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The Worst day of my life...


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was it sudden or was it a fight...








i would not worry friend reguardless.. there are two possabilities








one there is nothing.. you die your dead... but it does not explain where everything came from ultimatly








two your mom has rejoined those who passed before her :)








rejoyce? :)


The following statement is true. The previous statement is false. 60% of all statistics are made up 90% of the time

andrew i love you & want you to have my babys!!! <3:

Finally, I get to save the Earth with deadly lasers instead of deadly slide shows!

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Um.. Yea.. Uh.. ? Sorry? What are you trying to get out of thise post.. I mean, like, what is the point of it. Great, we are all sorry for someone we dont know, I mean, if my mom died I would be morning forever and all, but what are you getting at? How did she die, just today, all a sudden? What happened, maybe this would be a nice post to help you out and all, if you could give us a little more information. Frankly though, its pointless. I'm sorry to be critical if your mom died, but just.. doesnt seem like something that is going to help someone, to post "My mom died" and get everyone to post "My condolences" If you want to talk about it to someone, or some people, then talk about it.








Sorry again, I hate to be hating on someone that may have lost something so great, just dont.. get the point of the post.. attention?




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Um.. Yea.. Uh.. ? Sorry? What are you trying to get out of thise post.. I mean, like, what is the point of it. Great, we are all sorry for someone we dont know, I mean, if my mom died I would be morning forever and all, but what are you getting at? How did she die, just today, all a sudden? What happened, maybe this would be a nice post to help you out and all, if you could give us a little more information. Frankly though, its pointless. I'm sorry to be critical if your mom died, but just.. doesnt seem like something that is going to help someone, to post "My mom died" and get everyone to post "My condolences" If you want to talk about it to someone, or some people, then talk about it.








Sorry again, I hate to be hating on someone that may have lost something so great, just dont.. get the point of the post.. attention?








Even though I do offer my coldolences ... you do have a point.

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To all the people flaming him, dont. He needs a place to vent, so let him do it.








I know how you feel, man. My mother died when I was 7.








The road ahead will be difficult, but you can make it. Just know that she is watching over you now.


My heart is broken by the terrible loss I have sustained in my old friends and companions and my poor soldiers. Believe me, nothing except a battle lost can be half so melancholy as a battle won. -Sir Arthur Wellesley

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Guest GhostRanger
To all the people flaming him, dont. He needs a place to vent, so let him do it.








I know how you feel, man. My mother died when I was 7.








The road ahead will be difficult, but you can make it. Just know that she is watching over you now.








I understand that people need a place to vent when they lose a mother or father or brother or sister. But what he did was hardly venting. All he said was "My mom died." There was no explanation, no venting, no anything. I've been around tip.it to know a cry for attention when I see one.








Its a terrible thing when something like that happens, but without even explaining yourself, how can we take something like that seriously?

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That's an awfully touchy subject to be posting about with no background information or anything on a message board full of people you don't know...I agree with the others...why did you post this?

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