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building my own computer :)


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Manufacturers of graphics card have (the ones i know) a minimum of 1 year. Some even as far as 10 (i think Evga and one more). If you'd have the receipt it wouldn't be a problem.... But seems like you don't.

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Manufacturers of graphics card have (the ones i know) a minimum of 1 year. Some even as far as 10 (i think Evga and one more). If you'd have the receipt it wouldn't be a problem.... But seems like you don't.


so do u think its the gfx card? or maybe i did something wrong, like..didnt disable the onboard gfx card right? and..i went into bios to disable the onboard gfx card, but i didnt find it there, so i had to do it a diff way. but yeahh...i dont like my computer. and i really cant wait to build my new one.

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so do u think its the gfx card? or maybe i did something wrong, like..didnt disable the onboard gfx card right? and..i went into bios to disable the onboard gfx card, but i didnt find it there, so i had to do it a diff way. but yeahh...i dont like my computer. and i really cant wait to build my new one.


I've never had to disable onboard video to get a PCI card to work, but I usually do have to tell windows to use it:


There is something you could try, after installing the pci card plug the monitor into the onboard video, not the pci. Then right click on the desktop, click properties, go to the last tab. See if your pci video card is in the drop down menu, or click on the grayed out monitor. Once you have it selected check both boxes "extend desktop to this monitor" "make this primary monitor". If a dialogue box comes up with 15 second countdown click OK (or don't click anything if for some reason you can't see the screen anymore, that means you accidentally turned off your onboard GPU). Once that is done, check to see which side of the screen your desktop extended to (your mouse will go off completely, and take longer to get back). Drag the properties window over to that side so it is on the desktop you can't see. Unplug the monitor from the onboard video and plug it into your PCI card. You should see your desktop with the properties window. Then in the properties window select your onboard from the drop down or clicking on the monitor icon, and deselect "extend desktop to this monitor". Done :smile: .


Oh and some of that may be wrong, don't have an XP computer on to check so I am doing it from memory. Let me know if anything is unclear.



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so do u think its the gfx card? or maybe i did something wrong, like..didnt disable the onboard gfx card right? and..i went into bios to disable the onboard gfx card, but i didnt find it there, so i had to do it a diff way. but yeahh...i dont like my computer. and i really cant wait to build my new one.


I've never had to disable onboard video to get a PCI card to work, but I usually do have to tell windows to use it:


There is something you could try, after installing the pci card plug the monitor into the onboard video, not the pci. Then right click on the desktop, click properties, go to the last tab. See if your pci video card is in the drop down menu, or click on the grayed out monitor. Once you have it selected check both boxes "extend desktop to this monitor" "make this primary monitor". If a dialogue box comes up with 15 second countdown click OK (or don't click anything if for some reason you can't see the screen anymore, that means you accidentally turned off your onboard GPU). Once that is done, check to see which side of the screen your desktop extended to (your mouse will go off completely, and take longer to get back). Drag the properties window over to that side so it is on the desktop you can't see. Unplug the monitor from the onboard video and plug it into your PCI card. You should see your desktop with the properties window. Then in the properties window select your onboard from the drop down or clicking on the monitor icon, and deselect "extend desktop to this monitor". Done :smile: .


Oh and some of that may be wrong, don't have an XP computer on to check so I am doing it from memory. Let me know if anything is unclear.


my computer is kinda odd. the last tab in the properties thing is settings, and the only drop down thing is for the color quality =\


EDIT: idk if i said this b4..but my gfx card gets power to it, but puts out no video =[.

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Well that's the correct tab then, there should be another drop down menu above that right below the big gray area with monitor icons in it. Is there only one monitor icon in that gray area? If so then Windows doesn't even know you have a pci video card.



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Well that's the correct tab then, there should be another drop down menu above that right below the big gray area with monitor icons in it. Is there only one monitor icon in that gray area? If so then Windows doesn't even know you have a pci video card.


thats what i was thinking...is there any way i can get the computer to recognize that i added the gfx card into the pci-e slot? i tryed the thing in the control panel "add hardware" but nothing turned up =[

I like getting hard when I PK


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Have you entered your BIOS setup when you start up the computer and selected for the main graphics adaptor to be from the PCI-E bus instead of the onboard graphics? This may well be your problem. It is also wise to uninstall your onboard drivers before proceeding with the install of the PCI-E GPU.

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Have you entered your BIOS setup when you start up the computer and selected for the main graphics adaptor to be from the PCI-E bus instead of the onboard graphics? This may well be your problem. It is also wise to uninstall your onboard drivers before proceeding with the install of the PCI-E GPU.


my bios is weird. when i went to bios, i went into the intergrated w/e stuff. i found nothing that has to do with pci-e =[. i triple checked every possible thing.

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It's sounding more like you have either a bad video card or motherboard. One last thing to try is check out device manager. There's probably a way to get to it in control panel, but I usually just right click My Computer->properties->hardware tab->device manager. See if it is listed in display adapters or not. Also, see if there are any yellow backed exclamation marks in there, that means a piece of hardware doesn't have drivers. Your motherboard may need some drivers to handle the video card right. Not sure why it would, but it may.



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It's sounding more like you have either a bad video card or motherboard. One last thing to try is check out device manager. There's probably a way to get to it in control panel, but I usually just right click My Computer->properties->hardware tab->device manager. See if it is listed in display adapters or not. Also, see if there are any yellow backed exclamation marks in there, that means a piece of hardware doesn't have drivers. Your motherboard may need some drivers to handle the video card right. Not sure why it would, but it may.


i've checked out the device manager, its not in there. im guessing the gfx card is bad. =\

that sucks. 100 dollars down the drain.


EDIT: would the fan on the gfx card still spin if it were dead?

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Depends on what's dead, but it's not money down the drain, just exchange it for the same card. I'm not sure yet it's a bad graphics card, but might as well go and then have a new card to put in there and see if it works.

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Depends on what's dead, but it's not money down the drain, just exchange it for the same card. I'm not sure yet it's a bad graphics card, but might as well go and then have a new card to put in there and see if it works.

how can i exchange it? i dont have the reciept or a warrenty. i got it from best buy btw.

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Oh, how long did ago did you buy it?


2-3 months ago

You can ask them to look up the receipt. In the US they are required by law to hold that information for a period of time. Whether or not they will actually do it is another thing. Just a suggestion.

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If you want to make sure it works, bringing it to geek squad is one of the worst things you can do. Bring it to a specialized computer repair shop, since it seems you'll have to pay either way.

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If you want to make sure it works, bringing it to geek squad is one of the worst things you can do. Bring it to a specialized computer repair shop, since it seems you'll have to pay either way.


i ment ill bring it there for them to install it the day that i buy it :)

I like getting hard when I PK


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  • 2 weeks later...

ok, so basically im sick of my junky computer thats 8-10 years old. i have made a list of what i need to build the gaming computer i need for the games i play.

could you guys tell me if im missing anything, or if anything wont work with something (like...the gfx card wont work with the motherboard, that type of stuff) and the computer implodes and turns into a black hole or some fun stuff like that.


ok, first thing is first..the processor..im getting a amd phenom ii x4 945 quad core processor. http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/SearchTools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=4615717&Sku=A79-0945 thats the link to the processor if you want to check it out.


next we have the motherboard...its a MSI NF750-G55 Motherboard. heres the link to it, http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/SearchTools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=5019772&CatId=4296


now for the ram, not much, but it'll fit my needs. its CORSAIR XMS3 DHX 4GB 240 PING- DDR3 SDRAM. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820145198 ..theres the link :)


heres the internal harddrive im thinking of buying..Hitachi Deskstar OS00163 IDK/7K Internal Hard Drive - 1TB, 7200RPM, 32MB, SATA-3G ..and the link as always :) http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/SearchTools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=5509395&Sku=H450-9002


heres the gaming computer case, i know everything will fit, but ill post the link, and what type it is incase you care ;) -NZXT M59-001BK M59 Gaming Mid Tower Case http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/SearchTools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=5222597&Sku=A406-1094


and heres the power supply..Ultra LS600 Lifetime Series 600W Power Supply http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/SearchTools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=3255393&Sku=ULT-LS600


heres my dvd burner, not too important i guess...MSI DH-24AAS-17 Internal DVD Writer http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/SearchTools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=4974035&Sku=M452-5004


i have a gfx card, monitor, mouse, and keyboard already. my gfx card is a pny geforce 9400gt. its pci-e. i have it in my computer i have now, but i cant get it to work =[. so its just sitting there doing nothing :3



thanks for your time :3

Your power supply isn't 80 plus certified, so it would be the best idea to get it, even though it has a lifetime warranty.


80 plus certified basically mean that you won't be able to get as much out of it, almost like you're buying a lower wattage supply, but only slightly lower.



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Your power supply isn't 80 plus certified, so it would be the best idea to get it, even though it has a lifetime warranty.


80 plus certified basically mean that you won't be able to get as much out of it, almost like you're buying a lower wattage supply, but only slightly lower.

No. It means that the power supply is more energy efficient.

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That all seems fine to me.


Personally I don't like the look of that case.


This is mine:




BTW what do you mean with the RAM "not being much" 4GB DDR3 is pretty good... Even I still use DDR2.


That is awesome. If I ever build a desktop, it's a tie between that and an Alienware one that I can't see to find a pic of.

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