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What to do with money?


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I currently only have one skill left that involves spending money to lv (Construction).


After I buy the planks I need to get lv 99. I will have gotten all skills that involve money...So here is my concern, I do not know what to do with the money I will have left over (around 40m cash) as well as the cash I am bound to accumulate as I continue playing.


I have all the rares I want minus one, a half wine but I am not to sure it is worth my time to try and earn how ever an ungodly an amount they cost now.


So what should I do? Start hosting games/contests and stuff for money or what?


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Donate it icon_thumbs.gif


But seriously, if you have all the gear you'll need, you might as well just flip merchant to get some interest on your extra cash. If you haven't staked, might as well try it.


Although donating would be good too.

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Ah yeah, just clicked for me Monster hunting.


The last time I seriously was into Monster hunting is when the Dag Kings came out, good times.


I was thinking about doing Nex but I really don't have all that dunge gear that apparently is a must have? Only dunge thing I got is a rapier :P Hmm something I would have to look into, perhaps dungesweepers? Since as it stands I have a strong distaste for dunge due to...to say it kindly bad teams.


But then again the question: what would I do with all that money I would be getting from nex then?


Edit: Oh bows, tbh I am a 99 [bleep] not a person for rank. The skills that I do enjoy training do not cost money really, or really I should say it does but slayer (drops) pay for the expenses that are used for pots/foods.


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It really breaks my heart to hear that you have all the rares you want. If I had all the rares and all the buyables, the only thing I can imagine doing with money is use it to gain more money.. Lots of ways already mentioned ehre about that.


I guess the essence is that you're having fun. If you stop having fun, might as well stop playing.

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Personally im into high-lvl competitive clan-wars, which "requires" gear such as full nex sets and a divine (although i have neither).

Something similair, yet very different is the rated-clan wars jagex just invented - join a clan that competes in this.


If thats not something for you, maybe set beyond-99-goals. You could join a clan for this aswell (skilling clan) to get some competitiveness into skilling. ..Or just mates to skill with.

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donating is pretty fun! (get the hint... :pray: ) lol


i reckon buy like all the barrow sets! then just parade everywhere constantly changing! lol


u could go pking! pking is like one of the funnest thing to do in RS! (a PM pking :eek:)



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