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Tomorrow, when the war began


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So after years, and years of waiting on this movie - they are finally on the way. For those familiar with the books.. bring it! I was a little skeptical of the casting at first but after some decent poking around, and linkage from the imdb forums, their choices seem good... except for probably Kevin.


This site: http://www.tomorrow-movies.com/


has some rather good "sneak peak" photos. I especially love the one of Homer and Ellie casing the bridge. While not how I pictured Homer (shorter hair and a bit more built) it looks promising :thumbsup:



I feel like an addict waiting for the next hit. Can't wait for the movie to be release :ohnoes:




Trailer: http://video.au.msn.com/watch/video/trailer-tomorrow-when-the-war-began/xft90ns?from=sharepermalink



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Coool, been a while since I read the series by Marsden, but they were goooood. So what do we discuss ?


I doubt anyone on this board outside Australia and NZ has read them ... and I read them ages ago so I cant really comment.


Still, exciting to see a film come out. Favourite in the series ? For me it's between Tomorrow, When the War Began and The Third Day, The Frost.

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I read these years ago after my mum forced me to read the first one. After that, I couldn't put the book down, and I ended up reading the whole series pretty quickly. I'll have to go through my bookshelf and find Tomorrow When the War Began and re-read it before the movie is released.


Link which isn't broken: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1456941/

RIP Michaelangelopolous

u can control my tip it account, but youll never control how fine i am!

This is by FAR my favorite song:


I love N_odie and would never edit his posts! I love Rainy_Day too <3 And also Cowman_133. <33 Oh, and Laikrob is a going to hunt me down and kill me like a pest kangaroo if I reveal how awesome she is. I owe tripsis skittles. DarkDude feels like he's missing out. This is my siggy! - n_odie Rainy_Day MINE! - n_odie Rainy_Day And meol shouldn't feel left out. Oh, and Y_Guy is a noob awesome


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I read these years ago after my mum forced me to read the first one. After that, I couldn't put the book down, and I ended up reading the whole series pretty quickly. I'll have to go through my bookshelf and find Tomorrow When the War Began and re-read it before the movie is released.


Link which isn't broken: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1456941/

Funny that, we had to read the first one for English in yr 9... I think. And we had to do some character profiles.. on two of the characters afterwards. I read the entire series for it.. Lee has no last name. My teacher didn't believe me and tried to mark me down on it :wall:



The entire story line follows... ah Red Dawn is close. But it's much more in-depth, so even those outside of Australia should find it interesting.




The Third Day, The Frost is one of my top two. The other being The Otherside of Dawn.

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Read the book in grade 9 for English. Pretty good book even though I didn't finish it. Personally I don't think the movie will be that good, most Australian movies are pretty poor. They all seem to worry about making it as Aussie as possible instead of just making a film. Or maybe senior English has messed me up because every year we did Australian Identity and had to deconstruct every text


^Sir Jem 05-The Bunny Drinking Blog?^ Click it!


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Red Dawn...?



It is the mid-1980s. From out of the sky, Soviet & Cuban troops begin landing on the football field of a Colorado high school. In seconds, the paratroops have attacked the school & sent a group of teenagers fleeing into the mountains. Armed only with hunting rifles, pistols & bows and arrows, the teens struggles to survive the bitter winter & Soviet KGB patrols hunting for them. Eventually trouble arises when they kill a group of Soviet soldiers on patrol in the highlands. Soon, they will wage their own guerrilla warfare against the invading Soviet troops....under the banner of 'Woverines'!
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Almost seems like the same thing to be honest, except in a different place under different circumstances.



ALTHOUGH, I am interested still.


Looking forward to this, havent read the books, I may.

"Let your anger be as a monkey in a piñata... hiding amongst the candy... hoping the kids don't break through with the stick." - Master Tang

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Oh, awesome. :o


Can't wait for this movie, love the look of all the characters, but what will the race of the other army be? They never mentioned it in the books, IIRC, but I've always pictured them as like... some kind of German Asian hybrid. ._<


sleep like dead men

wake up like dead men

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How neat. My friend absolutely loves these books. I remember him telling me a couple of times about 'em. I wonder if he knows...

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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Oh, awesome. :o


Can't wait for this movie, love the look of all the characters, but what will the race of the other army be? They never mentioned it in the books, IIRC, but I've always pictured them as like... some kind of German Asian hybrid. ._<

Speculation is some generic Asian country. My best guess is a country on the South-China Sea. Purely for their ease of access and available military population. And if they're moving in citizens to populate Australia.. you'd assume they have maxed their own country rather well, so the smaller the more likely. Say Vietnam, Cambodia or Malaysia. Probably the first two.. or both working in unison...

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Why not China? They're pretty maxed out as well and hold enough military might to really stand a chance. A smaller country would probably still need allies to help them, and Australia would most likely be aided by the United States, Britain, and some commonwealth states during the outbreak of war.


Plus, China is easier to demonize and make into a bad guy.



Mayn U wanna be like me but U can't be me cuz U ain't got ma swagga on.

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Ha, I've read one of those books. Would be nice to see the movie but it probably won't be over here. :(


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Ha, I've read one of those books. Would be nice to see the movie but it probably won't be over here. :(


I think some American actors are going to be in the movie as well. It probably will be shown in Australia and the United States.



Mayn U wanna be like me but U can't be me cuz U ain't got ma swagga on.

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Will it just be the first book in movie adaptation ?

If they are doing one, I would like to think they're doing them all.

No, what I meant to ask was, are they just adapting one book at a time or are "they" going to sandwich a few together ?


I think they're doing one book at a time...I hope they're doing one book at a time :huh: I really don't like it when they try and sandwich books into a movie like they did with the Lemony Snicket series.

RIP Michaelangelopolous

u can control my tip it account, but youll never control how fine i am!

This is by FAR my favorite song:


I love N_odie and would never edit his posts! I love Rainy_Day too <3 And also Cowman_133. <33 Oh, and Laikrob is a going to hunt me down and kill me like a pest kangaroo if I reveal how awesome she is. I owe tripsis skittles. DarkDude feels like he's missing out. This is my siggy! - n_odie Rainy_Day MINE! - n_odie Rainy_Day And meol shouldn't feel left out. Oh, and Y_Guy is a noob awesome


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Yea.. if they try and do multiple books per movie.. it will just fail horribly. There's way too much stuff to make more than 1 book per movie make sense.. unless it's like LOTR and like 3.5hrs long... even then it probably wont.

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  • 3 months later...

bump for trailer (see first post)




It's looking pretty baller and on track with what the book(s) have to offer. I'm hoping that the places like Hell, Tailor's Stitch, the bridge etc were based on were actually used. They exist, and would provide so much more bad [wagon] effects than cgi ever would creating them.

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Looking good. : O


The contrast between the happy stuff at the start and the end bit was pretty cool. I really hope it turns out awesome. Didn't picture Homer to look like that, but I suppose it fits, now that I remember. He was Greek, or something similar, was he not?


sleep like dead men

wake up like dead men

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Yep, he is indeed Greek. My only gripe was expecting him to be a bit more built and shorter hair... and in the trailer he is playing footy.. which goes against his character (one who doesn't like sport)... but whatever. 100% perfection is not to be expected so, I can live with that.

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I read the books years ago and although I did enjoy the first ones, they got boring around book 4 or 5. All I remember is

[hide]That the main character shags the chinese guy they blow up a boat and when I stopped reading they got captured.[/hide]


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Plus I think the whole teenage girl thing will end soon (hopefully), because my girlfriend is absolutely in love with him(she is 18), and im beginning to feel threatened by his [Justin Bieber] dashing looks.

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