


Now that I am closer I can feel the energy coming off of it, its so strange to see something that is obvouisly constructed for such a normal pur-AHH! Damn! I think I have been eletrocuted. Arg! Some sort of flipping barrier. Give me a minute...


Lets see...If I...And then... No. Ok...Lets try. Yup, Rubber defeats electric here too. Beyond the barrier there is the fountain, which I now see is merely a large stone split in half and nine smaller stones. There are four stones on the floor, in a square, and four stones on the large stone, in a square. Then the other small stone is in the...No, Wait... It seems to be carried by the...but there is no....Hmmmm...There is no water source, it just seems to appear from nowhere, while the stone in the middle, the ninth stone...this would be so much easier with a visual recorder... The ninth stone is carried in the jet of water...I wonder if...Ooops.




Well I have recovered the water stone...I took one of the other stones away and it suddenly flew off to the side...what can you do... Anywho there are markings on the bottom of this stone, and markings on the other stones...but the four on the floor all have the same makings, and the four on the stone have similar, but not the same, markings...This one though is different entirely. Now then, can I get it back into position?




The simple answer is no. It looks like some precision engineering job which is far beyond me...well at the moment anyway. With the stone safely tucked inside my spider web bag I continue back towards the others, hoping...just hoping, that they haven't looted too much.






OOC: Going slightly into the future here because you have backed me into a corner with the words...So feel free to report my little outburst in your own dialogues.




IC: Those damned plifers! I show them evidence of magic and the instant they see if they want its power! 'But think of what we could do, we could get home!' Why not just say what they are thinking 'It can take us who so that we can rule as kings!' Is that all they think about! All the death and destruction that has happened here and all they thing is 'We can get more power!' Bah! I am through with this merry band of looters...and the simple minds they have! Gah the simple minds! *Pitch of voice changes noticibly* 'The stones must have washed away the bodies' *Pitch returns to normal* what sort of idiots am I dealing with!




I went back to the fountain before I left, set the stones up how they were and placed the water stone there as well...Hopefully one of them will get zapped by the barrier and realise that its more complex than just a portable hose!


Oh but then there was that Hawks fellow with his wonderful ideas! 'They killed the king because of the stone, I bet they did'...WHERE THE HELL IS THERE EVIDENCE OF A KING!


Their miserable little pool of infomation, a sheet of paper with a drawing on! I didn't even need to listen to their explaination of why it was important...clearly it was proof of a plot by the Anti-Snake league, but the snakes beat them to it, instead the snakes ate them all! How brilliant their deductive abilities are! I am suprised they didn't wade into the river thinking it was a path!




I have told them I am heading south and not to follow me, I have no desire to be part of their merry little witch hunt, nor to spend a second longer in their company...I may need help surviving in this world, but looting is not the kind of help that I need or desire!

Well I knew you wouldn't agree. I know how you hate facing facts.

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Archimage left. He threw away the bow, but for some reason kept the arrows. He also put the stone back in the fountain where he found it.




It makes me wonder why he's here. He passed up a chance to return, gave away his equipment for survival, and walked out into the danger of the outside world. I thought about following him, protecting him, but decided against it for fear of what he might do.




So, the three of us, Mr. Kay, Hawks, and I, walked into the fort, found beds, and slept.

My skin is finally getting soft
I'll scrub until the damn thing comes off

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That night, while the other two slept, I went out to the fountain. It wasn't that I wanted them not to know, or to keep it for myself, it's just that...well, I wanted to look at the stone. It wasn't a rune, and I needed to know how magic worked in this world.




After the initial shock from the protection on the fountain, I killed the trap. My skills as a thief always come in handy. I picked out the stone, stopping the flow of water, and crept back to my room.




I spent the night examining it. I found three things about it:the spell ran on symbols; the spell wouldn't teleport anything, it merely acted as a place for whatever was being teleported to land, an anchor if you will; and the symbols worked exactly like runes from my world.




So, now I can cast magic, once I have memorized what symbols do what, and have found some charcoal to write on the papyrus I made so long ago. As soon as I can find a list of symbols, I can make another portal blade and get back to my world, see what Lucien's men did.




I set to work on a spell that would teleport me to the hallway, in order to show Hawks and Mr. Kay what I had found.

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I'll scrub until the damn thing comes off

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The spell...overshot. I ended up outside the wall of the fort, between the mountainous rocks and the wall.




I started back, and before I had gotten fifteen feet, I tripped. I looked up, and found a book lying on the ground at my feet. I sat up and picked it up, stashing it in my pocket to look at back in the fort. However, as I got to my feet, a sudden pain shot through my leg, thrashing. I quickly sat back down, then assessed my situation. I determined that my leg was broken, and the surrounding area was impossible to crawl through. Gritting my teeth, I tried standing again, got myself up and leaned against the wall, and starting inching along slowly, ignoring the pain as best I could.




I made it about five feet. Then I passed out.

My skin is finally getting soft
I'll scrub until the damn thing comes off

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The first thing I noticed was the pain. It seared through me, twice as strong as before, making me wish I was not conscious. The second thing I noticed was the book pressing into the leg. I rolled over, once more ignoring the pain, but more successfully this time, and pulled the book out of my pocket.




It was the one I had tripped on. However, as I touched it, I felt the pain ebb away, distant and fleeting, as if it didn't matter. I dropped it and the pain came back in full. I quickly picked up the book again, and flipped it open to see what it was.




The pages were covered with the symbols for magic that this world used, along with a description of what each symbol would do, and terms I couldn't begin to understand, but I instinctively knew would tell me how to piece them together, if I could just understand the terminology. However, the second half of the book was ripped out, and the first half was torn and beaten to the point of illegibility in most areas. I closed the book again, and saw the title was written in the symbols.




For the next fifteen minutes, I leafed through the book, finding the symbols on the title and piecing them together as best I could. I found that most of the symbols corresponded to the five senses, and the other symbols were what I would have said were elemental, but were listed as modifiers in the book, with no other instructions or information.




I again started looking through the book, this time looking for specific things, symbols that would do something exact. After another fifteen minutes of looking, I figured I could risk writing another spell. With the convenient writing utensil that fell out of the book's binding, which was not charcoal, but after experimenting I determined that it was designed for the same purpose, and was much more portable, albeit harder, I started writing a spell on my leg that would heal it, or so I hoped.




I finished the spell, and put down the book, as a test. The pain did not return. Suddenly, I felt a cool feeling up my leg, and a red colored insect appeared on my leg. It looked like a spider, but as if it belonged on the water, indeed looking like it could have floated on water if it was near to any.




As the process completed itself, or at least the beginning of it, after which I would be able to walk, I heard Hawks and Mr. Kay's voices in the direction of the fort, yelling my name as if searching. I stood up-the spider thing followed my motion I noticed-and scratched onto the wall the spell I had cast that morning, with the fourth element I had been missing that morning. This time, it worked.

My skin is finally getting soft
I'll scrub until the damn thing comes off

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Tyler appeared out of thin air in front of Hawks and Mr. K.




"Oh, well hello Tyler. Sorry we didn't come looking for you earlier... We thought you left, then we heard weird noises and came looking... Your leg looks bad, you wanna come lie down and we'll see what we can do?"

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"Yeah, you should better patch it up before we... hey, what are we going to do next? We found out the fort was sabotaged, all of the people disappeared, probably because of this.. stone," My voice was going louder. "you seem to have broken your leg for a strange reason, Archimage left us for god knows what reason! I have no idea why we are here, we can't seem to get any closer to resolving that question either. Now, what the hell are we going to do?!"




I felt so good after letting that out of me, I was calm again and just sat down on the ground at sighed.


... Is this a dream?

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"Well, to answer your questions," I said, "The people didn't disappear because of the stone. I went and pulled it out of the fountain last night, and it was a teleportation spell from some spring somewhere, in order to create the fountain. I broke my leg after misfiring a different teleportation spell that I wrote and ending up outside the fort. I tripped over a book, thus breaking my leg, but inside the book were the symbols that are the basis of magic in this world, so I was able to repair my leg and get back inside the fort walls. Archimage most likely left because I'm here, as he thinks I tried to kill him the first time I met him. We're here because we all agreed that this was the best place to check for clues as to what happened to the people of this world, and thus far it was. As for what the hell we're going to do-" I joined Mr. Kay on the ground. "We're going to look at this book, see what you guys think of it, and then we're going to share why we're on this world, and what our goals are."

My skin is finally getting soft
I'll scrub until the damn thing comes off

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  • 4 weeks later...

We discussed the book for a while. I was surprised that no one asked me how I knew how to string the symbols together. Or should I say glyphs. That's what Hawks called them, and though he didn't know how to string them together, he seemed to know what he was talking about. Mr. K was quiet most of the time, but he did admit that it was similar to magic on his world, but not exactly the same, however he didn't know much about how it worked.


After about an hour of bouncing theories off each other, we felt we had discussed that enough. We walked into a nearby home-my leg felt a lot better now-and I started a fire up and started to cook the last of the fish I still had from the river. I was quite happy to be rid of them, but I did realize I would need to eat quite a bit to get my strength up. *sigh* Irony...


"So," I said. "Now that we've gone through that book, we should go back to how we got here, and why. I'll start, I guess."


The other two muttered their agreement, and I began.


"I'm from a world called" I paused, deciding which name to use. "Runescape. At least that's what the people call it, the gods call it Gielinor. And I guess that's where it starts. On that world, the gods had a terrible war, 2 ages ago, which destroyed the northern half of the world, and threatened to destroy everything. However, not every god participated, and one particular god was asleep during the war. His name was Guthix, and he is the god of balance. It's what he strives for, balance in everything. And the war, the God Wars, as it-they-were called, disrupted that balance, and woke him.


"He saw the destruction, and came back to the world, and stopped the war. He banned the other gods-any of them-from ever entering the world again, and went back to sleep. And, with that, the war stopped, and though some feuds live on even today, mostly the survivors of every race picked themselves up and rebuilt.


"However, the gods left behind some very powerful weapons, two of them being the Staff of Armadyl-another god, and in some ways the reason for the God Wars-and the Stone of Jas, the source of all magic on Runescape. Armadyl's remaining followers had the staff, and protected it well for a long time, and Guthix hid the Stone, but something as powerful as those couldn't have stayed down forever.


"A man-no, not a man, a Mahjarrat is what his species is called-found out about the staff. He couldn't get it himself, he was too weak, so he found an adventurer, and sent him to retrieve it. That was me, that was where I came into this whole thing. Maybe it would have been better if I had just said no then. But I didn't.


"I fought through a dungeon, defeated a giant made of fire with arrows made of ice, and met the guardians of the staff. I told them my mission, and they enlightened me to Lucien's mission. That was his name, Lucien. I agreed that he needed to be stopped, and killed him. So I thought. My life passed, and I became a great adventurer, a member of the Legend's guild, and very much a helper of people. Then I got a mission from the Legend's guild master, to help the druids convert the Karamjans to Guthix. I accepted, and when I visited the druid, I found out that it was not a mission to convert anyone, but rather to stop Lucien, who I had long thought dead. To make a long story short, Lucien had survived, gotten ahold of the Staff of Armadyl, and in the subsequent battle to defeat him the world lost six of it's greatest heroes, and of which only two survived, plus me. Then, those I was working with found something else, and that was what Lucien's secret finder had found-the Stone of Jas. I went to where it was, found it, and defeated its guardian. Then Lucien came, and attacked me, took the stone, and summoned two demons to kill me. I, however, had the power of the Stone coursing through my body, and easily defeated them.


"About two months later, a second Mahjarrat had been brought to power, and I allied myself with him. In the ritual to restore the power of the Mahjarrat, I fought Lucien face to face, but this time I was prepared. I had a weapon, called the portal blade, which was able to cut holes in the very fabric of the universe, portals, if you will, to another world, that I had made, which was the only thing able to kill a Mahjarrat other than another Mahjarrat. I killed him, with a hole into this world, but in the fight afterwards, against his minions, I was pushed through the portal I had made." I pulled the fish off the fire, before it burned.


"So now, I need to get back to my world, and make sure the Mahjarrat I allied with didn't take Lucien's place. That's my goal in this world."


Ooc:Glad to be back to Rusco. <3:

My skin is finally getting soft
I'll scrub until the damn thing comes off

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OOC: I think.. I have an excessive number of shiny mod buttons in this forum. Anyway. Rusco being back is win.


"I'll go next, then. I'm from a place called Earth Mark II, it's never been explained to me why it's called that, anyway, most people just call it Earth. The year is, or was when I left, 2732. I was a semi-successful actor and body double in a fair number of action films, and I was in a reality holo-show once upon a time. I went to college on a full ride scholarship due to my aptitude for math and science, and I have a degree in mechanical engineering, as well as electronics engineering, only that won't do much good here."


"If there's something I didn't explain well, or you want to know more about, just ask. At the moment I can't think of anything else important."

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"Wow, this must be something extraordinary, are you from the future?! Oh an once I finish my story, why don't you, Hawkxs tell us how you got here. But first..

I am from Eastern Gielinor, we don't call it Run's Cape." "Runescape" Tyler quickly said. "Sorry. We have our own gods, but we don't worship them very often or anything, mostly we are just living our peaceful life. Most of us are hard-working citizens and obey the laws. I myself am a hunter working for the City of Free Sturmfall. I don't think we have holo-thingies, but but we do use magic, haven't seen a wizard in action though. We don't trade much but our high rulers are looking into finding more civilizations to the west, I guess I just found one of their representers." I smiled at Tyler. "I got to this place by finding a strange shining portal in the woods nearby my house, I stepped into it, partly of curiosity, partly because the portal kind of pulled me. Anyways here I am! I actually have no idea what am I doing here, but time will tell. Nothing happens without a reason!"

I concluded my story and leaned back.

"Hey, we should name this strange place. How about something simple? Like Rusco or along the lines of that?"

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So, there's more of Runescape to the east? Dear Armadyl, how have we never known about them, but they knew about us? How much were they affected by the God Wars, did Guthix ban their gods from the world, do they know the power of magic, all questions I was very anxious to ask. I sighed. Another time perhaps. Maybe when Hawks wasn't around.


"Rusco?" I asked. "Why Rusco? Not that I really care, just curious. Yeah, that's ok with me."


If they didn't call the world Runescape in honor of the Fremennik's findings, did they now about magic? That one question kept running through my mind. I had to know the answer. And if they did, but didn't use runes, was I finally able to find out what the ancestors of those from Lunar Isle had known so long ago, what only they knew now?

My skin is finally getting soft
I'll scrub until the damn thing comes off

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"Well, it sounded right, it is written on an obelisk in the middle of our town, noone knows what it means, but strangely this sounds just right to describe this land. I guess it's something related to the god Derfall, the god we worship, half-brother of a god called Bandos," I explained.


"What are we going to do next then, lads?"

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The sudden, unexplainable flash of light sounded as Mr. Kay finished his words. The light was soundless, heat-less and, strangely, colorless. It was just a flash.


I instinctively covered my eyes, and reached for my bow. I squeezed my eyes shut, tight as they would go, and knocked an arrow, backing up slowly as I opened my eyes to the pure white afterimage.


The other two groaned from pain as, I presumed, they too opened their eyes, however I quickly blinked, trying hard to get rid of the whiteness blinding me. I hit a wall, and my vision suddenly cleared, though blurred and still very brightened.


"What the hell?" Mr. Kay said, summing up my feelings very well as I saw no enemies around me.

My skin is finally getting soft
I'll scrub until the damn thing comes off

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I shook my head violently in an attempt to get the white afterimage to go away faster. I had been sort of staring at a wall at the moment the blinding light flashed, and so it affected me less than the others.


"Some sort of violent gun-like object would have made a flash like that... But probably some kind of magic stuff. Hmm."


I took the book from where it lay on the table. I opened it, and flipped through to the back, where there was a sort of index. Searching for a specific kind of word, I quickly found it, or what I thought it was, and turned to the page. The characters were in silver ink on this page, a good sign.


"I have, as far as I know, no magical skills. The place I come from is too far separated from the natural world. Someone want to try to read that symbol, with whatever sort of magical meaning you put behind your words? If I'm correct, it should send us to the nearest town.


"I'll explain a moment. I speak another language, they call it German. It's a lot closer to the native language here (I think) and the symbols on this page should read something like 'ging von stadt', roughly meaning 'go to city'... And this text next to it reads something to the effect of, 'use for direct travel to closest town'. According to the map we all have, the nearest town should be one called Malburg.


OOC: Developing off of Archi's experience with the citizens of Malburg, if we get there, I should have less difficulty understanding them due to my knowledge of German (since the book is written this way), presumably because their language is some sort of Germanic or Latin based language. Presumably, many also speak English, although potentially very badly, so we should be fairly well off.

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"Well," I said. "Theoretically, I should be able to string this together with the glyphs from my other spell and it should take us there." I pulled out my sheets of papyrus I had made so many days ago. "Anyone have some charcoal to write these with?"


Hawks pulled an object from his pocket. "This is a pen," he explained. "It will probably write better than charcoal. I found it in one of the houses."


I drew the symbols out, checking the book a couple times to be sure I included Hawks and Mr. Kay, until it would finish itself with one more glyph


"I don't know what'll be at the other end of this teleport. We should bring supplies with us, food and perhaps weapons in case it's something nasty."

My skin is finally getting soft
I'll scrub until the damn thing comes off

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"Weapon, check," I said as I picked up the sword belt from the floor.

"Armor, as good as available, check," I continued as I took the shield from the back of the chair.

"Food..." I rummaged through the cabinets in the next room, and pulled out a lot of jars, boxes, and cans. The cans I kept. The jars I examined carefully, then chose those that looked most edible. I pulled the boxes that contained dry food items that didn't look like cat food and kept them.

"This is the food we should probably take."


I looked in the other rooms for suitable backpacks and sleeping bags. In a closet, I found a tied up bedroll and some extra blankets, along with a sort of emergency supplies pack. I carried these back to the main room then went back and found a couple of burlap sacks and a proper pack.


Bringing them back to the room, I said, "I'll carry most of the food, in the 'real' pack, and someone can take the blankets in a bag, someone else can carry the emergency pack, and the last person can carry the rest of the food and the bedroll. Sound good?"


I started putting the food in the pack, and in the process found a nice folding knife, a tinderbox, and a smallish blanket.

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We finished the packing, and took our packs. I clicked the pen's mechanism, and carefully signed the final glyph into place. The world folded, and we appeared in a square, near to a fountain. The sounds of people around took me by surprise, and I looked around to find people, not out of place in any way, bustling around everyday jobs, seeming to take it in stride that we had appeared out of thin air. My companions seemed surprised as well, as well as both of them feeling the odd effects from the first time one teleports.


"Wer Sie sind?" a man's voice asked from behind us. (Ooc:"Who are you?")

My skin is finally getting soft
I'll scrub until the damn thing comes off

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"Hallo, wir sind Auslanders... Koennen Sie Englisch sprechen, bitte? Mein Freunde sprict diese Sprach nicht."

[Hello, we're outsiders. Can you please speak english? My friends don't speak this language]


"Oh, ja, I can that do, my best is not the Engish... What need you?"


"Where are we?"


"You are in Silvero. A place to stay, you may find in the Inn, yes." he pointed towards the east, where alongside shops there was a largish pub and inn.


"Danke schoen,"

[Thanks much]


"Bitte, es war keine Problem,"

[Welcome, it was no problem]


We took our leave of the man and slowly made our way to the inn he mentioned.


"I'll probably need to teach you all some German to help here..."


OOC: Ihr is the plural of you- Ihr=you all, Sie=you (polite). Should be Wer seid ihr? (methinks. not up to scratch with conjugating for ihr)

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OOC:Well, what I did was use a translator from English to German, then switched two of the words, since it isn't actually German. I'll just go German from now on.


IC:We walked into the Inn. It was much smaller than Malburg's, but it seemed to be much the same otherwise. We walked up to the woman behind the counter. "Sprechen Sie Englisch?" He said.


"I'm sorry," the woman said, "but I don't speak that language. I'll go get Lolita, she does."


"That's alright." I said. "Hawks is actually the only person here who speaks German, so no problem. We'd like to get a room, however, through a series of events we don't have any money. Perhaps we could work our night here?"


Mr. Kay glared at me. I dismissed it for a moment.


"Umm...Is that a book of glyphs?" The woman asked. "If you could build a spell for us, I think it would be alright for you to stay here free tonight."


"I can try. I can't promise you that it'll work, I'm used to using spellbooks for anything except for teleport spells." I said.


With that, she handed me the key to our room-31 I noticed, the same as the room I stayed in at Malburg's Inn-and we went to the room, with instructions on what the spell was supposed to be, something to allow them to more easily pump water from a local spring into the kitchen of their Inn, and a copy of the current spell.


Ooc:Lol@hot topic.

My skin is finally getting soft
I'll scrub until the damn thing comes off

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I finished the spell as the others slept. It was actually quite a bit simpler than I thought it would be, it just needed a couple more glyphs and a mechanism for the handle to connect the glyphs together when turned. I packed up my things and looked out onto the street through my window, thinking about the flash of light from earlier that day, and the fact that the only people of this world were here. Maybe tomorrow I would ask about it.


As I watched, I noticed a familiar blue robe sweep through the crowd. Archimage took off down a street. The sign at the corner said Star Avenue, and I made sure to make a mental note of it, but didn't call out to him. I'm still not sure what his feelings of me are, or why he is against me-us I guess.


I decided to find out what my plans for the future were. I pulled out my map from my things, and unfolded it to find two more pieces inside, as well as being once again larger with more area.


The first piece of paper on the inside was another map, duplicate from the original except for the fact it was a political map. The other had some very interesting information on the various places, but it didn't seem to match up with what I knew of the land, because those records all listed people living in the areas, and I had found no people anywhere in those areas. However, trade definitely existed in this land, and most of seemed to be coming from the east.


I sighed. Tomorrow, I would tell the others about Archimage and the new map, and then I would see if I could find a native wizard, perhaps one who could help me build a spell to go home.

My skin is finally getting soft
I'll scrub until the damn thing comes off

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We woke up quite early next morning, Tyler was already up and giving finishing touches to his spell. He told us about seeing a glimpse of Archimage and also showed us a new map, a political one it was.

"Hey can you teach me a bit of this German?" I asked from Hawkxs.

He was willing to tutor me for a while until it was around 9 in the morning. The marmaid shouted that breakfast was ready, it wasn't much of a meal but beats being hungry half the time.


Me and Hawkxs thought we should find Archimage and if he knows anything about the citizens of this city, Ty was against it and suggested leaving him alone. I put that thoughaside for a while and thought of going looking for better weapons for us as the ones found in te fort were a bit old and partly rusty, Hawkxs wondered if there were any "guns" and Ty, well iI guess he had a couple of neat tricks in his spellbook.



OOC: I don't have any good ideas to continue the story atm. And sorry for being a bit absent, high school isn't easy y'know. Oh and btw our class started learning German this year so I also know a couple of basic dialogues.

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"Firstly we need some sort of currency. We could forage and sell what we find, attempt to magick something into existance (although I presume that won't work), or do something to create a shop. I have a sort of idea if I can get some capital. And we need to find you some books and writing stuff to practice German, I don't think we'll get far if we don't all know at least some."


Mr. Kay was intently listening, so I went on, while Tyler poured over the book in an attempt to learn more, German or glyphs, I knew not.


"I'm fairly talented at swordplay. I mean, fair enough that I won a National Championship title a few times, and nearly beat the best swordfighter in the world... Anyway, we could open a... 'dojo', for lack of a better word. I assume you both know some sort of hand-to-hand combat, and with a little information on how the glyphs work, I'm sure Tyler could be a great magic teacher. We also have the obvious first choice, offering English tutoring. Either way, we need somewhere to set up shop."


OOC: German seems to be much more popular at schools other than mine. Hopefully I can offer help if needed. And FF says dojo is not a word.

Oh, what other classes are you taking? (If I told you you'd think I was crazy, doing the homework and having time for TIF nearly every day...)

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"Yeah I think we should do that, I quite bad at sword play, but a good archer instead, I may teach you some tricks with the bow I find one."


OOC: Well there are all the usual classes, like Maths, Chemistry, etc. but also Computer classes, history of Art. It just a regular highschool in the countryside so no special classes. German is just our 3rd foreign laguage (1st English, 2nd Russian)

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