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jad update Q.


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"TzTok-Jad has had his magic attack animation priority raised above his defend animation, making it clearer when he's about to use a magic attack."


does that mean you can determin when he uses mage attk with out sound??


as my computer cant use sound so i havnt been able to do jad tasks when i get them (if laptop isnt available)


if it does then i can now do it every tim i get jad task if not then ¬_¬


but yeah just wondering


as its annoying when i get task but cant do it and have to kill tzars ¬_¬

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Be carefull, i tried jad a day after that update came, and this can result several times in you getting confused. In my case, he did defend animation from my range attack and then quickly used magic attack, was a really weird chain animation, so i failed and died :P


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What i think they mean by this update, is that if Jad was in the middle of a magic animation(Fireball forming above his head), and an attack hit him, he would do his defending animation while the fireball was still forming above his head. Thus canceling the magic animation(Fireball would still form and launch, as that isn't really part of the animation, but the projectile itself) and replacing it with the defending animation. What i think they're saying is that they changed it so that his defending animation will no longer take priority over his attacking animation.



It might be kinda hard to understand, but just consider this: Sometimes when you're fighting an enemy, you'll notice that sometimes it's attack animation will be cut short and it's defending animation will happen because you just hit it with an attack. It's essentially the same thing, except it's been fixed to prevent confusion.

Hexiled Razz. Player since March 8th, 2005.

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Razzkun coveredit pretty well.


Essentially there was an issue where if you hit jad at the wrong moment he would do his defend animation instead oif the mage attack charging animation. Meaning you only knew he was using mage when the ball appeared hurtling at you.


All they did was change priorities so that (as with the rnaged attack) it CANNOT be overuled by defend animation


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What i think they mean by this update, is that if Jad was in the middle of a magic animation(Fireball forming above his head), and an attack hit him, he would do his defending animation while the fireball was still forming above his head. Thus canceling the magic animation(Fireball would still form and launch, as that isn't really part of the animation, but the projectile itself) and replacing it with the defending animation. What i think they're saying is that they changed it so that his defending animation will no longer take priority over his attacking animation.



It might be kinda hard to understand, but just consider this: Sometimes when you're fighting an enemy, you'll notice that sometimes it's attack animation will be cut short and it's defending animation will happen because you just hit it with an attack. It's essentially the same thing, except it's been fixed to prevent confusion.


yeah i had a jad task after i posted this weirdly enough


and when i was doing it his defence emotion was cut short when he switched from range to mage


didnt have any confusion as i looked out for the noise (switched cpu) so i only look for range attk and listen for mage

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if u get lucky u can do it without sound, but if u get unlucky and he doesnt get trapped behind the italy rock at his spawn, you will have to rely on sound for his first attack. but after the first atack you should be fine without sound

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