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FFA Corporal Beast


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Hello, Crazykid here.


Recently, I got 92 Herblore and through Evil Dave's stew I was able to make quite a few Overload potions and decided that I put them to good use.

I am interested in Free-For-All Corporal Beast, after seeing its supposed success for some people here on these forums.


I would like the follow questions answered if possible:

1) Which gear should I wear? How should my inventory look like?

2) How do I find worlds that do Free-For-All Corporal Beast? What are their typical requirements?

3) Should I bother with PvP items?


Here are my stats:


I have 307 Rank in Mobilizing Armies.


Many Thanks ahead of time!


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Fighter Hat

Ardougne 3 Cape


Zamorakian Spear

Bandos Chestplate/Fighter Torso

Bandos Tassets

Barrows Gloves

Dragon Boots

Berserker (i) (for larger teams)/Onyx (i) (for smaller teams)


If you don't want to get 300 rank, just get 100 and get diamond (i) ring (+5 stab vs. +6 stab on onyx). For your inventory, have:


Enhanced Excalibur (use this everytime you use overload)

2 Overloads

3 Unicorn pouches

150ish scrolls

1 Super Restore

3-4 prayer potions



No Vesta is the CC I've used. Their requirements are that you do not use Vesta's spear or any PvP armor. They allow SWHs, but you don't really want to use them!


You should NOT bother with PvP items.


And hai2u.

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Fighter Hat

Ardougne 3 Cape


Zamorakian Spear

Bandos Chestplate/Fighter Torso

Bandos Tassets

Barrows Gloves

Dragon Boots

Berserker (i) (for larger teams)/Onyx (i) (for smaller teams)


If you don't want to get 300 rank, just get 100 and get diamond (i) ring (+5 stab vs. +6 stab on onyx). For your inventory, have:


Enhanced Excalibur (use this everytime you use overload)

2 Overloads

3 Unicorn pouches

150ish scrolls

1 Super Restore

3-4 prayer potions



No Vesta is the CC I've used. Their requirements are that you do not use Vesta's spear or any PvP armor. They allow SWHs, but you don't really want to use them!


You should NOT bother with PvP items.


And hai2u.

Well, I already have 300 rank as I mentioned, but do you die often in FFA, I may not use my Berserker Ring (i), but rather my Dragonstone Ring (i)? I don't like playing Barbarian Assault much, so I probably won't get the Fighter Hat just yet. Does Black Dragonhide fall too short to cut it for FFA until I can afford Bandos, is a Firecape a decent alternative to the Ardougne 3 Cape?


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Well, I already have 300 rank as I mentioned, but do you die often in FFA, I may not use my Berserker Ring (i), but rather my Dragonstone Ring (i)? I don't like playing Barbarian Assault much, so I probably won't get the Fighter Hat just yet. Does Black Dragonhide fall too short to cut it for FFA until I can afford Bandos, is a Firecape a decent alternative to the Ardougne 3 Cape?

You die every now and then but you can always get your stuff back. Be sure to use the Soulwars respawn.


Dragonstone ring can suffice, but onyx or berserker would be better if you have the rank anyway.


Neitiznot is a common sight there, but I'm pretty sure the fighter hat is better.


Black dragonhide is worse, but you can still get kills. Firecape is also worse, but you can still get kills.


Each thing you sacrifice majorly hurts your chances, since other people will have the best gear.

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You probably already know this but when the CB isn't facing you you can turn on soul split and get some heals off him as his splash attack won't hit you anyway. Switch to mage when he faces you though.


2146 overall - 136 combat - 6 skillcapes


Plus I think the whole teenage girl thing will end soon (hopefully), because my girlfriend is absolutely in love with him(she is 18), and im beginning to feel threatened by his [Justin Bieber] dashing looks.

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Sorry for kinda taking your topic, but didn't feel like creating a new thread for nearly the same topic. Would it be possible for me to get kills at FFA corp with void, overloads, and turmoil? Or would 99 attack and strength really help?

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Well 98 98 won't make a huge difference as long as you have the best gear. I would say for every item you don't have you lose about 5% off normal rates to get a drop. 99s would be better, but you can do with 98.

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Well 98 98 won't make a huge difference as long as you have the best gear. I would say for every item you don't have you lose about 5% off normal rates to get a drop. 99s would be better, but you can do with 98.


I'm 98 94 though, but strength won't make too big of a difference I'm guessing? As long as I get like 2 kills/hour I'd be happy.

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Str is less important than attack, but unless you max out equipment, I doubt you'll get 2 kills an hour. Its around 1:30 per kill, 40 an hour, and around 15 people there, so you need to have good equipment to make up for bad stats.

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