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I have had enough of gop went there did some 5050 the clan closed so jsut did normal. Chose yellow our team lost 6-0 (f2p) i playued throughout , i needed 150 tokens for rc gloves i was the only one on my team trying the rest just mucked around after we lost air. I thought i would get at least 100 tokens for my effort instead i get a miniscule 60 i mean is that a joke that i played for 15 mins trying my hardest got 60 tokens whereas the other team didnt have to do anything to beat us and they get 700 i mean thats just so unfair so now i have to play another game probably 50/50 just incase i dont get a repeat of that.

In summary i am ranting about the noobs who just sit there when you lose the first altar and the token system the minigame is a joke.

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I have had enough of gop went there did some 5050 the clan closed so jsut did normal. Chose yellow our team lost 6-0 (f2p) i playued throughout , i needed 150 tokens for rc gloves i was the only one on my team trying the rest just mucked around after we lost air. I thought i would get at least 100 tokens for my effort instead i get a miniscule 60 i mean is that a joke that i played for 15 mins trying my hardest got 60 tokens whereas the other team didnt have to do anything to beat us and they get 700 i mean thats just so unfair so now i have to play another game probably 50/50 just incase i dont get a repeat of that.

In summary i am ranting about the noobs who just sit there when you lose the first altar and the token system the minigame is a joke.


Chill. You got a bad team. Whenever I go to SC and the other tean pk's the [bleep] out of us, I don't complain.




TT rewards: 2 ranger boots, Zamorak page 1 (2x), Guthix page 1, Ancient page 2


You must construct additional oak larders doors... I mean pylons


Barrows: 10. Total value~22.3 mil. Ahrim Robeskirt is currently the item I have received the most.

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Ye but there is always a bad team no matter what that's why it is such a fail of a game because i would accept losing with a team of tryers but losing with a team resting on the floor and getting 60 tokens is hard to take and its not like it is a 1 off it happens to most games

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There ought to be some incentive to force players off their ass and into the game, something like Soul Wars. It's better implemented in non-combat games like the GOP because you can't die and reset your contribution. <_<

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There ought to be some incentive to force players off their ass and into the game, something like Soul Wars. It's better implemented in non-combat games like the GOP because you can't die and reset your contribution. <_<

There is something like that, but people just spam portals to keep it filled.

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Agreed totally, if there's one thing I hate the most about minigames in general it's the teamwork ethic.


If only the general RS population wasn't so stupid and didn't have ass attitudes...




Trimmed | Master Quester | Final Boss

Boss pets: Bombi | Shrimpy | Ellie | Tz-Rek Jad | Karil the Bobbled | Mega Ducklings

120s: Dungeoneering | Invention

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  • 2 weeks later...

Agreed totally, if there's one thing I hate the most about minigames in general it's the teamwork ethic.


If only the general RS population wasn't so stupid and didn't have ass attitudes...

That's any population composed of primarily males pre-puberty.


Come to my Clan chat (I'm there if I'm online) if you wish to borrow a Green H'ween mask, Blue H'ween Mask, Red H'ween Mask, or Santa for a reasonable price.

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If only tip.it had a place where people could gather and play competitive mini-games. Perhaps, some kind of 'new thread'. Seriously though, whenever I wanna do one of those minigames, I just look for a random, non-warring clan and just join them for the day, telling them that 'I want to join but have doubts'. They always tend to swing it in my team's favor, and, provided I leave at the end of the day, it leaves me still 'not in a clan'.

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