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How should I earn 30m in a week???????


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Due to the anti-76k update,expensive items started to drop, but after a few days, it may rise again(alot of ppl think said this), so assume dfs takes a week to drop and rise back to current price(abt 28m), and I dun want to buy it above 30m, how should I earn this sum of money?


I have 8m in bank currently, with 24p ess. Should I craft all of them into blood to get back some cash?

My best money-making method is around 700-800k/h, and I also do MTK everyday. Also should I sell some of my armour(fury, whip, verac, torag, acp, arma helm, etc) for some cash?



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If his best way to make money is 700/800k an hour. I would assume that..whatever it may be would be a better option than green dragons. However, if the 700/800k an hour is something that isnt guarenteed green drags might be an option. I can say from personal experience that ct green drags are a nice way to pick up some nice cash pretty quick.


[spoiler=Barrows Drops]Dharok Helm - 1, Dharok Axe - 1, Ahrim Top - 1, Ahrim Staff - 1, Guthan Helm - 1, Guthan Spear - 1, Karil Skirt - 1


[spoiler=DK Drops]Zerker Ring - 10, Warrior Ring - 6, Dragon Hatchet - 10, Seers Ring - 1, Archer Ring -1, Seercull - 1


My Blog!

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Its hard to give you any advise if you can't provide us with your stat information. However, Ranging Aviansies, Killing Green Dragons, Abyssal Demons and Spiritual Mages are all great money. Do herb runs inbetween for extra money. The there are skill ralated things such as Double Rune crafting.



**Thanks to Boo_Boy666 for my amazing Singnature**

[hide=Slaytanicc's Achievments]|99Cooking achieved 24Dec 2008|99Strength achieved 17Feb 2009|99Hit Points achieved 8April 2009|

|99Defense achieved 29May 2009|99Attack achieved 2August 2009|99Ranged achieved 14August 2009|[/hide]

[hide=Guides by Slaytanicc]Aviansie Maging + Ranging Guide (Must Read!!)

Iron Mining + Banking Guide

Green Dragons Guide

Ankou Slaying Guide[/hide]

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Stats, how long you play each day, etc. they all help us tailor a plan better for you.


Always MTK and do farming runs (I was getting 200k+ per trip pre-herblore update, haven't averaged it out yet given the new prices) when ever you can.


My best advise is find a money making method you like and stick with it.


  • Dragon Axe x11
    Berserker Ring x9
    Warrior Ring x8
    Dragon Med
    Dragon Boots x4 - all less then 30 kc
    Godsword Shard (bandos)
    Granite Maul x 3

Solo only - doesn't include barrows[/hide][hide=Stats]


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Do remember to edit your sig after you change your RS display name.


My advice is simple, dont keep cash when the economy start recovering(obviously not now).

It shouldnt matter you even if dfs do rise back up, because everything else rise as well.

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Do dailies. You can gain 300k a day off of daily tasks, and that's without herbs. With herbs it would probably be around 500k a day.


500k times 7 is 3.5m. That's 3.5m less to earn.



Now the main plan is to earn the rest of the cash. The true goal is cash, but the first thing you should think about it enjoyment. Please remember, that the end result is buying that special item, but once you get it the enjoyment will wear off. Do you want to have a fun time earning cash and feel rewarded in the end, but take a while to get it. Or do you want to grind cash really quick without any fun, then feel rewarded.


The thing I am getting at is, I advise you not to worry about money. Cash isn't everything in this game. Just play for fun, and don't worry about falling prices. Don't sell any of your items. Unless your the type of person who likes to max out accounts as quick as possible, cash is not a big deal.

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farm runs and green drags is the way to go.


Current goals-99 Sum, 95 Slay, Elysian/Divine Spirit Shield, Get LS Elysian and Divine, get another sexy 99

Drops Solo and LS-Arma Hiltx1(solo), Arma Chestx1(solo), Dragon Clawsx2(solo), Bandos Hiltx2(1 FFA, 1 LS), Bandos Tassetsx4(2 duo, 1 solo,2 LS), BCPx5(1 duo, 4 LS), Sara Hiltx1(1 LS), SSx7(LS), Spectral Sigilx1(LS)

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