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dragon dagger, best or worst dragon weapon?


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Think of this, the dds is only good for dueling, but is horrible for leveling up.








Reasoning: dds does psn dmg and hits fast, but you dont get exp for the psn dmg you do. so if you use the dlong for exp, its a lot better... or anything else that doesnt do psn dmg. the psn dmg is just exp lost I guess :'(

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It is great for specials against rangers and mages.








Also when combined with other strategies it can easily kill people from full health in like one second. So it is definetly my favourite drag weapon.


Proud co-leader of the Mayhem Makers, Runescape's best pure pking clan

Combat 97 - Str 99 - Att 93 - Hits 97 - Pray 52 - Ranged 95 - Magic 99

I Mahatma I - Thanks Misterxman for the great sig

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It is great for specials against rangers and mages.








Also when combined with other strategies it can easily kill people from full health in like one second. So it is definetly my favourite drag weapon.












ive failed to see it do THAT, but many a times it has provided me to finish a duel without unloading a full special bar ;)

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i love the drag dagger, if only for the spec...it's the most powerful spec in the game (i think), i'm combat 100 and i can hit double 20s when i'm potted...my highest hit with the spec of ne other weapon is 32 with d mace...








the spec is awesome, but so is the speed, it's quick and reasonably powerful, and the poison gives u that slight edge in a fight








drag dagger ftw :P

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It is great for specials against rangers and mages.








Also when combined with other strategies it can easily kill people from full health in like one second. So it is definetly my favourite drag weapon.












ive failed to see it do THAT, but many a times it has provided me to finish a duel without unloading a full special bar ;)




Watch some decent pure pker vids, and you will see it do so. :wink:

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It is great for specials against rangers and mages.








Also when combined with other strategies it can easily kill people from full health in like one second. So it is definetly my favourite drag weapon.












ive failed to see it do THAT, but many a times it has provided me to finish a duel without unloading a full special bar ;)




Watch some decent pure pker vids, and you will see it do so. :wink:












i have lame dial up net, so i cant. any way, these startegies i assume mahatama reffered to were like, ice spell blitz then d dagger or kind of cross breeding technique for the majority of them

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It is great for specials against rangers and mages.








Also when combined with other strategies it can easily kill people from full health in like one second. So it is definetly my favourite drag weapon.












ive failed to see it do THAT, but many a times it has provided me to finish a duel without unloading a full special bar ;)




Watch some decent pure pker vids, and you will see it do so. :wink:




:D I am ze win K? Personally it's absolutely awesome for KO'ing. By that I mean max 100 damage, can hit again. There's almost nothing you can do about it if your def is too low. :D (off-topic: 83/99 str so I can 1hit people)








Or try nonpure pking vids. I mean, it's cooler to see me kill someone than see a guy with 20 def kill someone because I put more at stake and I have higher max hits :lol:

Urza. The One. The Legend.


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It all depends. For pking, yes it is. But if youre training str, then no its not. Scim would be imo. But for pking yeah.


maxed out melee back in 06, when it was still considered an accomplishment. same with getting 85 slayer, was in the top 2k players to get it.

R.I.P Runescape.. Feb 2, 02 - Jan 2, 08

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