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There are Law running world 66. Why not...


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..a Cosmic running world! When this new Mage Training arena update came, cosmics price started to rise. And because the master wand is so good at magic defence/attack, why not make getting cosmics easier, and even better, free for those who run.




So, we would pick a world what would be dedicated for cosmic running, and people would get tons of free cosmics, and ''average'' runecrafters like me would get some xp.




What do you all think? Post here your opinions!

Used to play RS, not anymore. WoW pwns!

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Yes and also doesn't the Lost City area also contain a bank wheras Entanta doesn't? The running isn't as far-fetched then as running from Falador or Draynor Village, going on a boat without weapons or armour, etc.








But I do, however, catch your drift. Are you saying that all of the people who did complete Lost City can meet on one certain world where you'll have your cosmic runners? Then there will be a large amount of people down there. I like it.

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cosmic running would be less work for less profit, which would still be fair. of course, most people who do "runs" are low levels with hardly any skills that want money. if you can get to lost city, it means you are at least a level 60 attack, and its a smaller amount of people available to run.

Are you a member with a full bank and cancelling your subscription? Are you an F2P player that wants more bank space? Check out my guide on Going to F2P with a full bank

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but who does lost city without 60 attack for the fun of it? .000000047 of runescape








Come on now, you made that number up.


Stunning signature created by the one and only My Boggy.


Just like Columbus he gets murderous on purpose

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i was making some cosmics the other day and saw someone wanting to get runners - but nobody did.








This would be a good idea, and more people would make the lost city more fun - it is quite a good place to train some skills, just dull.

I have to get practically naked when I'm cooking bacon.

I may be immature, but that made me laugh!

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but who does lost city without 60 attack for the fun of it? .000000047 of runescape








Come on now, you made that number up.








yea, i did lost city with 54 att. bought my drag long and traned till i got 60 att, plus alot of pll do it for qp 2

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only proublems i can think of...








most people who run ess are low lvls..so most of them would be able to get into lost city.




you would preatty much have to be able to 2x cosmics to make it profitbale..and then you might as well just go have runners for laws for more xp

RSN: Bantam222 [105 combat] [1578 total level]


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