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Remember when WWF (WWE) was good?


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Personally i hate streaming ppv's. I did it one year and it buffered in the middle of a fight and we have broadband. I'm sure it was on their end considering its live. WWE.com charges the same full price for streaming as well so hopefully you are able to find it cheaper.


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I'm gonna buy it on cable just to see the Rock. Their plan on bringing in old people worked.


That's exactly what I said!

~ Proud Father ~ Proud (Currently Deployed) Army National Guardsmen ~ Proud Lakota ~ Retired Tip.It Crew ~

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If you hate seperately streaming ppv's, then you can always try 'multilink'. It's when you share digital ppv's over multiple wireless computers, thus meaning that 1 person pays for everyone. It's what I did during that one summerslam where triple 'preperation' h took on shawn michaels in a 1 hour long street fight. Gonna be interesting to see the chants for the rock though, seeing as anyone who's even heard of one of his movies knows his real name...

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Watch his return which is posted on the first page by the OP. He got the biggest pop since... well since he was in the ring before. If you want to see one of the most fired up crowds ever go to youtube and search wrestlemania 18 hulk hogan vs the rock, the match itself sucked but the way the crowd was so into it made it epic lol. Thats the thing i miss about wrestling, you know someone is a popular "character" when their music hits and the whole building comes unglued.


EDIT: I got nostalgia and had to watch it, heres the youtube video. This is part one, you'll have to click the other parts within youtube.





The thing that was so surprising about this match was that hogan was the heel and built up to be that way that whole year. If you watch their facial reactions they're surprised by the crowd just as much as anybody lol.


EDIT2: K, i got all nostalgic and rewatched this. The rock's best entrance, and him being crazy good as a heel. Best mic skills ever.


Edited by Low_C


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Speaking of epic returns.



"Any people anywhere, being inclined and having the power, have the right to rise up, and shake off the existing government, and form a new one that suits them better. This is a most valuable - a most sacred right - a right, which we hope and believe, is to liberate the world."

Abraham Lincoln

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Was anyone else dissapointed when watching RAW this week? Miz, the Rock and John Cena were all fighting. The Rock whoops the miz's ass...but john cena is waiting behind him and gives him an AA? Wtf? I hate how they make John Cena look like jesus. He's not a winner. The Rock is a winner. He's got the tiger blood.

Pretty much done with rs now

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They did that because they have to make Cena look strong. He's the face of the company.. If they booked the Rock to look strong every week it would be pointless considering he will leave after a match or two at most. They have been building Cena for 7 years, i doubt they would stop now just to put The Rock over on free television.


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Trish Stratus bring back some very fond memories. giggety.




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I grew up watching WWF. The Ultimate Warrior will always be my favorite wrestler :smile:


[brought to you by the Cult of the Sacred Crate]

17th to 99 Smithing OSRS

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