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[TWR] ILLUSION SMASH, Gf Tempted Killers.


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Well i told everyone to stay off this topic, but since it has already started, I will just come out with it.




Do you guys really think you guys got those constant kills that took you guys one second to gain. We were up like..what? 45-30? Thats when the bs started coming and thats when you guys got around 20 kills in less than a minute. Someone was hacked during this war and started going in and out of the portal. It was just way to obvious because you guys got kills each second. I dont care what anyone says, but it was obvious that Tk wouldve have one this war if that didnt happen. TK knows the sitauation, and we know we would have won.




So ya...you guys didn't "smash" us, as your title says. I would just like for you guys to know what really happened. But it wasn't you fault, so have fun with the fake win.








would expet this from anyone except you.




Show us the part where we start going 123435325325 because of ur hacked guy.Otherwise I will just laugh at that excuse, lats war your excuse to mass snipe was your ts went down (clanchat anyone?) if you cant organize piles with clanchat is sad, this time , is some guy got hacked in the middle of the war? lol and logged in and all? lol seriously?








Im sorry our snipers ripped you. Wich is the truth.




No proof, No talk.






And it was 1h cap and no multiclanning, you suddently switched to 100 kills, and bring'd multiclanners.




http://img7.imageshack.us/img7/8259/20090814185142.png < first of all our lead




secondly proof to someone going in and out




(07:09:19) was watching the war and saw one of ur members portal spam


(07:09:37) what was he saying>?


(07:09:42) nothing


(07:09:47) just clicking in and out


(07:09:55) to give them kills?


(07:10:05) think so or he had bad lag






Multi rule was not set?


We change rules?-------ANy proof in anyway?


You are just all talking no HARD REAL FACTS.




Hmm... i think mods should consider something did happend to our members account? cuz he was going and out also now we have proof of our lead and going in and out

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That's funny how 2-3 ppl on 30-40s ppl on Illusion trying to defend themselves even tho we didn't offend you guys.


We were talking about someone of us who did something bad, we didn't say someone of you guys did something bad,




well gf



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LOL Ily honey, but don't be a bad boy and talk stuff you guys can't back up?




We multi?-----Where is DA PICTURE PROOF?




We change rules?-------ANy proof in anyway?




You are just all talking no HARD REAL FACTS.





Quoted a RSC post of one of your members in rsc for the win.




And again, so ur saying becuase u were 10 up in that (blurred and suspicious by the way) picture? We couldnt come back legit?




Just accept the lost with honor, Im sorry that we beasted towards the end, and at the end almost all our piles were 8-12 secs kos




person who won the most awards: Generaldesor


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DK isn't a clan that is in TWR, so its not multi clanning for a TWR war, which this was.






And yes Sparze, we would have ripped them if that whole thing with the person going in and out of portal.

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Wether or not he 'got hacked' when you realized us catching up and getting '20 kils a min ' didn't it occur to you to have some1 check for portal hopping? Then I'm sure you could have kicked him or added to ignore [ Damage still would have been done i suppose ] But still would like some more evidence.


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General, stop being a noob please, you have something to say? say it in our IRC. If you don't want to, there is 4 walls in your room where you can hit yourself on, okay?



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Wether or not he 'got hacked' when you realized us catching up and getting '20 kils a min ' didn't it occur to you to have some1 check for portal hopping? Then I'm sure you could have kicked him or added to ignore [ Damage still would have been done i suppose ] But still would like some more evidence.




IT WAS at end already by 70-90 kills you guys got in under 2 minutes lol




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all I can say. you notice a guy portal hopping and u dont kick him atleast at the 4th time, u dont show us REAL proof, post a vid tbh, our killcount NEVER WENT up 20 kills in a min, LOL, and yes some of our kills had like 3 sec delay cuz it was MAIN PILE K0 AND SNIPER K0.




I wont bother repying to this topic till you come with real proof.




person who won the most awards: Generaldesor


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Lol First of all, you tried to force us new rules ::'


Nice posts on Tip.it and RSC




We had little problem, it doesn't involve you, so congrats on win.




Btw nice "Illusion" about win




All who were there, know what really happened. If there is video, it should show




Tip.it Moderators can give points to Illusion


Congrats on win =D>


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Wether or not he 'got hacked' when you realized us catching up and getting '20 kils a min ' didn't it occur to you to have some1 check for portal hopping? Then I'm sure you could have kicked him or added to ignore [ Damage still would have been done i suppose ] But still would like some more evidence.




IT WAS at end already by 70-90 kills you guys got in under 2 minutes lol








And i suppose you guys took a 20 plus lead just so easily when opts we're even in this pic. [ Ignore the rest i stole this pic from some1else lol cuz we think he was multiclanning or something ]


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all I can say. you notice a guy portal hopping and u dont kick him atleast at the 4th time, u dont show us REAL proof, post a vid tbh, our killcount NEVER WENT up 20 kills in a min, LOL, and yes some of our kills had like 3 sec delay cuz it was MAIN PILE K0 AND SNIPER K0.




I wont bother repying to this topic till you come with real proof.




we founf about tht aftr we were far back :S?

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there's a option in cc u can use called "kick" just to let u kno that :D




It was very...well, it was way too obvious to tell someone was going in and out of the portal, we just didn't no who that person was. Everytime i checked the portal, there was no one there, but whenever i head back to the fight, thats when their kills started going up constantly.

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there's a option in cc u can use called "kick" just to let u kno that :D




It was very...well, it was way too obvious to tell someone was going in and out of the portal, we just didn't no who that person was. Everytime i checked the portal, there was no one there, but whenever i head back to the fight, thats when their kills started going up constantly.




I was there i saw bronx guy go in and out of portal about 20 times at least. he went to bathroom came back and some one was on his account. no wonder at begging tk was 6-9 + kills ahead of you hole fight until 70 kill counts.




master sparze shud of told u then :(



3 Years Strong<3


PM TheHitman|Will in #downfall at swiftirc if your interested in a fight against Downfall Clan

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there's a option in cc u can use called "kick" just to let u kno that :D




It was very...well, it was way too obvious to tell someone was going in and out of the portal, we just didn't no who that person was. Everytime i checked the portal, there was no one there, but whenever i head back to the fight, thats when their kills started going up constantly.




I was there i saw bronx guy go in and out of portal about 20 times at least. he went to bathroom came back and some one was on his account. no wonder at begging tk was 6-9 + kills ahead of you hole fight until 70 kill counts.




master sparze shud of told u then :(




i'm not in tk no more so i didn't have voice L




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great job illusion




shame about the cheating Tk :thumbdown:


hopefully you dont bring multi clanners to our fight




lol ok first of all dk is big crashing clan


secondly the pic they show only shows 10 clans of lovelost? so doesnt prove anything?

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great job illusion




shame about the cheating Tk :thumbdown:


hopefully you dont bring multi clanners to our fight


what cheating?


# A multi-clanner is defined as someone who is on more than one memberlist of participating TWR clans. Clans will lose 100 points for every person that is on multiple TWR lists and participated in a TWR war.


warlordlol.gifCurrent Tempted Killers Council

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