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Wow so this is total bull S**T tell me if you consider this a good explination.....




Ok thats legitimate it says that im muted and my appeal has been denied, which is odd because i replyed back with some hate mail on there mod and that they new new pmods :P Also that the "Evidence" Has no "Offensive Language" in it what so freaking ever in ANY language.


Here is the " Evidence"......


<Image Removed>


As you can see there is no OFFENSIVE language in there at all, mind you the stars are to block out an other players name.


And finally when i go to try to appeal in forums aswell......




So Tippers What is your Verdict on what i did? Do you consider that "Offensive Language" and please have serious remarks, nothing like "YES THAT IS SOOOOOOOOO OFFENSIVE I MEAN LOOK AT THAT!!! "FANTASTIC"?!?!?!?! GOSH!" Thank you.

Edited by Danqazmlp
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Ummmm? Lol. I see plenty of offensive language. Besides I was muted for a month as a practical joke at an old CC i used to visit.

I have all the 99s, and have been playing since 2001. Comped 4/30/15 

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Spamming offends me. It looks like an auto typer.


You are clearly offended that jagex did this to your account, and yet they did not use expletives any more then you did.


Ok no where does it say no useage of an auto typer..... also i didnt ask if the spam offended you i asked if the language did and if not then please, dont say stupid [cabbage] as it contracts more stupid [cabbage] into a whirlpool of [cabbage] lol so thanks for the response and have a nice day.

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Be thankful they didn't ban you for using a macro/bot. Like PereGrin said, it looks like a auto typer. It may not have technically been offensive language but spamming the chat box is definitely disruptive behavior and is against the rules.



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If you fill the entire chat box with a repeated message and therefore "disrupt other players ability to chat" if comes under the offensive language rule.


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its cause of the spam ive been muted for it once of twice myself :3

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You seem a bit heated mate.



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You seem a bit heated mate.


Quite..... Rs has gone from being nearly perfect to trash in the past 3 years, as far as my oppinion, removing the wild, which made the game exilerating and you ALWAYS had a chance of getting shocked and dieing in wild, to Moderators, what happen when they all werent [wagon] who decide to smirk off and think their better than you?

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So you are mad because they filled in the wrong offence?


Yes i am because that shows ignorancy and shows that no one has the time to correct things, what if i reported a mod for muting me for 4 days for saying hi and filled it as macroing?



Shows ignorancy?



Define "ignorancy"



right here


right now

I have all the 99s, and have been playing since 2001. Comped 4/30/15 

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So you are mad because they filled in the wrong offence?


Yes i am because that shows ignorancy and shows that no one has the time to correct things, what if i reported a mod for muting me for 4 days for saying hi and filled it as macroing?



Shows ignorancy?



Define "ignorancy"



right here


right now


The act of being ignorant, ignorant can mean multiple things like in the context i used it means being incompetent.


Edit: Thanks for trying to be a douche though, really made me laugh.

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Oh man, you do NOT want to challenge us with grammar in this forum.


Yes, you do deserve the ban, you admitted using autotyper in your second post, the reason you are banned under the offensive language category is simply because the person who banned/reported you filed it under that particular category. Was it a bit stretched? Perhaps, but the ban is just.


PS: umadbro?


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Oh, I wasn't trying, hon.



Define: Ignorancy


No definitions were found for ignorancy.





Define: Ignorance

the lack of knowledge or education

Ignorance is a state of being uninformed (lack of knowledge). The word "ignorant" is an adjective describing a person in the state of being unaware and is often used as an insult. "Ignoramus" is commonly used in the UK and Ireland as a name of someone who is overwhemingly ignorant.

Ignorance should be distinguished from stupidity, although both can lead to "unwise" acts. Also, if important information is available, one may fail to acquire it due to lack of intelligence (not realizing its importance, or not understanding it).


Define: Ignorant

uneducated in general; lacking knowledge or sophistication; "an ignorant man"; "nescient of contemporary literature"; "an unlearned group incapable of understanding complex issues"; "exhibiting contempt for his unlettered companions"

uneducated in the fundamentals of a given art or branch of learning; lacking knowledge of a specific field; "she is ignorant of quantum mechanics"; "he is musically illiterate"

unaware because of a lack of relevant information or knowledge; "he was completely ignorant of the circumstances"; "an unknowledgeable assistant"; "his rudeness was unwitting"


None of those meaning incompetent.



Define: Incompetent

legally not qualified or sufficient; "a wife is usually considered unqualified to testify against her husband"; "incompetent witnesses"

not qualified or suited for a purpose; "an incompetent secret service"; "the filming was hopeless incompetent"

bungling: showing lack of skill or aptitude; "a bungling workman"; "did a clumsy job"; "his fumbling attempt to put up a shelf"

not doing a good job; "incompetent at chess"

someone who is not competent to take effective action

incapable: not meeting requirements; "unequal to the demands put upon him"

I have all the 99s, and have been playing since 2001. Comped 4/30/15 

My Araxxi Kills: 459::Araxxi Drops(KC):

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Boss Pets: Supreme - 848 KC

If you play Xbox One - Add me! GT: Urtehnoes - Currently on a Destiny binge 


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Give him a break lol Saru


Protip to you Valderg: Do not QQ about justified bans, stop acting like a stereotypical pker, and never ever ever try to play around with grammar in this forum.


Guild Wars 2-In game screenshot, the MMORPG you are waiting for. Click for thread.

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Give him a break lol Saru


Protip to you Valderg: Do not QQ about justified bans, stop acting like a stereotypical pker, and never ever ever try to play around with grammar in this forum.


idgaf about it, thanks for the "protip" but its a rant forum and get over it, im here to rant and thats just what i did so thank you for your input sir thank you.


as far as Saru If you lack knowledge that means you cannot complete the designated job correctly so in return you would be incompetent as doing said job so thanks again.

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Oh man, you do NOT want to challenge us with grammar in this forum.


Yes, you do deserve the ban, you admitted using autotyper in your second post, the reason you are banned under the offensive language category is simply because the person who banned/reported you filed it under that particular category. Was it a bit stretched? Perhaps, but the ban is just.


PS: umadbro?


And yet no where does it say anything about using something that helps you speak faster? whats the difference if i have myself type and have said "Autotyper" talk that requires no skill and is not hurting anyone, as far as no one talking, There was NO ONE TALKING that is why you see no other text if they would have been talking then there would be more text around the area.


PS: Umm im posting in a rant forum, of course im mad.

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This is a rant forum, but it is not a place to flame others. Constructed rants are what is welcome here.


Correspondence between yourself and Jagex are to be kept private, so do not post pictures of messages or evidence. I have removed those you already posted.

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This is a rant forum, but it is not a place to flame others. Constructed rants are what is welcome here.


Correspondence between yourself and Jagex are to be kept private, so do not post pictures of messages or evidence. I have removed those you already posted.


As far as posting photos i read the sticky about being muted and it said do not post conversations from mods or picture of there text, this was neither so as far as i understand there was no wrong doing setting those pictures here. if infact there was please send me where it says or has the just of " do not post pictures of ban"

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Hey that's pretty cool, we have a whole year off without spamming from your account. Good job to whoever decided you deserved that mute!



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