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Zelda, Perfect Dark


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I hadnt played any Zelda games until I bought a gamecube wich came with zelda from the original nes version to mask of majora. I have to say the games were great fun I got stuck for ages after I had been eaten by the giant fish in ocharina of time and you have to find I think it was the Princess? But ye... Zelda FTW!

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Goldeneye and Mario Kart 64 but Zelda: Ocarina of Time was an amazing game along with Perfect Dark although Perfect Dark wasn't that much better than Goldeneye to be honest.


99 Magic, 99 Defence, 99 Strength, 99 Attack, 99 Hitpoints, 99 Fletching, 99 Woodcutting, 99 Firemaking, 99 Thieving, 99 Ranged, 99 Prayer, 99 Cooking, 99 Fishing

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Alot of good memorys with Goldeneye, OOT and mario kart, ahhh.......

And no lol why do you always want to get stuff from John Lewis. Its over ̣̉300 more then than what i paid.


John Lewis is a great, great shop.

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Zelda Ocarina of Time is simply the best game ever. I had loads of good memories on Goldeneye and Perfect Dark too, i'd say Goldeneye was the better.




Anyway, does anyone here remember Diddy Kong Racing? It was amazing back in the day.

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Zelda Ocarina of Time is simply the best game ever. I had loads of good memories on Goldeneye and Perfect Dark too, i'd say Goldeneye was the better.




Anyway, does anyone here remember Diddy Kong Racing? It was amazing back in the day.








Yea lmao, N64 was leet :lol:

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The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time was probably one of the greatest games ever made.




The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask was just an awesome game!




and of course, Diddy Kong Racing! SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO fun! I think I'm going to get my N64 out and play that game right now. :lol:

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Goldeneye and Mario Kart 64 but Zelda: Ocarina of Time was an amazing game along with Perfect Dark although Perfect Dark wasn't that much better than Goldeneye to be honest.








Well PD isn't much better than 007 because 007 was already a great game and they wisely didn't fix what wasn't broken, but they did do some nice additions for PD (no instant weapon reload lol). Multiplayer for sure was boosted in PD, the huge variety of bots was probably the best part of that.








For N64, PD and 007 are the best shooters, and probably the best for console FPS of their era. Zelda games were cool RPGs, Mario Kart for racing game, and Mario 64 was as an overall fun game to play.


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Both are great games. Perfect Dark just never got boring, when you got settings for a really fun match you could just play it over and over, even on the same map and it would still be great fun :D . Good areas and alot of great weapons, some guns were so fun to use I would just go down to the target practice thing and shoot away. Who never started running after someone with poisoned throwing knives and just throwing away while your enemy got dizzy :lol: ? That blindness/dizzyness feature was also great. All new games that have poison(-like) weapons just make you slow down alot or die in one shot :? . Anyway I could go on for hours talking about features/weapons/whatever that I had great fun with in that game.








And all Zelda games are fantastic. I own every one for N64 and GC and I loved them all. Some say WW was bad but I like it, only thing it lacked, I find, is replayability. N64 Zeldas had something that made them fun to play even after you had completed them. I must admit their style is better than the latest one. Anyway without further straying out of N64 talk, I just have to say that I agree with you those are probably the best games for N64.

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I liked Mario Kart, Mario Tennis, Super Smash Brothers, Goldeneye, The Legend of Zelda Occarina of Time, Donkey Kong, F-Zero X and...Perfect Dark the best out of the games I played on the N64. :)


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