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Is the Abyss really worth it?


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Ok, so I just bought 20k ess, I'm planning on Runecrafting them, as you do. I've never tried the abyss and I was curious, is the abyss 'really' such a time saver when crafting nature runes?








Also, I only have one glory ammy but I'm sure I can buy a few more. And if so, what would be the required minimum ammount of Glory amulets to have to make it a large time saver and not having to go to to Hero's Guild so often.








Also is there an easier way to do it without Glory Amulets and also without Ancients teleport?








-Cheers, Deathslash12

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"Ok, so I just bought 20k nats, I'm planning on Runecrafting them, as you do. I've never tried the abyss and I was curious, is the abyss 'really' such a time saver when crafting nature runes?"








I think you meant to say 20k ess. But yes, it's really worth it.








"Also, I only have one glory ammy but I'm sure I can buy a few more. And if so, what would be the required minimum ammount of Glory amulets to have to make it a large time saver and not having to go to to Hero's Guild so often."








You CAN do that...however...unless you have around 10 glories, I woldn't. Personally, I use ancient magicks. If you have ancient magicks you can teleport very close to edgeville. I highly suggest doing desert treasure before using the abyss.








"Also is there an easier way to do it without Glory Amulets and also without Ancients teleport?"








None that I know of.

Runescape Name: "unbug07"


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abyss rocks, ive spent the last few weeks there.. its excelent and your runes pile up before you know it








Yup seen you there a lot with your yellow flipper feet :wink:








And yes abyss is most defiantely worth it :D

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abyss rocks, ive spent the last few weeks there.. its excelent and your runes pile up before you know it












its true, the risk and thought of being pked is the only reason to stay away from this place. of course every1's worried they will get their glory pked or whatever but if you have an ectophial its not a big deal really, most people entangle THEN teleblock if they arent using ancient magic. if their pkin with ancients tele with ectophial, if they are using entangle god spells or whatever, just watch your self for the random 30's god spells can do.

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abyss rocks, ive spent the last few weeks there.. its excelent and your runes pile up before you know it








Yup seen you there a lot with your yellow flipper feet :wink:








And yes abyss is most defiantely worth it :D












midgeyyyyyy :oops:












oo and yes, ectophial i guess would work, im not worried about loseing glory, its the pouchs that worry me

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I never use the abyss, but I crafted loads of natures by going from the altar to the general store. Here are some numbers for you:








my agility is 66 (I use 44% energy from the altar to the store @0kg weight) and my rc is 50+ (3 pouches).








I make 40 natures per trip and I average 850 natures per hour when not talking to friends or people along the way. This gives an average trip time of under 3 minutes, pretty close to abyss trip times.








My pouch degenerates after 1040-1120 natures, which means you can craft natures for about an hour and 15 minutes before having to go back to the abyss to repair.








If you still don't want to go through the abyss I found out pouches can degenerate multiple times. The pouch that can carry the most ess degenerates first:




large pouch 9 --> 7 ess




large pouch 7 --> 5 ess




medium pouch 6 --> 4 ess




No more info because I decided it really was time to go through the abyss :lol:








Hope this helps.




Haven't played RuneScape since 12 january 2007 and it feels great :)

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I made more than 150k natures (and still counting) by used Abyss method. I'm no longer chop magic trees after Abyss released then Abyss become my money making.








You should know how Abyss is worth.

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abyss rocks, ive spent the last few weeks there.. its excelent and your runes pile up before you know it








Yup seen you there a lot with your yellow flipper feet :wink:








And yes abyss is most defiantely worth it :D












midgeyyyyyy :oops:












oo and yes, ectophial i guess would work, im not worried about loseing glory, its the pouchs that worry me








i find it very easy to regain pouches with ice burst, since your probably a high lvl magic then i am, ice barage perhaps blood barrage. it all works out in the end, takes about 10mins to get a pouch back if you maximize your ancient magic. but some people are THAT lucky so dont expect oh hey, 20mins to get all these pouches again no biggie, well maybe, my friend cant do ancients and it took him 2 hours to get them all and another like 4 hours.








but ancient magic works wonders, seriously. i found this out after devious minds ;)

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Yes, yes, yes, and yes. It IS worth it. I bought 10k ess and 10 glorys and I made up like 5k of them in 3-4 hours. I got people attempting to PK me like 15 different times, but they all failed. Most of those times I just saw a little animation of ice chunks flying around me indicating that someome just wasted an ancient magicks ice spell on me. A few times I got frozen, and the noobs came up to me with ddses... :roll: But I managed to get away anyway :P

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Got 54-85 RC with it (4k deaths off 86)




I've got pked like 10-15 times, lost pouches 4-5 times.




I'm 123 though.




Most of the time I wear black hides, pkers don't even bother with me.




Crafting without armour is pretty much a death sooner or later.




I made 1668 deaths (16 680 xp) per hour, when I checked a few hours ago.




I concentrated though, usually I average something between 1200 and 1500 with 4 pouches.








I've got 58 glories, that's enough for me.




Obviously wear boots of lightness when you rc too.

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