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LND vs Legendz - 1 hour CWA Run In Cleared In 45mins --


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Legends Never Die vs Legendz








2 Day Prep


Type Of Fight: 1 Hour Cap CWA PKRI


Styles: Melee Binds






» No Corrupt


» No Sniper Cap


» Rings Allowed


» RSC Allowed


» Highest Pull Attacks





LND Starting: 25


LGZ Starting: 31




War Summary




Well LND walked into this fight with decent numbers Legendz outpulling us put us at a little disadvantage, but LND had the levels and binders in this fight which Legendz did not, pile after pile dropping LGZ and even snipers getting KO's - wasn't really much of a fight, LNd members tanking for ages and eventually Legendz mass sniping, when they did do a fall in snipers either layed into the FI Leader or we piled them, Lgz soon called it off and left. LND on top for at the moment and unbeaten in 6. Tight binds, sniping and tanking. Gj LND not much else to say.










The Ending Was 65 Kill Count But LGZ Left Their CC At 17mins Left









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Better clan won on the day. I'm not gunna dispute that.




However we did have some time issues (completely my fault) as I said the war was at 3est, when it was changed to 2est. So I made a mistake in us pulling lower. So yeah, we only pulled 31 compared the the 40ish that said they was coming. My fault like I said. Also being an hour earlier than what we planned we had no experienced fall in leads (until I came about halfway-through) and that really hampered us too. It was a learning curve being our first ever PKRI war and we've learnt alot from the loss already, and plan to improve.




However, there was some pretty disgusting behaviour after the war which really annoyed us. The first being some spams from LND after I closed the cc when I called off returning to mass for another war which would be more benefical and fun, and on request too. It started with a disrespectful spam of "L in" when you was piling me, and then outside you spammed "Legendz do die", I mean wtf why say stuff like that? If it makes you feel big then whatever, but I remember when Clan Europe wrecked you and I was there, and did we flame once? No. Absolutely disgusting some of the spams. It was clear you wanted a reaction and you got it from a couple of Legendz members who did flame, who have been dealt with. I don't know what your problem with us is, perhaps that we had our slogan of "Legendz never die" before you made Legends Never Die? As for the "beefy" war SilentN described on IRC, I mean wtf? Beefy war? We've never flamed you in the past so why the hell would you have beef with us??




Then when we war was finished, I was in LND's IRC and you were saying crap like "failures", "lol they was so rubbish", "we raped them so hard", here I'll post a few screenies to jog your memory:










Then when one member of LGZ becomes interested in joining LND (as they're a team) you reply with stuff like "we don't want LGZ", "LOL they wanna join us", "we dont want them LOL", emphasised here by an LND member coming into our IRC and openly flaming us:










I mean look at the pm of the screenie of "Legendz do die", I think that dude forgets that we "cleared" you a couple of weeks back in a knock-out war. I don't know if it makes you feel good, but we're almost 15 average combats behind you, we had no fall in leads to start, and we had our lowest pull in Legendz history. Gratz on beating that? Nah, not even worth that tbh, try challenging some higher leveled clans, oh wait maybe you can't cause you'll get "cleared" like you did against Clan Europe.




If it was Knock Out we probably would have had more of a chance, but we never dropped down below 27 people when returning, whereas you peaked at around 25 with at least 20 120+. So I find the next screenie to be absolute bull tbh:








Then the same guy decided to flame even more later even though I said I was gunna screenshot any more flames.








If you think you're that good and want to flame us because we weren't good enough, then war some clans with your combat and numbers. A warning from Legendz, don't accept a war from LND. We've all seen in the last 2 days of what behaviour they do (against TDM and us), just because Majin doesn't allow it in TRWF Stewie doesn't mean you can do it in your fancy team. Gratz on the win when we're disadvantaged at the most, and then flaming after the war. Don't ever come near us again, we want nothing to do with a bunch of flaming scum (cept a few people [Quikdrawjoe, Elleandca, Trubbl didn't flame once, respected lots]). Blacklisted.

New account: Jack

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Better clan won on the day. I'm not gunna dispute that.




However we did have some time issues (completely my fault) as I said the war was at 3est, when it was changed to 2est. So I made a mistake in us pulling lower. So yeah, we only pulled 31 compared the the 40ish that said they was coming. My fault like I said. Also being an hour earlier than what we planned we had no experienced fall in leads (until I came about halfway-through) and that really hampered us too. It was a learning curve being our first ever PKRI war and we've learnt alot from the loss already, and plan to improve.




However, there was some pretty disgusting behaviour after the war which really annoyed us. The first being some spams from LND after I closed the cc when I called off returning to mass for another war which would be more benefical and fun, and on request too. It started with a disrespectful spam of "L in" when you was piling me, and then outside you spammed "Legendz do die", I mean wtf why say stuff like that? If it makes you feel big then whatever, but I remember when Clan Europe wrecked you and I was there, and did we flame once? No. Absolutely disgusting some of the spams. It was clear you wanted a reaction and you got it from a couple of Legendz members who did flame, who have been dealt with. I don't know what your problem with us is, perhaps that we had our slogan of "Legendz never die" before you made Legends Never Die? As for the "beefy" war SilentN described on IRC, I mean wtf? Beefy war? We've never flamed you in the past so why the hell would you have beef with us??




Then when we war was finished, I was in LND's IRC and you were saying crap like "failures", "lol they was so rubbish", "we raped them so hard", here I'll post a few screenies to jog your memory:










Then when one member of LGZ becomes interested in joining LND (as they're a team) you reply with stuff like "we don't want LGZ", "LOL they wanna join us", "we dont want them LOL", emphasised here by an LND member coming into our IRC and openly flaming us:










I mean look at the pm of the screenie of "Legendz do die", I think that dude forgets that we "cleared" you a couple of weeks back in a knock-out war. I don't know if it makes you feel good, but we're almost 15 average combats behind you, we had no fall in leads to start, and we had our lowest pull in Legendz history. Gratz on beating that? Nah, not even worth that tbh, try challenging some higher leveled clans, oh wait maybe you can't cause you'll get "cleared" like you did against Clan Europe.




If it was Knock Out we probably would have had more of a chance, but we never dropped down below 27 people when returning, whereas you peaked at around 25 with at least 20 120+. So I find the next screenie to be absolute bull tbh:








Then the same guy decided to flame even more later even though I said I was gunna screenshot any more flames.








If you think you're that good and want to flame us because we weren't good enough, then war some clans with your combat and numbers. A warning from Legendz, don't accept a war from LND. We've all seen in the last 2 days of what behaviour they do (against TDM and us), just because Majin doesn't allow it in TRWF Stewie doesn't mean you can do it in your fancy team. Gratz on the win when we're disadvantaged at the most, and then flaming after the war. Don't ever come near us again, we want nothing to do with a bunch of flaming scum (cept a few people [Quikdrawjoe, Elleandca, Trubbl didn't flame once, respected lots]). Blacklisted.




Flame was from certain individuals who i will be speaking to and have already made a post on ours boards about it. But what foes on in our IRC has no relevance to LGZ or anyone else, its your choice to join it - also i witnessed some flame in your own IRC and done nothing but laugh, shame your sense of humor is about as advanced as your warring. Not very.




We had beef with TDM and some beef with you's after some pretty cocky replies on topics and what not, we just love the fact that we have the actions to back up our words. As for the "L In" when we piled you - its hardly disrespectful, it was meant as a sort of diversion for those who were fallen in on you, i'm actually surprised at how much offence you've taken to something as pathetic as that.




TRWF has [bleep] all to do with what LND does and is about, we do NOT usually EVER flame, but from things that have been said between LGZ and TDM towards LND we just had to take this into our own hands. The reason we never flame against Clan Europe is because we have a nice relationship with you's, i get on with CE very well perosnally and enjoy warring against you's, i have a lot of respect for CE. If you can't handle one tower of spam after a fight then seriously, grab your nuts and pull them down a bit, maybe they'll drop.



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Lol'd yet again. You're a funny boy Stewie. :lol:




If you have beef with us because of a few replies on public forum topics then you need to grow some balls, honestly. We've had [cabbage] said about us on these forums and we've dealt with them in one way or another and now it's all good.




As for warring skill, I believe we're above you in TWR? Infact we're above a LOT of clans showing that our warring skills were honestly off today as our win percentage in our whole history is above 70%.




As for the L in, you don't quite understand what I meant when I described it as disrespectful. It was something personal that sparked emotions when you said it. So if you took that the wrong way then I'm sorry, as I could see it was sometthing either cocky/tactical at the time.




I'm not annoyed at that 1 tower of spam, it's the impression that you're giving other clans when you describe us as being crap. Which we're evidenly not or we wouldn't be Top 3 in the TWR? Some of the comments were unneccessary and you know that. Good fight I guess, it's 1-1 between us, better clan on the day won (like I've said before).

New account: Jack

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Your position on TWR means nothing. You've had more wars than we have and we havent warred TWR for a good while now.




Keep it clean from here on.




Means nothing to you maybe, but we're not high ranked for no reason, which clearly shows that today we was bad and had a major off-day.

New account: Jack

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Meh, not a fan of one-sided wars tbh.




I don't see the point of a run-in when you have a huge level advantage. That means you can simply target the low levels and get your kill count up. You must of been morale-desperate or somethin.


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=Flame was from certain individuals who i will be speaking to and have already made a post on ours boards about it. But what foes on in our IRC has no relevance to LGZ or anyone else, its your choice to join it - also i witnessed some flame in your own IRC and done nothing but laugh, shame your sense of humor is about as advanced as your warring. Not very.







And was one of the individuals you dealt with yourself?




"shame your sense of humour is about as advanced as your warring. Not very." Don't worry, war us in an official war with rules that suit both clans and we'll see what happens.




Sure the fact that we had the time wrong, and the fact that the war was originaly planned for a day earlier are just excuses, but they're valid excuses. So keep on being cocky until you war us for real. Remember this was a FUN WAR, so congratz on your meaningful win. Truly, you guys are the [cabbage] and I cannot express how awed I am by your awesome "desctruction" of us.


True Ownage Co-Leader


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Meh, not a fan of one-sided wars tbh.




I don't see the point of a run-in when you have a huge level advantage. That means you can simply target the low levels and get your kill count up. You must of been morale-desperate or somethin.




Levels shouldn't really be the reason for that lost, as you guys had no real pile during the whole war ( mass snipe fest from lgz side) and we thought you guys would of atleast pulled 50 people instead of pulling the 30/130+ members or so on your ML. And No we didn't keep targetin the lower levels..


HOpe i see you #legends-never-die if you ever feel the need to try again.

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Don't ever come near us again, we want nothing to do with a bunch of flaming scum (cept a few people [Quikdrawjoe, Elleandca, Trubbl didn't flame once, respected lots]). Blacklisted.






Elle and me would never flame a clan we like so much. <3:

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Don't ever come near us again, we want nothing to do with a bunch of flaming scum (cept a few people [Quikdrawjoe, Elleandca, Trubbl didn't flame once, respected lots]). Blacklisted.






Elle and me would never flame a clan we like so much. <3:




I'm proud of you Joe.

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You're a funny boy Stewie. :lol:



Lol! Ironic, not staying why. Only reason we called L in was because you still had a FI When we pilled you so it was tactical to confuse you.




And we will be happy to war you again. Maybe then you won't use excuses. The last war we had, LND had no callers and a very bad pull we didn't make a deal out of it. Just said GF and walked off. And yes, we do have a much better combat lvl average then you. But do I really have to point out the obvious that you have x3 our ML? I'm pretty sure 3 lvl 95s against a 120 would win because having the prayer/food bonus. So all in all, this fight WAS even. But the bad pull from you gave you an disadvantage.




Gf boys.

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But do I really have to point out the obvious that you have x3 our ML? I'm pretty sure 3 lvl 95s against a 120 would win because having the prayer/food bonus. So all in all, this fight WAS even.




Yh maybe 3 lvl 95s can beat a level 120 in a war with no run ins clever boy ;)




On the other hand, numbers don't really mean nothing in PKRIs, all about the levels. So don't use our memberlist as an escuse lol.


You had the level advantage, all you had to do is kill our 90s ;) and BOOOOM you got yourself killcounts ;)


One sided war tbh.






GF <3:



sparkle0mj.gifLeader of True 0wnagesparkle0mj.gif

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[Proud Clan Europe Senior Member]

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