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Adio made a thread on this a while back, but it went to the depths of MM&T hell.




So, shoegaze. If you don't know what shoegaze is, here's a little overview:




Shoegazing (also known as shoegaze) is a subgenre of alternative rock that emerged from the United Kingdom in the late 1980s. It lasted until the mid 1990s with a critical zenith reached in 1990 and 1991. The British music pressparticularly NME and Melody Makernamed this style shoegazing because the musicians in these bands stood relatively still during live performances, whilst concentrating on their effects pedals on the floor, hence the idea that they were gazing at their shoes.


The shoegazing sound is typified by significant use of guitar effects, and indistinguishable vocal melodies that blended into the creative noise of the guitars. A lump description given to shoegazing and other affiliated bands in London in the early 1990s was The Scene That Celebrates Itself. In the 1990s, shoegazing groups were pushed aside by the American grunge movement, forcing the relatively unknown bands to break up or reinvent their style altogether. Recent times have seen a renewed interest in the genre among "nu-gaze" bands.




I found out about shoegaze last year. I heard My Bloody Valentine, and to be honest, my mind was blown. From there, I got into bands such as Slowdive and Cocteau Twins, and after that I found Pale Saints, Asobi Seksu, School of Seven Bells, Ride, and LSD and the Search for God. More recently, I've been exploring the Japanese scene with bands such as Hartfield, toddle, Coaltar of the Deepers, school food punishment, Luminous Orange, Cruyff in the Bedroom, and Supercar to name but a few.




Some of you may be wondering what shoegaze sounds like. Never fear! I have some examples of bands I like:




[hide=Shoegaze examples][yt]v-vzlWnGwNY[/yt]












I think shoegaze is a wonderful genre of music, but we could do without the crappy revival bands such as Snow Patrol. Even though they were alright at first.

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Since when are Snow Patrol a shoegaze revival band? Do they stare at their shoes while playing their radiofriendly indie-pop? Or is this a joke that I'm not getting? :P




I appreciate the genre, although it's not often that I'm in the mood for it. That's also the reason that I don't know many bands in the genre. It doesn't go much further than some My Bloody Valentine, Cocteau Twins and a little Grouper every once in a while.


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Since when are Snow Patrol a shoegaze revival band? Do they stare at their shoes while playing their radiofriendly indie-pop? Or is this a joke that I'm not getting? :P
They have a couple of subdued shoegaze elements and they try to bring that into their radio-friendly indie pop. They'll never ever be able to stand up to the big boys. Shoegaze for kids :P




Shoegaze and bands such as Sonic Youth were the things that told me there was good music outside of heavy metal, so it's kinda special to me. I like my shoegaze to be really loud and noisy typically, but some of the more dream-pop stuff is fine also. The only shoegaze band I've ever found to be boring is lovesliescrushing. The album I listened to by them just seemed to drag on and on and it had nothing at all redeeming about it except for shameless My Bloody Valentine worship, if you can actually term that as redeeming.

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I enjoy most of the bands you mentioned; Ride and Slowdive especially.




I might have mentioned this to you before, Silver, but have you ever checked Glasvegas out? They incorporate a lot of shoegaze elements into their sound. I don't listen to them often now, but used to enjoy them very much.

La lune ne garde aucune rancune.

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Sigur Rós.




Though you could argue that this is more Dream Pop than Shoegazing. But if you see him live, then it is shoegazing.


I'd consider them more post-rock. Though I never really understood or got into the whole "MUST STICK THIS BAND INTO THIS SPECIFIC SUB-GENRE!!!" thing.


But yes, they're great. Especially that song.


Jesu is also kind of shoegazing, though I haven't listened to much of their stuff. I know Nadril has though.


I'll try listening to some of those bands you listed, I guess. I think it's fairly similar to post-rock, which I'm quite into right now. And hey, I kind of like Snow Patrol. :P ...Apparently I'm currently listening to them...


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Ithil luin eria vi menel caran...Tîn dan delu.

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Yeah shoegaze and post-rock kind of cross over a lot, but post-rock takes more influence from classical music where shoegaze is based more around psychedelia and noise rock. Each has elements of the other though - for example MONO's early work has strong shoegaze elements.




I might have mentioned this to you before, Silver, but have you ever checked Glasvegas out? They incorporate a lot of shoegaze elements into their sound. I don't listen to them often now, but used to enjoy them very much.
I don't think so, but I'll definitely look into them now.
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