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Solace vs. Poison


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After Poison managing to beat us in a competitive fight 2 weekends ago, we were eager to set up another match between our clans. As Poison has a significant memberlist advantage, we were prepared for a tough fight and having to perform at our best to pull off a win.


Eventually, a 90 minute cap spiders to east tree was arranged, and come fight day Poison did not disappoint, with them outpullling us.


Poison Starting:



Solace Starting:



Obviously, with the number advantage, the start of the fight was difficult for us. Poison matched us for the first third of the cap, but as the numbers on ts grew, our pile began to overtake that of Poisons. With a solid balance of rangers and binders, as well as a good chain of callers, we were on top form today and managed to overpower the opposition.


As we sent a couple of snipers, we were able to keep Poison's pile down and force regroups for the middle section of the fight. However Poison were determined to last the cap and refused to call off returning, and by the last 15 minutes of the fight had got enough people together to start piling again. Regardless we stuck in there, and managed to get a few good ko streaks together near the end to ensure victory.


Solace Ending:



Poison Ending:



Thanks to Dw for acing, and to Poison for the good fight, hopefully we will win our 2v2.


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