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Test your good eye real/fake??












this is a fake image, ya...its shocking but its actually a fake image, sorry to fool ya guys :lol:




If you guessed it was fake, you got a good eye and can see how the one santa on the 4th row last colum shows a bit of a chef hat. ya i know its kinda minor but everything else looks totally real.





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Test your good eye real/fake??








this is a fake image, ya...its shocking but its actually a fake image, sorry to fool ya guys :lol:




If you guessed it was fake, you got a good eye and can see how the one santa on the 4th row last colum shows a bit of a chef hat. ya i know its kinda minor but everything else looks totally real.












dam, if you didn't point that out I would've never have guess :shock:









































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Test your good eye real/fake??








this is a fake image, ya...its shocking but its actually a fake image, sorry to fool ya guys :lol:




If you guessed it was fake, you got a good eye and can see how the one santa on the 4th row last colum shows a bit of a chef hat. ya i know its kinda minor but everything else looks totally real.












dam, if you didn't point that out I would've never have guess :shock:
















































im with you buddy i dint think it was fake :roll:

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OMG are you serious




I never noticed that, OMG, how could I have been such an idiot OMG,




I gotta change this picture as soon as i can OMG heres the new one.




can you notice the errors now? I bet its kinda hard to tell now since I changed it





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This reminds me of a fake picture I made a while ago. It (the topic) was locked, though. ;(








Here it is:




















WHAT WERE THE ODDS OF ME RUNNING INTO HIM?!?!/!?!?!1/11/1/11one ten fifteen












Very nice fake, though. Very nice.








Someone should set up a gallery of FAKE-FAKES. And get people to submit them VIA pm. It'd rock.


It really has

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OMG are you serious




I never noticed that, OMG, how could I have been such an idiot OMG,




I gotta change this picture as soon as i can OMG heres the new one.




can you notice the errors now? I bet its kinda hard to tell now since I changed it












dude shut up its obviously real, stop claiming its fake. noob.

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