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Ambler3's Blog- [VITALIS DROP!!] :D

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I'll probably end up using standard buttons rather than radio buttons in the end, it does seem more logical, though from what I've seen, adding in image to them is a massive pain.


I've made a command line version that currently only works for Nex, I can post the source code here if people want it for testing (I'll be adding the other bosses soon!) It only allows you to add drops, and view the drops you've added so far.


Or people can wait till Sunday and I'll have a (better working) CLI version for all of the bosses above.

Once people have seen the code, it really shouldn't be too hard to add your own boss in. I might even add a template thing people can fill in if they want to add bosses, though it is pretty tedious work. :wall:


Requires Python 3.2 and SQLite (When GUI's done, PyQt4 and QtSQL) libraries installed, so if you don't have them... Unless there's a way I can skip all of that fun stuff and just allow it to be run as an executable file? Not really done this before so idk.


Back to coding with me. :)


^^My blog of EoC PvM, lols and Therapy.^^

My livestream- Currently: Offline :(

Offical Harpy Therapist of the Mad


Barrows drops: Dharok's helm x2, Guthan's helm, Ahrim's top, Hood and skirt, Torag's hammers, Karils skirt, Karil's top, Torag's helm, Verac's skirt, Verac's Flail, Dharok's Platebody.

Dag kings drops: Lost count! :wall:

4k+ Glacors, 7 Ragefires, 4 Steadfasts, 4 Glaivens, 400+ shards![/hide]

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Keep waiting, soon you will see... :>


edit: I've made a database creation thing for people to use, it also features a template for adding your own bosses if you want to. Images will come later on in the program.

This can add files to your system, so make a folder called "Drop Logger" or something to put this in, and everything should be contained within said folder.


Requires Python 3.2 with SQLite3 Libraries installed, I'll add download links to them later (assuming I'm allowed to?)



Okay, so tif's censor broke it. I'll put it on pastebin or something later. :lol:


http://www.python.org/download/releases/3.2/ Python can be installed from here, and the code for the databases is at http://pastebin.com/0aVNZt5L


(It's all Virus free, I'm not that good at coding. ;) )


Create a folder called "Drop Logger", create a blank text file, copy/paste stuff from pastebin link into it, rename as "Create Databases.py" run it, and a "DropTables.db" file should appear, and you're done for now! :)


^^My blog of EoC PvM, lols and Therapy.^^

My livestream- Currently: Offline :(

Offical Harpy Therapist of the Mad


Barrows drops: Dharok's helm x2, Guthan's helm, Ahrim's top, Hood and skirt, Torag's hammers, Karils skirt, Karil's top, Torag's helm, Verac's skirt, Verac's Flail, Dharok's Platebody.

Dag kings drops: Lost count! :wall:

4k+ Glacors, 7 Ragefires, 4 Steadfasts, 4 Glaivens, 400+ shards![/hide]

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Edited it all into the above post instead of making a new one... Oops.


^^My blog of EoC PvM, lols and Therapy.^^

My livestream- Currently: Offline :(

Offical Harpy Therapist of the Mad


Barrows drops: Dharok's helm x2, Guthan's helm, Ahrim's top, Hood and skirt, Torag's hammers, Karils skirt, Karil's top, Torag's helm, Verac's skirt, Verac's Flail, Dharok's Platebody.

Dag kings drops: Lost count! :wall:

4k+ Glacors, 7 Ragefires, 4 Steadfasts, 4 Glaivens, 400+ shards![/hide]

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Small update thing, done everything but QBD, as her drop mechanics are weird as [Harpy]. Need to kill her a few times to work out how the hell it works. :lol:


^^My blog of EoC PvM, lols and Therapy.^^

My livestream- Currently: Offline :(

Offical Harpy Therapist of the Mad


Barrows drops: Dharok's helm x2, Guthan's helm, Ahrim's top, Hood and skirt, Torag's hammers, Karils skirt, Karil's top, Torag's helm, Verac's skirt, Verac's Flail, Dharok's Platebody.

Dag kings drops: Lost count! :wall:

4k+ Glacors, 7 Ragefires, 4 Steadfasts, 4 Glaivens, 400+ shards![/hide]

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Change that file's extention to ".py" and run it, a "DropTables.db" file should be there. I'll throw it all into a zip folder later once the code works.


^^My blog of EoC PvM, lols and Therapy.^^

My livestream- Currently: Offline :(

Offical Harpy Therapist of the Mad


Barrows drops: Dharok's helm x2, Guthan's helm, Ahrim's top, Hood and skirt, Torag's hammers, Karils skirt, Karil's top, Torag's helm, Verac's skirt, Verac's Flail, Dharok's Platebody.

Dag kings drops: Lost count! :wall:

4k+ Glacors, 7 Ragefires, 4 Steadfasts, 4 Glaivens, 400+ shards![/hide]

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Text based version of the Drop Logger is complete!


A Zip containing all of the files can be downloaded at http://www.filedropper.com/showdownload.php/ambler3srunescapedroploggerv01latest


(Antivirus check for the paranoid https://www.virustotal.com/en/file/d865481869990fb442e12a47f4e9f64a4bbee3564f42e9b27208b67a4513cb34/analysis/1390779204/ )


There's probably a ton of bugs, but oh well. Let me know if you find anything major that completely breaks it. The ReadMe file is your friend.


^^My blog of EoC PvM, lols and Therapy.^^

My livestream- Currently: Offline :(

Offical Harpy Therapist of the Mad


Barrows drops: Dharok's helm x2, Guthan's helm, Ahrim's top, Hood and skirt, Torag's hammers, Karils skirt, Karil's top, Torag's helm, Verac's skirt, Verac's Flail, Dharok's Platebody.

Dag kings drops: Lost count! :wall:

4k+ Glacors, 7 Ragefires, 4 Steadfasts, 4 Glaivens, 400+ shards![/hide]

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It won't work if you don't run it through IDLE, I'm currently sorting it so that it works in command prompt though. :>


^^My blog of EoC PvM, lols and Therapy.^^

My livestream- Currently: Offline :(

Offical Harpy Therapist of the Mad


Barrows drops: Dharok's helm x2, Guthan's helm, Ahrim's top, Hood and skirt, Torag's hammers, Karils skirt, Karil's top, Torag's helm, Verac's skirt, Verac's Flail, Dharok's Platebody.

Dag kings drops: Lost count! :wall:

4k+ Glacors, 7 Ragefires, 4 Steadfasts, 4 Glaivens, 400+ shards![/hide]

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  • 4 weeks later...


Not actually Rago'd in ages tbh.

College work's a [Harpy].

Dxpw was fun, made ~300 rocktail soups.


^^My blog of EoC PvM, lols and Therapy.^^

My livestream- Currently: Offline :(

Offical Harpy Therapist of the Mad


Barrows drops: Dharok's helm x2, Guthan's helm, Ahrim's top, Hood and skirt, Torag's hammers, Karils skirt, Karil's top, Torag's helm, Verac's skirt, Verac's Flail, Dharok's Platebody.

Dag kings drops: Lost count! :wall:

4k+ Glacors, 7 Ragefires, 4 Steadfasts, 4 Glaivens, 400+ shards![/hide]

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Been unable to scape at home for the past week because parents being parents.

Bleh. Getting dailies done at college, which kinda sucks, but oh well.


^^My blog of EoC PvM, lols and Therapy.^^

My livestream- Currently: Offline :(

Offical Harpy Therapist of the Mad


Barrows drops: Dharok's helm x2, Guthan's helm, Ahrim's top, Hood and skirt, Torag's hammers, Karils skirt, Karil's top, Torag's helm, Verac's skirt, Verac's Flail, Dharok's Platebody.

Dag kings drops: Lost count! :wall:

4k+ Glacors, 7 Ragefires, 4 Steadfasts, 4 Glaivens, 400+ shards![/hide]

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  • 2 weeks later...

Uh... Nope.


^^My blog of EoC PvM, lols and Therapy.^^

My livestream- Currently: Offline :(

Offical Harpy Therapist of the Mad


Barrows drops: Dharok's helm x2, Guthan's helm, Ahrim's top, Hood and skirt, Torag's hammers, Karils skirt, Karil's top, Torag's helm, Verac's skirt, Verac's Flail, Dharok's Platebody.

Dag kings drops: Lost count! :wall:

4k+ Glacors, 7 Ragefires, 4 Steadfasts, 4 Glaivens, 400+ shards![/hide]

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As soon as I realized which greentext that was I lol'd really hard because I knew EXACTLY which one that was referencing

What's that say about you brojob?





People in glass houses should shower in the basement.


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24 hour mute for saying "buying feathers 11.5k ea- bad nexer" like 15 times on world 2...

Jagex. Why.


^^My blog of EoC PvM, lols and Therapy.^^

My livestream- Currently: Offline :(

Offical Harpy Therapist of the Mad


Barrows drops: Dharok's helm x2, Guthan's helm, Ahrim's top, Hood and skirt, Torag's hammers, Karils skirt, Karil's top, Torag's helm, Verac's skirt, Verac's Flail, Dharok's Platebody.

Dag kings drops: Lost count! :wall:

4k+ Glacors, 7 Ragefires, 4 Steadfasts, 4 Glaivens, 400+ shards![/hide]

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As soon as I realized which greentext that was I lol'd really hard because I knew EXACTLY which one that was referencing

What's that say about you brojob?


I'm on /b/ every night bruh

I read those threads to fall asleep

That and /DIY/, /VG/ (way less frequently)

All_My_Love.png Bun_Dem.png


max.png 50.png

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Fun few days, been doing various bits of PvM and pking (No skilling though, that's dps waste).

Managed to pk vwand/book off a rift camper with a few friends, and got a singularity split the same day, so that was ~100m earned. Which I then spent on feathers, got enough banked to get me to 99 if I have bonus xp, which is nice. (Unless I dc and lose all the charges again. :wall:)


E: Yay 2k posts?


^^My blog of EoC PvM, lols and Therapy.^^

My livestream- Currently: Offline :(

Offical Harpy Therapist of the Mad


Barrows drops: Dharok's helm x2, Guthan's helm, Ahrim's top, Hood and skirt, Torag's hammers, Karils skirt, Karil's top, Torag's helm, Verac's skirt, Verac's Flail, Dharok's Platebody.

Dag kings drops: Lost count! :wall:

4k+ Glacors, 7 Ragefires, 4 Steadfasts, 4 Glaivens, 400+ shards![/hide]

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