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What would you do if RS was real?


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Pull out my whip and start whipping people in the street :P








That one sounds like fun.








I would just make sure I play a major role in a quest so that adventurers couldnt come kill me just to get the guam leaf I have in my pocket.

Look, if your mom still drops you off at school, you ain't gangsta, pull up your damn pants!


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I will stand at the window of the second floor of my cramped, dark little apothecary and telegrab everyone who passes by into my basement.








Then I will entangle them to a cold, metal pole and perform Blood Barrage on them to extract some blood sample and use them for my potions. After I have extracted about half of their blood supply, I will get out a Dragon Dagger and cut open their abdomen (without anesthetic), and slice pieces off their liver as a secondary ingredient for my potions, all the time with the soothing noise of blood-curdling screams ringing in my ears... Once the potion is finished, my victims should have the first taste...








PS. I specialise in painful, slow-acting poisons. The guy in my avatar gives you a good idea of what my victims look like when I'm starting on them.








You're creepy..... Seriously o.O



Yes I am a girl. No, I won't be your girlfriend. :oops:

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and... that would accomplish, what exactly?




ok, yeah... kill people so you don't have to gain intelligence.








another thing Id do is chuck gnome balls at people...




(ofcourse after being at the bar all day)


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I'd report every single one of you for;








Killing gentle and innocent monsters








Illegal wood cutting








Selling illegal substances (aka herbs)




Killing endangered species (dragons)








Illegal fishing (sharks)




Possession of dangerous/illegal arms with the intent of destruction/murder




Illegal trading




Illegal practicing of heathen religion




Illegal practicing of magic.

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i wud bang some hot chicks because the ladies in runescape they fine








...? slighty disturbing images of u lusting over pixle "girls"...yes they are realy fine, about 1 inch tall (depending on ur screen setting) and alot of them are played by boys...have fun!



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I'd report every single one of you for;








Killing gentle and innocent monsters [ed. - inoccent - that black demon attacked first]








Illegal wood cutting








Selling illegal substances (aka herbs) - herbs aren;t illegal - u dont get arrested for selling mint...




Killing endangered species (dragons) - they just respawn anyway so the are not realy endangered




Manslaughter - unless u mean we kill each other accidentaly what u mean is murder




Illegal fishing (sharks) - it isnt illegal to fish sharks in certain places




Possession of dangerous/illegal arms with the intent of destruction/murder




Illegal trading




Illegal practicing of heathen religion - what are u? some racist?




Illegal practicing of magic. - only punishable if you are a fundamentalist christian...and then punishable by stoning








and do what exactly... we would be impossible to ban, as there would be no one outside of runescape, as it was "real", and would you realy like to try and imprison a lvl 126 with 99 mage?



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I'd report every single one of you for;








Killing gentle and innocent monsters [ed. - inoccent - that black demon attacked first]








Illegal wood cutting








Selling illegal substances (aka herbs) - herbs aren;t illegal - u dont get arrested for selling mint...




Killing endangered species (dragons) - they just respawn anyway so the are not realy endangered




Manslaughter - unless u mean we kill each other accidentaly what u mean is murder




Illegal fishing (sharks) - it isnt illegal to fish sharks in certain places




Possession of dangerous/illegal arms with the intent of destruction/murder




Illegal trading




Illegal practicing of heathen religion - what are u? some racist?




Illegal practicing of magic. - only punishable if you are a fundamentalist christian...and then punishable by stoning








and do what exactly... we would be impossible to ban, as there would be no one outside of runescape, as it was "real", and would you realy like to try and imprison a lvl 126 with 99 mage?








No, i'd bloody sue you!

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first, go to my bank and get my monkey greegree and become a ninja monkey! yes.. ninja monkey.








after that, probebly a quick game of capture the flag. after that, i dont know, maybe tie the jagex staff up and make them finish POH's by cannon point! :shock:












i dont know.. maybe see what happens when i run up and grab someones phat real quick and teleport away :shock:

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