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Investigating the Wise Old Man


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Ooooohhhhh, ill read it tomorrow... Ive got 70 ranged to get now! \'


you have fun with that and keep you're bloody mouth shut until then.



Currently will be using my Oni Tsurugi account to attempt to get 99 on all free skills without spending any gp, just for the sake of doing so.

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Ooooohhhhh, ill read it tomorrow... Ive got 70 ranged to get now! \'


you have fun with that and keep you're bloody mouth shut until then.






I'll show you how terrifying a true Christian can be!

It's Xewleer: ZEW le ar, got it memorized?

Hermit of the Varrock Library and its proud guard.

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I'm gonna have to stick with my theory:




Jagex added the Wise Old Man to the game just to make us ponder his true meaning. He has no other meaning that to drive us crazying with trying to think up his meaning! Oh how Ironic that would truly be... #-o





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Oh yes, the third to say that, if I recall... but Runescape is a game...




Anyway, heres a theory for the spammers... why are you interested... what about the Wise old man interests you?


I'll show you how terrifying a true Christian can be!

It's Xewleer: ZEW le ar, got it memorized?

Hermit of the Varrock Library and its proud guard.

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I think it IS pretty obvious he is going to do something with the wizards tower. He IS going to set SOMETHING on fire because he does have pretty high mage (HE HIT 44!! :shock: ) and tons of tinderboxes laying around.


Bolded: High mage... Yep that pretty much sums it up. (more on that later)


Italics: 44... Well, first, he used Saradomin Strike (Hits 30, correct?) But! Isn't there a Charge spell that ups the power of the Mage Arena spells?


Underlined: Hope it's you. I'm serious. Honestly. I swear on the River Styx, I really want it to be you. *comes back later* What are you still doing alive!!! :lol:


I think the Wise Old Man is also following the motto in my signature...


He has been plotting for a long time, and I don't think he has time for computers... :P


Jagex added the Wise Old Man to the game just to make us ponder his true meaning. He has no other meaning that to drive us crazying with trying to think up his meaning! Oh how Ironic that would truly be... #-o


Bold: Hmm... Time for another list!


    1) Swan Song Quest (Members)
    2) Hands out the Quest Cape (Members)
    3) Robbed the Draynor bank (Free players now, used to be Members)
    4) His telescope is pointing at the Wizard Tower... Anyone else get a sense of Foreboding? No? :P

Yet... On the other end of the spectrum, there is Mrs. Schism, A.K.A. the Unwise Young Woman. She would take over if, say for example, the Wise Old Man had to leave... Yet, for now, at least, she has no purpose...


Italics: You're just in cruise control for THAT aren't you? :P :lol: :P




EDIT001: Yay! Frist post on Page 85!


EDIT002: Changed Sarastrike to Saradomin Strike... lol @ my dumb mistake...

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~~~~~ Magesty of Impurity ~~~~~

Please don't flame anyone, unless they deserve it ( if someone posts crap, then flame at will. :^_^:).

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The God spells only do 20 damage. 30 WITH charge. So there has to be something else trhat allows him to do 14 over the charged godspell limit.

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The God spells only do 20 damage. 30 WITH charge. So there has to be something else that allows him to do 14 over the charged godspell limit.


Enchanted blue party hat or one of his books/robbed items has given him powers beyond the comprehension of us mere mortals.




Also, the tinderboxes point to a second burning of the Wizard's Tower because he wishes to hold the secrets of RuneCrafting for himself

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The God spells only do 20 damage. 30 WITH charge. So there has to be something else that allows him to do 14 over the charged godspell limit.


Enchanted blue party hat or one of his books/robbed items has given him powers beyond the comprehension of us mere mortals.




Also, the tinderboxes point to a second burning of the Wizard's Tower because he wishes to hold the secrets of RuneCrafting for himself


Hmm... *goes to ask Zezima (Level 126) to try Enchant Level 1 on a Blue Party Hat.* Nope, nothing.


*Asks for a magical Spellbook* Nothing there either.


*Tries on Wise Old Man's Saradomin Armour (g). Feels energy flowing through him. Takes the Sara (g) off.*


Think we have something here... *steals some gold leaves* You didn't see anything... <_< >_> *Runs away, to come again another day*




One more thing, what do you think about my siggie? *leaves*

Amount of spam rising... Urge to kill people rising...

~~~~~ Magesty of Impurity ~~~~~

Please don't flame anyone, unless they deserve it ( if someone posts crap, then flame at will. :^_^:).

whatcolor_isblue.jpgWhat Color Are You?

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Eh? I think you lot are barely coherent... but whatever...




So here's a theory about your Saradomin armor... it is a specially given suit of armor because he appears to be important to Saradomin. There can't really be another reason... its not like players can do the same right?


I'll show you how terrifying a true Christian can be!

It's Xewleer: ZEW le ar, got it memorized?

Hermit of the Varrock Library and its proud guard.

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That armour was made that way by the dwarves. Just like his gold plated bath screen (oh come on, whos THAT ritch <.< ) to teh gold plated lamps (show off :x )

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Eh? I think you lot are barely coherent... but whatever...





Kinda the point in my post, don'tcha think?


So here's a theory about your Saradomin armor... it is a specially given suit of armor because he appears to be important to Saradomin. There can't really be another reason... its not like players can do the same right?
So the Big Three influence Treasure Trail Clues? Hmm... So they have time for this and not to answer letters... I think that Saradomin (and Guthix and Zamorak) create their special armour and scatter them across the world. But one thing still puzzles me... How did he time the Saradomin Armour? We aren't able (or allowed) to trim armour, so why should he?
Amount of spam rising... Urge to kill people rising...

~~~~~ Magesty of Impurity ~~~~~

Please don't flame anyone, unless they deserve it ( if someone posts crap, then flame at will. :^_^:).

whatcolor_isblue.jpgWhat Color Are You?

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you don't unde my point, the gods of runescape are allowed to bend the rules a bit and they do so to reward their followers... why can't Saradomin have a large number of Sara armors and use them as he wills, gold trimming, in real life, is a relatively easy process if you know what you are doing.




I do not actually consider the armor to be important.


I'll show you how terrifying a true Christian can be!

It's Xewleer: ZEW le ar, got it memorized?

Hermit of the Varrock Library and its proud guard.

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isnt bob the cat like the zaro king or whatnot, well maybe this is a plot to return bob back into human form, and he needs more power and is stealing runes for it.






i think you have seomthing, if bob is or wa sthe zaro king and the wOM has a gold staute of a ca tin te basement then odes that mean that the statue of the cat in his basebment is bob? i dont know if this is a good diea but it can be a guess

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I sorta get what you're saying. I think.


And next time, please edit your first post if it would turn out to be a double post, kthx. Though...

andlet the kalphite in 2shift the blame 2zamorakians triggering a god war
I'm not a member, but what does a Kalphite have to do with Zamorak?


isnt bob the cat like the zaro king or whatnot, well maybe this is a plot to return bob back into human form, and he needs more power and is stealing runes for it.
i think you have seomthing, if bob is or wa sthe zaro king and the wOM has a gold staute of a ca tin te basement then odes that mean that the statue of the cat in his basebment is bob? i dont know if this is a good diea but it can be a guess


Why can't people post where I can understand them with out straining my eyes? Bob is Rupert the Strong (Or Richard or something like that) who may or may not be Zaros, who may or may not be Armandyl's fraternal(opposite) twin, who may or may not be trapped in the Stronghold of Security, which may or may nor be Zarodyl's/Armaros's Mind, which may or may not have a neutralizing area of the mind, which may or may not be where Armandyl is being held against his will. Get my point? Chances are small.


That gold statue of a cat being Bob is an interesting idea though. And it IS a guess.

Amount of spam rising... Urge to kill people rising...

~~~~~ Magesty of Impurity ~~~~~

Please don't flame anyone, unless they deserve it ( if someone posts crap, then flame at will. :^_^:).

whatcolor_isblue.jpgWhat Color Are You?

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OK, the group has reached a consensus that this thread should be locked. It has long outlived its usefulness and it now seems to be simply a place where anyone can spout of spam without thinking. We're going to be moving on to a place where we can be better organized and keep better track of what is said. Thanks to all who have contributed great ideas and provided us with needed information. The investigation is not dead, so don't think we're going to call it quits any time soon (that means you, Jagex. I know you're reading this).

the russians are the best! Hands down!
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(starts to play funeral march for the topic.) :cry:




I'm sorry... I get so emotional sometimes. :cry: :cry: :( :cry:


I'll show you how terrifying a true Christian can be!

It's Xewleer: ZEW le ar, got it memorized?

Hermit of the Varrock Library and its proud guard.

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Let me just add that all current main investigators should replace the current URL in their signatures to the new URL of our chosen discussion area. Anyway, whilst it is a bit sad to see the thread go, it was generally necessary. We now have a more controlled environment for our hard working team members to share their ideas, without fear of huge levels of spam. By the way, thanks for creating this KC- this wouldn't have happened without your brains, imagination, and general gunslinger attitude. :P

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I did hope to see the thred hit 100 pages, but oh well. I vow to maintain the new forums for as long as nessasary, or i'll turn them over to KC.




I hope all the peole whom i've pm'ed (who were good on this topic) will join the new forums.




And your allowed to post on the guest board. I at least am open to leting new people in if they post good stuff in the guest board, but youll have to leave your tip.it user :)





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