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Investigating the Wise Old Man


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Trobi, are you trying to kill us... what are we going to be doing about investigations in members?as if those bring about any results any way...




By the way it is Detective Agency, you could check the first post. (By the way, it does look pretty good)


What has become of the runescape community???? :wall:

There is a community?

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Trobigod, you do realise that by leaving, it just shows that the spammers beat you? I don't see the logic. :-s




The soul runes used to be life runes I believe, then they were changed for RS2. As I understand it, the life runes had the symbol of a sun on them. I'm thinking sun symbol = death instead of war now. Ties in well with Zaros having influence over the desert. Curiously, Life is one of Armadyl's facets of power- perhaps the symbols are used to represent BOTH Armadyl and Zaros? It certainly supports them being the same god. And Randox, about the scorpion- not sure about it, but I think the symbol just towards the very bottom left of your third picture looks like one.




I'm anxious for the museum update- as soon as it happens, one of us needs to talk to the curator and ask him if the WOM donated the cash sum. If he did, we can link him to the museum, and any objects in it (The Shield of Arrav, anyone?).




Time to shoot myself... These posts are killing me. By the way, I think KC and Wenlock might kill me first... I just watched The Good the Bad and the Ugly for the first time last week... Time to start running. (Or digging, I'll save you the trouble.)


Off topic: Did you enjoy it? :P 'Four for you, and four... four for me.' Hehe... er, wait a second. Four? :lol:




And if there's one more spammy post, I think we should consider possible Mod actions (if it CAN be counted as spam, that is).

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Hehe...the WOM thread on the official forums is bumpkis, in my opinion. Those things on the first page aren't official confirmations, Mod Emilee just reposted what someone else had posted earlier, AKA those aren't her thoughts. :lol:




Ugh, every time I go on the official forums I want to throw up. Our concepts are light years ahead of what they're talking about over there. :mrgreen: I mean, just look at this masterpiece of a theory:

hes weird looking








I'm surprised that Jagex didn't update this week. They usually do it on Tuesdays, right? Oh well, I'm still camping in the museum.

the russians are the best! Hands down!
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Ok, the site is done (at least in its picture album capacity). If you guys think it would be worth my time, I can add more stuff, like current theories. Theres also a chance I could make forums so that we can talk without being interupted anymore. I didn't know there was a WOM thred on the offical forums, I should have a look (for laughs).




EDIT: I thought, you know, I have nothing important today, why not make a forum for teh site incase they want it. So when you visit the site now there are forums as well. I won't be insulted if you guys want to keep disscusion here but I thought I would show you what the option would look like.

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At any rate, relating to what Wenlok said, if Zaros and Armadyl are one then wouldnÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢t they have killed themselves by now? Also since Zaros and Armadyl are from before the current gods wouldnÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢t it be more likely that one of them made Gelienor? Also if they were both rolled into one wouldnÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢t we already know that one for his great power?




Maybe we do. Guthix was around during the first god war. He has claimed to make Gelienor. He has a good side and a bad side. It would be in his best interest in protecting players to make them a place where they could learn to keep their accounts from being stolen.




Also, if this were true then how could Armadyl and Zaros roam the earth at the same time? Maybe Guthix decided he would send out his two sides to prevent anyone from creating an unbalance. When Zaros was killed Armadyl and him returned to Guthix in his caves, and he awoke. While Armadyl and Zaros were out of him he had no purpose so he slept. When he awoke he did not have control so reformed himself into a god.




Who knows, maybe Guthix is the one in control of Gelienor and is just pulling to strings and watching us.




I know this post is really not related to the WOM, but oh well. Shoot me. (I think you must not have read my earlier postÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ãâæ or at least the beginning of it. I donÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢t mind)


What has become of the runescape community???? :wall:

There is a community?

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Hmm, that makes sense from what we thought. Isn't Armadyl alive and well, according to Saradomin from one of the earlier God Letters?




Icthlarin was the first god of the mahjarrat, though. Zaros overthrew him and became the god of evil, whereas previously Icthlarin was the god of the dead. Armadyl and Icthlarin could have been the original two gods aside from Guthix, and when Zaros and the mahjarrat entered Gielinor they decided to follow Icthlarin.

the russians are the best! Hands down!
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whoa, i just had the strangest memory of a guthix letter. apparently, while his slumber was for the entire god wars, except the part where he broke it up, he still has some memory of zaros. now, no one asked him if he knew armadyl, but if they were once the same, well, what do you get when you mix black and white??? you get grey, or balance in these terms. i'm thinking that guthix' slumber was actually him split in 2 entities that would later become known as armadyl and zaros. the bob/zaros theory backs this up because bob is a cat and cats are guthix followers.



Currently will be using my Oni Tsurugi account to attempt to get 99 on all free skills without spending any gp, just for the sake of doing so.

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And we wonder why Trobi decided to leave...




oh crap, did i say something stupid. it was just a thought.



Currently will be using my Oni Tsurugi account to attempt to get 99 on all free skills without spending any gp, just for the sake of doing so.

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And we wonder why Trobi decided to leave...




oh crap, did i say something stupid. it was just a thought.




I think he means that we alredy knew that.




I would like to know whether you guys are interested in using the forums I set up. I won't be insulted if you don't but I belive it would allow us to better organise our many thoughts, since we are really limated to one theory at a time here.




I have also realised that the WOM might be able to build blimps. Thats what teh little thing on his desk appears to be and the WOM does know how to make it run (hot air or dragon flatulence [farts]) and so we could be looking at an arial assult. I also found this out from the offical forums: He has a necklace of binding (for crafting multi-runes like smoke and mud), which may or may not mean anything to us at this point.

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And we wonder why Trobi decided to leave...




oh crap, did i say something stupid. it was just a thought.




I think he means that we alredy knew that.





oh, well i can't remember every little detail.




oh, and you guys may have some more ppl here.



Currently will be using my Oni Tsurugi account to attempt to get 99 on all free skills without spending any gp, just for the sake of doing so.

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oh, and you guys may have some more ppl here.




I'll clarify. (Since were on a spree of off-topic posts anyway) He means that this thred is going to get a nice little mention in the Gielinor Tribunal of which we are both apart.

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oh, KC, i heard that they were gonna... nevermind.




Yeah, that just didn't happen.




Anyways, we know that the penguins from the Cold War quest used a flying machine, and one of our theories was that the blimp on WOM's desk was a small-scale prototype of one (and the thing under his bed was the unfortunate pilot). All WOM would have to do is find some way to make it large enough for him to fly, and with his magical abilities, it could be done easily.




Speaking of, we never really found out what that thing under his bead was. I've heard about 6 different reports that all conflict.




Hopefully we can start museum combing next week. I swear, the answers to all our questions are in the museum/histories update. I expect this thread to grow by leaps and bounds when it comes out.




I'm going to be gone for three days come the weekend, so don't kill each other...apart from the usual Wenlok/Alebcay shootouts, that is. :P

the russians are the best! Hands down!
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Dang, I remember watching the bank robbery cutscene so long ago and then figuring out the wizards tower thing and getting all excited for a cool update....and it never happened <.<


I really hope they do something with him soon...


^Thanks Lil_Atza!

I love the smell of napalm in the morning. ... Smells like...victory.

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Ok, mememe dug up some stuff in the god letters that is rather interesting. It's on the forums that I made, just hit the forum link on the website that is now in my signature, it's in the god theorys section.




WOMDA Home Page

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I was just thinking- perhaps the robbery of the bank was merely practice? I'm not sure if we ever fully worked it out- there were theories he robbed it so he could become the King of Falador, so that he could obtain runes etc. But now I think that he used the bank as practice for his ultimate target- the museum. I believe that there may be something of great importance that was going to be shipped over to it, yet the museum did not have the amount of money to add an extension for everything to 'fit in.' This may have been included in things that simply wouldn't fit properly into the currently very small museum. Now, if the WOM donated a large some of money so it could be extended, they would be able to bring in anything they wanted, with no worry of size. Then the WOM would just sneak in and take what he wanted. So, why not practice on an easy target? The bank would be brilliant- he becomes a relatively good thief, and gets quite a large sum of money out of it- large enough to make a donation to the museum of Varrock! Of course, as to what that thing he wants is, I have no idea. Probably not the Shield of Arrav specifically, though maybe he'll pick it up on the way?




Icthlarin was the first god of the mahjarrat, though. Zaros overthrew him and became the god of evil, whereas previously Icthlarin was the god of the dead. Armadyl and Icthlarin could have been the original two gods aside from Guthix, and when Zaros and the mahjarrat entered Gielinor they decided to follow Icthlarin.




Perhaps Armadyl was originally the god of life instead of purity, and Guthix created him and Icthlarin to act in balance? Zaros may have zapped out some of Icthlarin's power, thus giving Zaros control of the final power he needed to become as strong as he once was- death. By splitting Icthadyl (Icthlarin and Armadyl as a whole being) into two, he could have stepped in and took over the power that they had. However, unbeknownst to him, he was bound to Armadyl, so he unknowingly became Zarodyl. Then when he 'died' he found himself joined to Armadyl. Thus why they want to kill each other- life and evil aren't a great balance, despite Zaros being in control of death. Armadyl needs to be rejoined with Icthlarin for a proper balance. But if he's killed by Zaros, then that may cause problems, also allowing Zaros' army to rise.




And Alebcay, I think they're simply too powerful to kill each other. Someone needs to influence the 'battle' between them- a certain WOM, perhaps? :P If the WOM sides with Armadyl and kills Zaros, then Saradomin will most likely be rather happy to have another 'good' god on his side. The only problem with that is that Armadyl is a form of Guthix, which would possibly anger Saradomin. However, I think the Wise Old Man doesn't know that Armadyl could be the god of life- he may just believe he's the god of purity. As to why Saradomin stated that Armadyl's 'alive and well' I have no idea. He's just probably stirring up false hope- he's a bit of a liar. :P




I'm going to be gone for three days come the weekend, so don't kill each other...apart from the usual Wenlok/Alebcay shootouts, that is.


I prefer getting fat men to beat him up, but shootouts are more exciting. :P




P.S. I registered on the forum- username is 'Angel Eyes.'

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WOM showed great interest in the half of the Shield of Arrav that I showed him. He offered something like 30 GP for it, way more than he usually offers for little trinkets (he offered me 12 for Silverlight, I think). According to the official histories, the shield was something of incredible magical power that was sought by both mortals and gods (and remember, it has the colors of Armadyl and an indistinguishable symbol on it).




Wenlok will remember this, but both of us went hunting for the other half of the shield after I found the first one, and we found one. We tried to put them together by using them with each other, but it didn't work. I looked at the quest guide, and joining the two halves of the shield was not involved. My guess is that the Shield requires a special magical ability in order to fix properly, and I'm guessing that WOM has that ability.




Just throwing this out there: What if WOM were to necromance Arrav using necromancy runes from the Wizard's tower and the Shield?

the russians are the best! Hands down!
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Just throwing this out there: What if WOM were to necromance Arrav using necromancy runes from the Wizard's tower and the Shield?


The problem with that is that it would go against the WOM's Saradominist beliefs. If he wants to be a god, he'll certainly be trying to act the goody two shoes for Saradomin. He could possibly, however, use Maliginus to raise Arrav from the dead. If done in secret Saradomin would never know. I can't imagine how powerful Arrav was (and he did come across as being pretty powerful)- I can't imagine how powerful a dead Arrav would be too.

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Along with the musuem update the WOM WILL Strike again!! It'll make it where he broke in there... And stole something.. Something of great importance I would guess.. Zaro's ancients magick sigi is in there... Hmm is WOM trying to possible make his own form of magic? His own spellbook? Ancients and Regular Magick.. Together? I've thought of this, and investigating some more around. I have also Found out the map upstairs in his house IS A MAP of tutorial island. If you place it over turorial island, and make one transparent you can tell easiliy it is a replica... Thats where my thoughts ended though.



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Icthlarin was the first god of the mahjarrat, though. Zaros overthrew him and became the god of evil, whereas previously Icthlarin was the god of the dead. Armadyl and Icthlarin could have been the original two gods aside from Guthix, and when Zaros and the mahjarrat entered Gielinor they decided to follow Icthlarin.




Perhaps Armadyl was originally the god of life instead of purity, and Guthix created him and Icthlarin to act in balance? Zaros may have zapped out some of Icthlarin's power, thus giving Zaros control of the final power he needed to become as strong as he once was- death. By splitting Icthadyl (Icthlarin and Armadyl as a whole being) into two, he could have stepped in and took over the power that they had. However, unbeknownst to him, he was bound to Armadyl, so he unknowingly became Zarodyl. Then when he 'died' he found himself joined to Armadyl. Thus why they want to kill each other- life and evil aren't a great balance, despite Zaros being in control of death. Armadyl needs to be rejoined with Icthlarin for a proper balance. But if he's killed by Zaros, then that may cause problems, also allowing Zaros' army to rise.




And Alebcay, I think they're simply too powerful to kill each other. Someone needs to influence the 'battle' between them- a certain WOM, perhaps? :P If the WOM sides with Armadyl and kills Zaros, then Saradomin will most likely be rather happy to have another 'good' god on his side. The only problem with that is that Armadyl is a form of Guthix, which would possibly anger Saradomin. However, I think the Wise Old Man doesn't know that Armadyl could be the god of life- he may just believe he's the god of purity. As to why Saradomin stated that Armadyl's 'alive and well' I have no idea. He's just probably stirring up false hope- he's a bit of a liar. :P




Like I said, we are assuming way too much here, we need to keep all our theories based on solid facts. You can't base a theory on another theory.

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Icthlarin was the first god of the mahjarrat, though. Zaros overthrew him and became the god of evil, whereas previously Icthlarin was the god of the dead. Armadyl and Icthlarin could have been the original two gods aside from Guthix, and when Zaros and the mahjarrat entered Gielinor they decided to follow Icthlarin.




Perhaps Armadyl was originally the god of life instead of purity, and Guthix created him and Icthlarin to act in balance? Zaros may have zapped out some of Icthlarin's power, thus giving Zaros control of the final power he needed to become as strong as he once was- death. By splitting Icthadyl (Icthlarin and Armadyl as a whole being) into two, he could have stepped in and took over the power that they had. However, unbeknownst to him, he was bound to Armadyl, so he unknowingly became Zarodyl. Then when he 'died' he found himself joined to Armadyl. Thus why they want to kill each other- life and evil aren't a great balance, despite Zaros being in control of death. Armadyl needs to be rejoined with Icthlarin for a proper balance. But if he's killed by Zaros, then that may cause problems, also allowing Zaros' army to rise.




And Alebcay, I think they're simply too powerful to kill each other. Someone needs to influence the 'battle' between them- a certain WOM, perhaps? :P If the WOM sides with Armadyl and kills Zaros, then Saradomin will most likely be rather happy to have another 'good' god on his side. The only problem with that is that Armadyl is a form of Guthix, which would possibly anger Saradomin. However, I think the Wise Old Man doesn't know that Armadyl could be the god of life- he may just believe he's the god of purity. As to why Saradomin stated that Armadyl's 'alive and well' I have no idea. He's just probably stirring up false hope- he's a bit of a liar. :P




Like I said, we are assuming way too much here, we need to keep all our theories based on solid facts. You can't base a theory on another theory.




Nothing here is a sold fact mate.... ALMOST everything is "assumptions" we could be wrong about ALOT of stuff..



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Icthlarin was the first god of the mahjarrat, though. Zaros overthrew him and became the god of evil, whereas previously Icthlarin was the god of the dead. Armadyl and Icthlarin could have been the original two gods aside from Guthix, and when Zaros and the mahjarrat entered Gielinor they decided to follow Icthlarin.




Perhaps Armadyl was originally the god of life instead of purity, and Guthix created him and Icthlarin to act in balance? Zaros may have zapped out some of Icthlarin's power, thus giving Zaros control of the final power he needed to become as strong as he once was- death. By splitting Icthadyl (Icthlarin and Armadyl as a whole being) into two, he could have stepped in and took over the power that they had. However, unbeknownst to him, he was bound to Armadyl, so he unknowingly became Zarodyl. Then when he 'died' he found himself joined to Armadyl. Thus why they want to kill each other- life and evil aren't a great balance, despite Zaros being in control of death. Armadyl needs to be rejoined with Icthlarin for a proper balance. But if he's killed by Zaros, then that may cause problems, also allowing Zaros' army to rise.




And Alebcay, I think they're simply too powerful to kill each other. Someone needs to influence the 'battle' between them- a certain WOM, perhaps? :P If the WOM sides with Armadyl and kills Zaros, then Saradomin will most likely be rather happy to have another 'good' god on his side. The only problem with that is that Armadyl is a form of Guthix, which would possibly anger Saradomin. However, I think the Wise Old Man doesn't know that Armadyl could be the god of life- he may just believe he's the god of purity. As to why Saradomin stated that Armadyl's 'alive and well' I have no idea. He's just probably stirring up false hope- he's a bit of a liar. :P




Like I said, we are assuming way too much here, we need to keep all our theories based on solid facts. You can't base a theory on another theory.




Nothing here is a sold fact mate.... ALMOST everything is "assumptions" we could be wrong about ALOT of stuff..




Lol, I'm just expessing my opinion. I don't particularly like brainstorming on investigations like this, I prefer to assume nothing and find the facts.

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I have gotten both halves of the shield and shown them to him... He offered me money.... It was hard to resist... I mean after all going after 200,000 in gold is quite fun... Except when you have to spit it...




By the way most of what we are saying isn't assuming all that much. As far Guthix being two different gods it would seem likely. If he made Gelienor (And if Sara made it why did he make it bad?) he would want control of it. It would make perfect sense if he wanted to make balance to make himself into two opposing dieties two make sure nothing got out of hand because if something did get out of hand he could make one of his sides back down and the other become equal. Sure, all of that is based on the assumption that Guthix is the most powerful god and made this realm, but it is fairly likely because he is the only god other than Saradom who has claimed to make it. Obviously Saradom didn't make it because it has evil in it. Also it is fairly balanced.


What has become of the runescape community???? :wall:

There is a community?

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