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[RWT] MoD Beats Akel


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First of all, can sean or rain remind me of the rules from tonight? i honestly can't remember them :( sorry.


Another point is one of our members ringed once, he will be dealt with & i cant offer anything more than my appologies.


Quickdraw9 Declared on Akeldama During the week, the rules where set, the time was set & we where set.


Date: Saturday 10th October

Time: 9:00Pm GMT, 4:00Pm EST, 8:00Pm Clan Time.

Massing Location: World 43, Edgeville Canoes


MoD Memberslist: MoD

Akel Memberslist: Akel


  • 4:30PM Est, 9:30PM GMT start, Make sure you mass 30 minutes before.
  • Clan War Arena.
  • Centre bounds.
  • Matched options.
  • Melee and binds.
  • No rings.
  • No corrupt.
  • No damaging mage.
  • No range.
  • No cape switching.
  • Twr.


Myself and a few others got confused & massed an hour early, but if anything it helped us. we massed up a healthy 21 people and began our wait for Akeldama to arrive, the came with 13 people, a few of us where disjointed, my included and we had to cut 8 people, myself included. the war bean and we took a two man lead, we maintained this lead up until the end. We won with two people left but because sean was on low HP he got killed before we could get a ending ops pic :(.


Starting Options 091010213434.png

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Ex Deathrow Leader

Ex Outcast Leader

MoD Warlord

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Missed it due to work, just caught the end.


I was really disappointed with how Akel___ reacted, throwing out accusations at the end of the war without discussing it or providing any proof. If you'd acted more maturely and approached us, we'd have had much less issues and be able to deal with the situation much more effectively.


As it stands, we have one member who is facing punishment and according to what you've said, a few more who have so far remained nameless. If you could provide names, screenshots, vids or even Tarot card readings that would help us get to the bottom of it, it'd be greatly appreciated.

It'd also help if you could give us a reminder of the rules, we seem to be struggling...


Congratulations MoD.

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Good fight Akel, sorry I couldn't make it. Good job Moddies, good win :) Sorry to Akel if we did have someone use his their ring once, that's being dealt so all we can do is apologise. If you have any other proof of other members breaking rules then please PM them to us, rule breaking is not something we stand for (however I'm guessing it was just the one person).


Good fight once again.


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throwing out accusations your own warlord told me yous had someone ring so how am i throwing out accusations


<06rain90> you do realize

<06rain90> rings wherent allowed this war

<06Busterlin> one person used it, i-ird on and he will be dealt with.

<06Busterlin> ;\

<06rain90> was against rules


Busterlin is [email protected] * Sadface

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but im throwing out accusations, and i did ask for a rematch but was declined

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With the ending MoD had, I highly doubt 1 ring charge would have swung the war in Akel's favour, however it is still rule breaking, so watch out next time for that MoD.


Also, awesome levels and great job all round, whatever you're doing to rebuild the clan atm is definitely working, keep it up!

New account: Jack

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here is ending incase TWR want to see:





Also I'm pretty sure I remember a 118 in Godz using ring. I don't have pic proof so you can just deny it, but I'm pretty sure I saw that. Also its funny how at the end you both accuse blood goblin of using a ring when only 2 people are left on your team. Then after the war he uses all 3 charges just to show you that he didn't and then you guys say you weren't looking at the screen while he showed you. Anyway good fight.

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