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Found a fantastic way to make money off of scammers


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Rationalize it how you will, you're telling them you'll give them 1m if they double your 100k. That's scamming. Sure, they're in the wrong too, but doesn't mean you should scam them.


You still haven't told me why scamming scammers is bad. It's like saying executing murderers are bad, because then you'd be killing too. Oh you probably would be against that. Nvm.


You're no better than the scammer for scamming. There's a reason not every murderer gets the death penalty.


Lol if people are enough of an idiot to get scammed they deserve it. If the scammer is also one of the idiots that lose at their own trust game, they also probably deserve it. Game wouldn't be fun if it didn't work like this.


I scammed and lured legitimate players and also the people that were trying to lure/scam me b4. It's fun.


Just because you scam people (which isn't legal in the game), doesn't mean you can say it's not a bad idea.

~ Proud Father ~ Proud (Currently Deployed) Army National Guardsmen ~ Proud Lakota ~ Retired Tip.It Crew ~

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Rationalize it how you will, you're telling them you'll give them 1m if they double your 100k. That's scamming. Sure, they're in the wrong too, but doesn't mean you should scam them.


You still haven't told me why scamming scammers is bad. It's like saying executing murderers are bad, because then you'd be killing too. Oh you probably would be against that. Nvm.


Biggest reason it's justified is that it's an efficient money maker. There.


That's different - there's a whole legal system for that. (Also, the death penalty isn't active in most states - if any. Maybe texas but I don't think they've executed anybody in a while)

You are in fact scamming - you not only targeted the scammers on the market but also people who didn't do anything as you said yourself.


All Tip.it is trying to tell you is that - there are tons of way to make >250k an hour without risking your account. If you try to log in one day and you find that your account is banned or even if you get hacked - don't expect sympathy. You brought it upon yourself.

I seriously doubt Jagex would ban someone for trading with a scammer and avoiding being scammed.

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Rationalize it how you will, you're telling them you'll give them 1m if they double your 100k. That's scamming. Sure, they're in the wrong too, but doesn't mean you should scam them.


You still haven't told me why scamming scammers is bad. It's like saying executing murderers are bad, because then you'd be killing too. Oh you probably would be against that. Nvm.


You're no better than the scammer for scamming. There's a reason not every murderer gets the death penalty.


Lol if people are enough of an idiot to get scammed they deserve it. If the scammer is also one of the idiots that lose at their own trust game, they also probably deserve it. Game wouldn't be fun if it didn't work like this.


I scammed and lured legitimate players and also the people that were trying to lure/scam me b4. It's fun.


Just because you scam people (which isn't legal in the game), doesn't mean you can say it's not a bad idea.


Nothing has happened lol. Only positive vibes and lots of irl lols. Some of it is justified, some of it isn't. I've seen my friend get muted scamming, but that's only because he spammed "doubling money" in the ge, and didn't do it discretely or try to rip off the scammers. Worse that happens is a 48 hr mute, and there's no way you're going to be in trouble if the person you're scamming is also a scammer.


Only reason why it might be a bad idea is if you find some sort of intrinsic value to being nice on this game, otherwise it's a nice funny way to make a decent amount of cash.

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The whole idea around banning for this, imo, revolves around that old racing game known as 'chicken'. 2 cars are driving towards the edge of a cliff, and the one who gets closer to the edge wins (or, in this case, receives the ban). Overall, wouldn't it be easier just to ignore'm? I mean, the best case scenario for this is one person ending up with nothing, while the other gets the gp and the ban for scamming. Thumbs down on this idea...

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Do two wrongs make a right?

Am I to assume you're also against fining reckless drivers and other law breakers?


This guy is trying to steal money from people. OP is teaching them a lesson by stealing it back. That's not two wrongs, that's a learning experience for the kid stealing money.


Assume what you want to assume... I have no stance/opinion on this matter.


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I cannot say whether this is legit or not, but it's completely harsh and unwarranted to call the op as bad as scammers. Scammers deserve it, it's that simple. Do you see him scamming innocent people?


Dexter is innocent.


That's actually an interesting philosophical debate. If person A does a bad thing to someone, then person B does that same bad thing to person A, is person B bad?


Big value call there, really.

Squab unleashes Megiddo! Completed all quests and hard diaries. 75+ Skiller. (At one point.) 2000+ total. 99 Magic.
[spoiler=The rest of my sig. You know you wanna see it.]

my difinition of noob is i dont like u, either u are better then me or u are worst them me

Buying spins make you a bad person...don't do it. It's like buying nukes for North Korea.

Well if it bothers you that the game is more fun now, then you can go cry in a corner. :shame:

your article was the equivalent of a circumcized porcupine

The only thing wrong with it is the lack of a percentage for when you need to stroke it.


Poignant Purple to Lokie's Ravishing Red and Alg's Brilliant Blue.

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I cannot say whether this is legit or not, but it's completely harsh and unwarranted to call the op as bad as scammers. Scammers deserve it, it's that simple. Do you see him scamming innocent people?


Dexter is innocent.


That's actually an interesting philosophical debate. If person A does a bad thing to someone, then person B does that same bad thing to person A, is person B bad?


Big value call there, really.

This is slightly different. This is a case of person A tries to do bad thing to person B, and person B reverses the situation. If someone tries to kill me and I end up killing them in self defense, that's different from killing someone who killed someone else first.


Hell, this isn't even a scam by any reasonable definition, because the scammer is OFFERING A MONEY DOUBLING SERVICE and OP is ACCEPTING THAT SERVICE. If they didn't want to give away free money they should have thought about that before shouting about how much free money they're going to give away.

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Let's imagine this as a real life scenario:


You see someone stealing from your neighbors, one by one. The thief steals an item from them, each day, day after day. Should you then steal from the thief and take his stuff to use as your own?

No! Either call the police, or, if you do decide to steal, return the items to the people and warn them of the thief. The fact that people choose to do this is absurd, seeing as if you think of it like this: (scammer thieves off noob, you thieve off scammer), then in a way, you thieved off the noob through the scammer. Still no support from me, and just about anyone who can think rationally...

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You're no better than the scammer for scamming.

Really, how come? Do explain your logic. So, you're saying that a man that kills a murderer in self defence makes you just as bad?


Please. Scamming and counter-scamming are two different situations.


By scamming, a (possibly) good person learns a harsh lesson not to trust anybody.

By counter-scamming, a bad person learns a harsh lesson not to scam.


Now, if only one of those benefited runescape society as a whole...

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Let's imagine this as a real life scenario:


You see someone stealing from your neighbors, one by one. The thief steals an item from them, each day, day after day. Should you then steal from the thief and take his stuff to use as your own?

No! Either call the police, or, if you do decide to steal, return the items to the people and warn them of the thief. The fact that people choose to do this is absurd, seeing as if you think of it like this: (scammer thieves off noob, you thieve off scammer), then in a way, you thieved off the noob through the scammer. Still no support from me, and just about anyone who can think rationally...

You don't know who that scammer stole from or what they stole in the past. You don't know if they've done any scams at all. What you do know is that right now, they're walking up to you and trying to scam YOU. You can walk away, fall for the scam, or scam them back. I see no reason at all why you should fail to turn the scam back on the scammer. Letting them away scott free when you could have taught them a lesson is in no way a moral highground.

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No, actually my analogy is correct. Even if the scammer only steals off 1 person before you, then you're still following it. The only way it'd work like your example would be if the scammer had just started out, which, by common logic, is too unlikely.

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No, actually my analogy is correct. Even if the scammer only steals off 1 person before you, then you're still following it. The only way it'd work like your example would be if the scammer had just started out, which, by common logic, is too unlikely.

If you know the person who was scammed before, absolutely it would be good to return their money. However, you're saying that because you don't know who to return money to, you should just let the scammer go on their merry way when you could make them think twice about scamming in the future?


Very logical.

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Applause to green for clearly not reading my first post. If you see a crime happen, you call the police. If you see a scam happen, report. Just because you see someone trying to scam, it doesn't give you the right to go on your own little 'crime spree' and steal off them.

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Applause to green for clearly not reading my first post. If you see a crime happen, you call the police. If you see a scam happen, report. Just because you see someone trying to scam, it doesn't give you the right to go on your own little 'crime spree' and steal off them.

There's a difference between committing a crime and taking someone up on an offer of generosity. The guy said he was doubling money. If he's mad that you used his service, that's not really your problem. Doesn't matter if he wasn't being honest, it's not a scam if someone offers a trade to you, makes the trade, and then gets pissed off afterward.

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@green: and the more you start to believe that their intention was not initially to scam, the more I start to laugh at the 'gullibility' of people on here. Need'st I remind you of the title of this thread. The OP admits to these people being scammers, and just about any person using logic can tell that these people are scammers.

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It is all common sense though. If you see a guy walk into a bank carrying a shotgun, it is common sense that he's there to rob it. If you see a guy offering to 'double your gp for free' to everyone, it is common sense that he's a scammer. Sure, there's no way to know their other intentions, but I mean c'mon. If you see a guy offering to do the impossible, chances are it's because he's out to scam you.

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Please don't try to compare scamming and murder. Two totally different situations, none even CLOSE to comparison. You're scamming them. You're saying I'll give you my 1m if you double this 100k. So they do, and you don't give them your money. That is scamming, that is the exact definition of scamming. They didn't force you to come to them, you went to them on your own will knowing perfectly well your intentions were to scam money from them.

~ Proud Father ~ Proud (Currently Deployed) Army National Guardsmen ~ Proud Lakota ~ Retired Tip.It Crew ~

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Green seems to be one of the only people here who understands that the second person is NOT scamming.


Person A offered to double person B's money. Person B accepts and through a series of trades, receives double their money every time. If they choose to stop using the service offered by Person A, they have every right to as it was a service offered to them. As long as Person B doesn't say they will offer 1m and runs off after getting 200k doubled, how is it a scam?


unbinding green's kidneys for ltk's heart

do you farm guam like me sir ltk


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