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Why pray melee on corp?


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This is something I've never understood.


I *think* that he mages more often and that it has a higher chance of KOing you. So why do pray people melee? And is there any circumstance where praying mage is better?


Thanks in advance.

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If u protect melee he is bound to SEEM to mage more often cause u notice it more as its not lost amoung other hits.

But yeah he mainly melees and his mage attack isnt completely blocked by prayer so not worth it


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That's all valid reasons, but I hardly notice a difference between praying melee or praying magic except that you might get KOed easier with melee prayer. Still, maybe praying mage and then switching to melee if he targets you is best?


And zamorak, you shouldn't be walking under corp.

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when you walk under corp he "stomps" you dealing large damage.


but if you pray melee, he cant hurt you. alowing you to eat in safty.


(i think)

Completely false- nothing protects from stomp. Why would you type something like that when you've clearly never tried it....?


Anyway, it's best to pray magic in a group where you can get hit with splash damage and you are not tanking, because magic protect dampens the splash damage. However, when you're tanking, switching to protect melee will prevent dramatically more damage than protect magic. Magic protect reduces the max of the big mage attack from like 650 to like 400, whereas melee goes from like 550 to 0. The melee attack is also much more common.


When I'm corping I'm always switching between soul split when I'm not full hp, to protect magic when I am, to protect melee when I'm under direct attack (and then usually I flash soul split during the tank until I get hurt enough that I need to brew).

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