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Dragonwood Vs Forsaken - 60 Minute Cap Pvp Pkri


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We had an imemdiate ending of 90, to FSK's 90 - FSK had about 2 randoms so it's about a victory for us. Seeing how they did get to 93 a second later they are claiming a win, but in the long run I guess it's a draw. Both clans did equal power throughout the 60 minutes, althoguh FSK did break the following rules:


  • All of them returned in Team-36 Dragonwood Capes
  • Instead of a cap of 3 snipers, there were over 5 on our pile - All FSK
  • They tanked to Greaters very often
  • Flamed every single pile, either saying "Idiot k0'd lmfao" or some other type of flame

Was fun, but against a very disrespectful clan. Won't ever be seeing you on the battlefield.


Good job to DW on pulling 102 on a Sunday at 3:30 EST. (10+ no's due to members being on work)


Dragonwood Starting: 102

Forsaken Starting: 108, about 38 on Teamspeak





Dragonwood Ending: 90 Immediate, 105 Full

Forsaken Ending: 84 Immediate (Two randoms), ~114 Full




Retired Dragonwood | Retired Impulse


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I've seen this on Zybez, I think if you have at least a bit of respect to other clans you'd call it a tie as well.


But I can't say I'm suprised Forsaken wants to claim a win out of this one, besides that "win" wouldn't really mean anything.


Congratulations and good job to both clans. :thumbup:





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