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The Most Uncommen Thing in Runescape


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Definitely the 'ship thingy'

Nah, untrimmed dungeonerring cape is the most rare. ;)



Dungeoneering cape is untrimmed at 99 no matter what i believe. It only becomes trimmed at 120.

Whats Logout was showing it off in world 2 today, pretty sure it was trimmed. Cool emote though

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These threads are pointless, why rant about people not being nice? Why not go out there and try to change the community yourself? I spend about a day every week just helping out random lower levels I happen to meet or who are on my friends list. Yes, for one day a week I respond to "free gee pee plox" and "can i haz ur gee ess." But at the end of the day maybe I missed out on a few hundred k exp but I helped other people to enjoy the game which is much more satisfying.


I think your wrong, there are boatloads of good players if you care to look. There are not however boatloads of toy boats from rs classic or 1hp characters.

PM me in game anytime


It's a lot easier then that for an idiot to sound smart on the internet.


That's exactly what you're doing right now... just saying.


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OT: It's not hard to find friendly players if you are on p2p servers with the right people. But in f2p it is very very just ugh...


Rarest thing in rs : Toy sailboat


Rarest Discontinued: Halfwine or cracker, probably cracker.


Rarest non-discontinued: Untrimmed slayer/Dungeoneering cape


Rarest non-discontinued tradeable: 3a melee or divine sp shield.

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the douche factor of players comes back to a simple mathematical equation; normal person + animosity + audience = internet douchebag a.k.a. average runescape player.

Current Goal: all skills 60+

Completed Goals:99 fishing[sept 4th, 09]


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the douche factor of players comes back to a simple mathematical equation; normal person + animosity + audience = internet douchebag a.k.a. average runescape player.


Am I alone in seeing the irony in someone with his display name posting on a thread about people not being nice?

PM me in game anytime


It's a lot easier then that for an idiot to sound smart on the internet.


That's exactly what you're doing right now... just saying.


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Good spelling? dunno.gif



But in all seriousness, I see where you are coming from, but I believe that is just a negative persona but on a lot of games today. If you talk to any random runescape person, more then likely they will be mean or as you put it a '12 year old'. But great gaming communities such as tip.it have mature players by the bucket loads (lol wut?) So if players like your '12 year olds' are bothering you, find a nice clan chat to join and stay there.




Albel doesn't say anything anymore, just comes in, leaves an arrow and vanishes into the night :(Probably
practising some euphonium

You nearly had me fooled, you fooler you


9/10. To me, always associate Albel with musical stuff in OT.

Everyone with a goatee and glasses is Albel now.

lmfao albel m8 wat r u doin, hi though.



[hide=Runescape Achievements]99 firemaking(2007), 99 woodcutting(2008), 99 fletching(2009), 99 magic(2010), 99 cooking(2010), 99 farming(2011), 99 construction(2011), 99 runecrafting(2012), 99 Hunter (2014),  99 ranged (2015), 99 HP (2015), 99 Slayer (2015), 99 attack (2015) 99 Defense (2015) 99 Prayer (2015) 99 Summoning (2015) 99 Strength(2015) 99 Herblore (2015) 99 Dungeoneering (2017)  99 Mining (2017) 99 Crafting (2017) 99 Smithing (2017) 99 Thieving (2017)  99 invention (2017) 99 Fishing (2018), 99 Divination (2018), 99 Agility (2018), MAXED (05/17/2018)[/hide]

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It's a little sad everyone is complaining about proper english. Remember that not everyone is english and you should be happy that other people (except the french maybe ^^) are willing to learn a second or third language.


Most of the people around here have high combat levels (115+), that means they play runescape for a longer time than the average player, thus have more friends and a better position in the rs community.

Since most of the 12-year olds (and others, not only 12-year olds act like noobs) dont have a high combat level, 'normal' lower level players will meet them more often than higher level players, because for most of the time, you interact with people about the same combat level (higher level players have more higher level friends than lower level players). Therefore it's logical some of you (or actually most of you) will say that the amount of noobs is very small and that the topic starter is exaggerating. But the fact that you dont meet / see noobs, does not mean they do not exist. I guess that the average runescape player meets those noobs far more often than you do.

To be honest, I do think that there are alot of 'normal' players and that the existing view of the runescape community is wrong. Most people I meet are friendly and act normal, but I know from my own experience that with advancing in combat level the amount of noobs I met became lower. They dont try to crash you anymore when you are fighting, they dont try to steal your spot anymore when mining etc. because they know they can't 'win'. That means that not only you go away from the noobs, but the noobs go away from you. There are still noobs out there, but now irritating lower level players instead of you.

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Irritating players always existed and will continue to exist on a daily basis, nothing can really be done about that. But in all seriousness - I'm going to echo what String said, irritating players are more emphasised and remembered than friendly players. Why would you ever notice the level 60 who hops? And why wouldn't you remember the level 138 who continually killsteals your monster that you are competing against?


All boils down to the same old thing, really. It's still the internet.


Oh - And the real most uncommon thing in RuneScape currently is the 'true skill mastery' cape of Dungeoneering, at the moment. Because 104m xp in a skill that maxes around 40k xp/h is so fun.

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I was about to say that the most 'Uncommen' thing in RuneScape is proper English grammar & spelling. Hell, I was beat to it.


At any rate, your argument is invalid even about friendly players. There are what now, over 5-6 million players there? Even if we assume that one in 50 players is a friendly player, which I have no doubt is less than there actually are, I'm sure there are way less crackers, or likely any rares. And lets not talk about those rares that are owned by players who do not play. In effect, they do not exist. After all, a JMod can spawn themself 2.147 BILLIONS of each rare. Hell, twice that, since they can bank 'em. It does not however mean they effectively exist in-game. Anyway, I'm rambling.


Edit: Dzihouhanahanshahsahfdf, I honestly doubt you max your xp/hr on Dungeoneering to mere 40k/hr.



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I was about to say that the most 'Uncommen' thing in RuneScape is proper English grammar & spelling. Hell, I was beat to it.


At any rate, your argument is invalid even about friendly players. There are what now, over 5-6 million players there? Even if we assume that one in 50 players is a friendly player, which I have no doubt is less than there actually are, I'm sure there are way less crackers, or likely any rares. And lets not talk about those rares that are owned by players who do not play. In effect, they do not exist. After all, a JMod can spawn themself 2.147 BILLIONS of each rare. Hell, twice that, since they can bank 'em. It does not however mean they effectively exist in-game. Anyway, I'm rambling.


Edit: Dzihouhanahanshahsahfdf, I honestly doubt you max your xp/hr on Dungeoneering to mere 40k/hr.


A - Type my name properly. There's something called copy and paste.


B - Considering the fact that the max xp on floor 35 with 35 prestige is roughly 57k xp, which can be done within 1 hour, accounting for the lower levels done for prestige, I am guessing it averages something near 40k xp/h. But - There is supposedly a batch 2 coming out, perhaps it will change. So far - No one has managed to reach 120 Dungeoneering, thus it's technically the rarest item yet.

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I try to be a nice a person I can in game, But your always going to get that guy who will take your kills, Steal you world and just be a total jerk.


I have had people when they come to a slayer spot will demand to know my strength level and then laugh and say in a terrible pker because i have higher defense. Or will mock my equipment that I am using. But I have also had (More than the first) people that will talk to you and are friendly and will help you if you need :cool:




Quest Cape - Combat 94, Done Grandmaster Quest - 27/11/08, Combat 115

Godwars: 1 Sara hilt, 1 Bandos hilt, Bandos boots, 2x Steam battlestaff, Zammy spear, 6 Shards.

Dks: 1 worrior, 1 axe

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When u Think of the most uncommen thing in Runescape you prolly think about a Cracker or any other rare valuable items

But the most uncommen thing in Runescape is 'Friendly players'

the majority of the runescape players are hyped 12 year olds who type 'stfu nub' on any occasion

but very rarely you come acros a player who is friendly

Who without talkng sees your Ranging that drake and will leave it alone

or sees your there for your mithril and will just hop worlds

Gives u a shark when he/she sees you not eating wile on very low hp

and just goes on playing as if it never happend.


I wonder why this is.

My little brother plays this game and hes in real life a very normal relaxed normal kid who never gets in trouble

But whenever hes playing Runescape I hear him shouting NOOB..OMFG..NERD like theres no tommorow.

in his opinion this is just the way it goes.


So I wonder are you a imo 'friendly' player

and how come this game has so many people acting up like that



ps; im Dutch so sorry for any typos


IYO, I'm only half nice.


I can be nice. But I hate stupid people. If people ask a stupid question, I may not respond, depending on what kind of mood I'm in. Ex. How do I get to _____? If they really wanna know, they can use their minimap. I don't support laziness, so if noobs wanna be lazy and not check things for themselves, that's their problem.


Other instances of stupid people occur at GOP. There are so many downright idiotic players there who would be lucky to score 5 orbs on their own playing that it just pisses me off. I've somewhat resolved that problem, as most of my GOP games for the past year and a half have been solo/1v1 games on private worlds. Seriously, people can say it's their first day or w/e, but it's a game of common sense when you start off. When you can solo like 15-20 or so then it starts becoming a game of technique and other specific factors...


And in general, many people are just all-around stupid...So many different ways they are stupid that...I just can't be a nice person!...But if people are otherwise fine, I'm a nice person...


I do however (and I made a thread about this) sometimes steal people's mining spots. Like when I need iron and addy ores (Dwarf mines)...K, I really can't spend an hour going to every single world HOPING that POSSIBLY one of them doesn't have people mining in one of the two spots I need. So, sorry, limited resources = competition, everyone has equal rights to it, it's fair game. I don't go out of my way to be a jerk, but damnit, I play RS to play, not to sit around waiting for an opening for hours on end. I am generally respectful to people and not just immediately taking over their spot (even though I don't have to be).





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I try to be a nice a person I can in game, But your always going to get that guy who will take your kills, Steal you world and just be a total jerk.


I have had people when they come to a slayer spot will demand to know my strength level and then laugh and say in a terrible pker because i have higher defense. Or will mock my equipment that I am using. But I have also had (More than the first) people that will talk to you and are friendly and will help you if you need :cool:


If you can't beat em, join em. Get max gear with chaotic rapier, turmoil, ovls, max str and steel titan.

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I try to be a nice a person I can in game, But your always going to get that guy who will take your kills, Steal you world and just be a total jerk.


I have had people when they come to a slayer spot will demand to know my strength level and then laugh and say in a terrible pker because i have higher defense. Or will mock my equipment that I am using. But I have also had (More than the first) people that will talk to you and are friendly and will help you if you need :cool:


If you can't beat em, join em. Get max gear with chaotic rapier, turmoil, ovls, max str and steel titan.


Or just ignore them if you can't do that.

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I try to be a nice a person I can in game, But your always going to get that guy who will take your kills, Steal you world and just be a total jerk.


I have had people when they come to a slayer spot will demand to know my strength level and then laugh and say in a terrible pker because i have higher defense. Or will mock my equipment that I am using. But I have also had (More than the first) people that will talk to you and are friendly and will help you if you need :cool:


If you can't beat em, join em. Get max gear with chaotic rapier, turmoil, ovls, max str and steel titan.


Or just ignore them if you can't do that.


Ignoring someone doesn't help when competing against resources. For something like Green Dragons in the Chaos Tunnels...

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I try to be a nice a person I can in game, But your always going to get that guy who will take your kills, Steal you world and just be a total jerk.


I have had people when they come to a slayer spot will demand to know my strength level and then laugh and say in a terrible pker because i have higher defense. Or will mock my equipment that I am using. But I have also had (More than the first) people that will talk to you and are friendly and will help you if you need :cool:


If you can't beat em, join em. Get max gear with chaotic rapier, turmoil, ovls, max str and steel titan.


Or just ignore them if you can't do that.


Ignoring someone doesn't help when competing against resources. For something like Green Dragons in the Chaos Tunnels...


This might not be the case for every situation but usually those kind of jerks want YOU to leave so they can get all the resources. If you don't leave they'll just hop and try it again against someone else. And even if they don't hop you shouldn't just leave like a [kitty]. Fight like a man and waste that jerks time anyway!

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