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Need an odd type of help.


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I need a different type of advice, and if someone(s) could help me, it would be greatly appreciated!


What is a good way to stay motivated for a skill? I'm going for 99 cooking, and I keep getting de-motivated. I got woodcutting in a years span because of this.


Please don't say "Watch videos and see what you'll get when your finished", because to be honest, that de-motivates me even more..after looking at the cape for a long time..it gets boring and I no longer want it because....well..I've stared at it for 3 hours.


Any advice?



- Goals and Achievements -

99 Cooking | 99 WoodCut


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I'd say stop every once in a while to do other things in RS and then come back to it.


I'm going for 99 Mining (in F2P even) so I can understand how you'd become bored, but I've found that if you do other things (train other skills like DG for example) and then come back it's not so bad. I try and do an couple of hours of Mining and an hour of something else so I don't get burnt out.



THE place for all free players to connect, hang out and talk about how awesome it is to be F2P.

So, Kaida is the real version of every fictional science-badass? That explains a lot, actually...

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I'd say stop every once in a while to do other things in RS and then come back to it.


I'm going for 99 Mining (in F2P even) so I can understand how you'd become bored, but I've found that if you do other things (train other skills like DG for example) and then come back it's not so bad. I try and do an couple of hours of Mining and an hour of something else so I don't get burnt out.


I would defiantly do that, my only problem is, with cooking I pre-bought EVERYTHING, even selling my gear. So finding something that I can do for an hour or so with nothing, is quite difficult. Any ideas?

- Goals and Achievements -

99 Cooking | 99 WoodCut


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Stop cooking.

Problem fixed.


Troll? Not the answer I was looking for. In case you didn't read the problem...I had the same thing with woodcutting or any other skill...

- Goals and Achievements -

99 Cooking | 99 WoodCut


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Stop cooking.

Problem fixed.


Troll? Not the answer I was looking for. In case you didn't read the problem...I had the same thing with woodcutting or any other skill...


I'm trolling because i'm telling you to stop doing something you don't enjoy?

Cooking is one of the most useless skills and if you're only doing it for the cape, WHY ARE YOU DOING IT

Your whole thread is more troll-worthy than my response.

Main Account - Max cape achieved 10th September 2011
Noob Account - 2300 total and climbing 


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I'd say stop every once in a while to do other things in RS and then come back to it.


I'm going for 99 Mining (in F2P even) so I can understand how you'd become bored, but I've found that if you do other things (train other skills like DG for example) and then come back it's not so bad. I try and do an couple of hours of Mining and an hour of something else so I don't get burnt out.


I would defiantly do that, my only problem is, with cooking I pre-bought EVERYTHING, even selling my gear. So finding something that I can do for an hour or so with nothing, is quite difficult. Any ideas?

Dungeoneering. It requires nothing but a ring you get for free.



THE place for all free players to connect, hang out and talk about how awesome it is to be F2P.

So, Kaida is the real version of every fictional science-badass? That explains a lot, actually...

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Do a faster method to get it done quicker. Unless you are already doing wines.


I've actually never thought of doing wines, I will defiantly do them.


- I never said I didn't enjoy it..LIKE SAID BEFORE, it happens with every skill, I get bored. Thanks for reading my posts, troll.


Edit - Dung, would be nice, would have to learn how to do it good. :)

- Goals and Achievements -

99 Cooking | 99 WoodCut


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So you enjoy something that bores you? How wonderful, I wish I could have that trait.


If your not going to give advice, please stop trying to raise post count, and get off this thread. Thanks.

- Goals and Achievements -

99 Cooking | 99 WoodCut


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I'd say stop every once in a while to do other things in RS and then come back to it.


I'm going for 99 Mining (in F2P even) so I can understand how you'd become bored, but I've found that if you do other things (train other skills like DG for example) and then come back it's not so bad. I try and do an couple of hours of Mining and an hour of something else so I don't get burnt out.


I would definitely do that, but my only problem is that with cooking I pre-bought everything, and even sold my gear. So finding something that I can do for an hour or so with nothing is quite difficult. Any ideas?

Dungeoneer, as previously suggested.


As for other ideas, you could try cooking a variety of dishes, instead of just cooking [bleep]ing fish. And if you do cook fish, do something else in another window so you're not wasting time staring at your character cooking.

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Do a faster method to get it done quicker. Unless you are already doing wines.


I've actually never thought of doing wines, I will defiantly do them.


- I never said I didn't enjoy it..LIKE SAID BEFORE, it happens with every skill, I get bored. Thanks for reading my posts, troll.


If you don't have motivation to do it; you clearly don't enjoy it.

You don't have to specifically say you don't enjoy something if it's clear that you don't enjoy it.

If you did enjoy it; why would you join a fan site looking for motivation to do something you already like doing?


Again; stop cooking and do something you enjoy if you're looking for motivation in other skills.


Furthermore, you joined less than a few hours ago. And you're calling everyone a troll and "ONLY HERE TO RAISE POST COUNT"


.. whos the real troll?

Main Account - Max cape achieved 10th September 2011
Noob Account - 2300 total and climbing 


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If you don't have motivation to do it; you clearly don't enjoy it.

You don't have to specifically say you don't enjoy something if it's clear that you don't enjoy it.

If you did enjoy it; why would you join a fan site looking for motivation to do something you already like doing?


Again; stop cooking and do something you enjoy if you're looking for motivation in other skills.


Furthermore, you joined less than a few hours ago. And you're calling everyone a troll and "ONLY HERE TO RAISE POST COUNT"


.. whos the real troll?


Enjoying it, and being bored by it are to different things.



For example, you might not LIKE a military boot camp, but you have to be MOTIVATED to go through it.


- I usually watch youtube videos, but eventually, I get ansy and want to do something else in the game. I try to not do anything else and focus on cooking, but it's quite difficult.

- Goals and Achievements -

99 Cooking | 99 WoodCut


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Are you actually comparing military boot camp, something that lasts only a few weeks and sets you up for life. Ensuring you a job, a retirement package and a million other benefits, to staying motivated while training cooking?

Sorry. wat.

Main Account - Max cape achieved 10th September 2011
Noob Account - 2300 total and climbing 


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Masterbate while cooking. Bank with your left hand so you don't need to stop.



But seriously, 99 cooking isn't worth selling your bank for, especially if you don't enjoy it.

DK drops (solo/LS): 66 hatchets, 14 archer rings, 13 berserker rings, 17 warrior rings, 12 seerculls, 13 mud staves, 7 seers rings

QBD drops: 1 kite, 2 visages, 4 dragonbone kits, 3 effigies, lots of crossbow parts

CR vs. CLS threads always turn into discussions about penis size.
It's not called a Compensation Longsword for nothing.

I've sent a 12k combat mission to have Aiel assassinated (poor bastard isn't even Pincers-tier difficulty).



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Do a faster method to get it done quicker. Unless you are already doing wines.


I've actually never thought of doing wines, I will defiantly do them.


- I never said I didn't enjoy it..LIKE SAID BEFORE, it happens with every skill, I get bored. Thanks for reading my posts, troll.


Edit - Dung, would be nice, would have to learn how to do it good. :)

I'm a troll. cool.


If you get bored of something, then an obvious solution would to get it done faster. That way you are spending less time overall and not burning yourself out/getting bored as easily.


You asked for advice on staying motivated. I find getting getting something done faster is a way to stay motivated because I know I'll be getting 400k exp per hour instead of 160k.



Masterbate while cooking. Bank with your left hand so you don't need to stop.

This is possibly the single greatest piece of advice I have ever seen in tip.it. :thumbup:


unbinding green's kidneys for ltk's heart

do you farm guam like me sir ltk


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Masterbate while cooking. Bank with your left hand so you don't need to stop.



But seriously, 99 cooking isn't worth selling your bank for, especially if you don't enjoy it.

Stop trolling

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If you don't have motivation to do it, you clearly don't enjoy it.

You don't have to specifically say you don't enjoy something if it's clear that you don't enjoy it.

If you did enjoy it; why would you join a fan site looking for motivation to do something you already like doing?


Again: stop cooking and do something you enjoy if you're looking for motivation in other skills.


Furthermore, you joined less than a few hours ago. And you're calling everyone a troll and "ONLY HERE TO RAISE POST COUNT"


...who's the real troll?


Enjoying it and being bored by it are two different things.



For example, you might not LIKE a military boot camp, but you have to be MOTIVATED to go through it.


- I usually watch YouTube videos, but eventually I get antsy and want to do something else in the game. I try to not do anything else and focus on cooking, but it's quite difficult.

Open another RuneScape window and play on an alternate account. It's not like cooking requires that much attention anyway.

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I'd suggest selling some of your cooked fish for herb seeds and start doing farm runs every hour. That'd break things up nicely and turn a profit.


You could also do skills like agility that are free. However, I find agility worse than cooking >.<



*edited type-o*

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If you don't have motivation to do it; you clearly don't enjoy it.

You don't have to specifically say you don't enjoy something if it's clear that you don't enjoy it.

If you did enjoy it; why would you join a fan site looking for motivation to do something you already like doing?


Again; stop cooking and do something you enjoy if you're looking for motivation in other skills.


Furthermore, you joined less than a few hours ago. And you're calling everyone a troll and "ONLY HERE TO RAISE POST COUNT"


.. whos the real troll?


Enjoying it, and being bored by it are to different things.



For example, you might not LIKE a military boot camp, but you have to be MOTIVATED to go through it.


- I usually watch youtube videos, but eventually, I get ansy and want to do something else in the game. I try to not do anything else and focus on cooking, but it's quite difficult.


I'm pretty sure nobody would go through boot camp if all they got was a skillcape of military training.


How are we supposed to motivate you? Tell you all the great benefits of 99 cook? Tell you how it'll all be worth it later? How you'll make loads of cash? How everyone will want to be your friend because you have a purple cape? It does none of that, it's just a purple cape.

From the empty days of hope, deny the darkness
Follow my voice, we'll run far away from here

If only to hide, to escape this life
And live forever, forever in the sun

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Open another RuneScape window and play on an alternate account. It's not like cooking requires that much attention anyway.

Except muliti-logging is against the rules. :shame:



THE place for all free players to connect, hang out and talk about how awesome it is to be F2P.

So, Kaida is the real version of every fictional science-badass? That explains a lot, actually...

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