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What would you do if RS was real?


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I'd laugh at my poorer friends :)


Maybe get revenge on people who annoy me after tackling them down a 15ft hill...


And oh yeh, whack some sense into my history teacher.


She thinks History is worth learning!

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I'd laugh at my poorer friends :)


Maybe get revenge on people who annoy me after tackling them down a 15ft hill...


And oh yeh, whack some sense into my history teacher.


She thinks History is worth learning!




it is -.-



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wow, runescape in ways resembles the dark ages just much is taken out because well the dark ages were very very barbaric times.




Now, sure ok, so if u were in the dark ages today ud kill ppl for no reason and all this yeah ok.




But see, our minds have evolved and we have learned morals.




So if you really want to expirience runescape first hand, go back to the dark ages by building yourself a time machine, take whips and cannons with you.




morals didnt sudenly appear one day, some guy didnt jump out of a bath and run around naked going "i've found morality!" morals changed. 200 years ago slave keeping was fine and totaly moral. We must remeber morals are not intrinisic in thier goodness, they are rules that we as a society lay out for our selves, and by following these rules we may get along better. In the dark ages they did not kill people for no reason, there was usualy some slight reason, and if you were a king at that time (take Cnut) then people realy believed that you had God's ordinance, and that you were only answerable to god - see the anointment of saul in the old testament (soem where in samule). I personaly am not christian, but a lot of christan morailty seems sensible, so i follow some of it




I didn't read the end of your post so i was about to say ([some guy didnt jump out of a bath and run around naked going "i've found morality!"] especially to that part)




"But Christians did...." :lol:




however, after i read thta last part of your post, i now have this to say...


Christians did.. :twisted:




But shhh :-$


We cna't ruin their religion for them :-w

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