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dragon dagger, best or worst dragon weapon?


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whats your opinion on it? its obviously the weakest dragon weaponn of all. but its poisonable, and has an amazing special.












is it perfect? or is it over powered? some people think its UNDER powered, i mean it's like a rune scimitar with a special.












this weapon is so, well unique. its max hit(provided via tip.it max hit calc) is double 37's. 8 37's in a matter of 4 "rounds" of combat is a max of 296. yet this weapon almost never delivers an outstanding performance unless potted.












is it the best dragon weapon because its the strongest weapon in the game? or is it so powerful because its the worst dragon weapon? its all a matter of how YOU see it. so how do you see it?












what exactly are your feelings on the dragon dagger? where and why do you use it? does it help you win duels and pkers easier? or is it your saviour.












edit: well heres how i feel, its a very good secondary weapon. never to be relied upon its always luck with it, and has potential to be the best useage of your special bar. definately the best weapon in my book hands down. especially if thing were like in classic where for 3 rounds you could not eat or move. also i always use it in fun duel simply because it has the ability to kill off my oponent before in out of special. and i just love to hit the occasional 27 with it and freak people out with a dagger ;)

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depends on how many stats you have on your own. If you are 1/1/1 melee you should use iron 2-handers because you need every bonus you can get.




If you are 99/99/99 melee, the weapon speed (number of attacks per minute) is more important than the weapon bonus.








P.S. I once killed a green dragon with 3 dds specials.

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I find it very useful for treasure trails, takes down that sara wizard really fast.








It is definately not over powered, or under powered for that matter, but more in the middle. Bad against heavy armor, but trying to hit a mage or ranger with it and it can be deadly. The special is probably the best special in the game so far. I don't understand why they changed magic shortbow to one special, when the dragon dagger can hit higher and has 4 :? (the special even has "increased accuracy" acccording to the RS manual, while the shortbow has "reduced accuracy").


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I find it very useful for treasure trails, takes down that sara wizard really fast.








It is definately not over powered, or under powered for that matter, but more in the middle. Bad against heavy armor, but trying to hit a mage or ranger with it and it can be deadly. The special is probably the best special in the game so far. I don't understand why they changed magic shortbow to one special, when the dragon dagger can hit higher and has 4 :? (the special even has "increased accuracy" acccording to the RS manual, while the shortbow has "reduced accuracy").








ah the short bow special, totally different story. i feel for you on that story. i think it should have a trip special like the dragon halbred.
















and the dragon dagger is GREAT on barrows armor, its perhaps the only thing thats saved me in people wearin barrows armor in a duel. yeah of course the amror lowers the potential of a good special but just some times ;) you get a good one

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I find it very useful for treasure trails, takes down that sara wizard really fast.








It is definately not over powered, or under powered for that matter, but more in the middle. Bad against heavy armor, but trying to hit a mage or ranger with it and it can be deadly. The special is probably the best special in the game so far. I don't understand why they changed magic shortbow to one special, when the dragon dagger can hit higher and has 4 :? (the special even has "increased accuracy" acccording to the RS manual, while the shortbow has "reduced accuracy").




Finally someone sees it behind a rangers eye! I turn off specials because meleers get 4 specials to the bar, but what about me? I get 1? That means I can hit 15 15 on the good occasion, then meleers can hit like 14 14,14 14, 14,14 ,14 14(Over the top,but its more like 8 12,4 9, 0 12, 1 14) And even that takes away like 50 hp and I find it overpowered to the mage bow. If I had a choice, id choose to just disable the weapon itself for duels.. But I cant, and that would probably make it even more confusing.


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you're kidding right? It's the best weapon ever i love it. they lowerd the accurate special but it still owns for ko'ing it's my favo








i assume you mean magic short? it has a terrible special, ive max hit with it like 4 times. and max i mean like, double my max with whichever arrow im using.

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Like Sk8er said, it's great against rangers and mages. If you are super potted and super praying against full rune, you'll meet quite a few 0's. People may yell, but maul is quite good for k0s. I mean: higher max hit, much much more accurate that dds. Furthermore, dds has a max hit of 74 with its spec: Maul has a max hit of 120 with its spec. (Add 30 to both of these numbers to find their real max hits with ice barrage.)




So what I'm really saying is this: Dds is good against people who have no defense but it's quite risky against people who have high defense and good armor. And dds is good as a KOing weapon, get a lucky spec in at the right time. Good luck, have fun PKing, and don't be hitting me with that dds spec plz.

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I use my dds for basically 2 things:








When doing level 3 treasure trails, for that I think it's outstanding. With the dds I kill the saradomin and zamorak wizards quickly AND if I run into a group of pkers when in deep wildy, I have the chance to at least annoy them with poison before I die ;)








When fighting high level monsters like iron dragons. I usually fight 2 or 3 rounds with the dagger, using the special and hope to poison them before I change to whip. As it takes some time to kill them because of their high hp, the poison will have time to work and do damage a few rounds.








Since I bought my whip, my dds is the only dragon weapon I ever use.

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Like Sk8er said, it's great against rangers and mages. If you are super potted and super praying against full rune, you'll meet quite a few 0's. People may yell, but maul is quite good for k0s. I mean: higher max hit, much much more accurate that dds. Furthermore, dds has a max hit of 74 with its spec: Maul has a max hit of 120 with its spec. (Add 30 to both of these numbers to find their real max hits with ice barrage.)




So what I'm really saying is this: Dds is good against people who have no defense but it's quite risky against people who have high defense and good armor. And dds is good as a KOing weapon, get a lucky spec in at the right time. Good luck, have fun PKing, and don't be hitting me with that dds spec plz.












the full rune thing is entirely true, youll slice thru full rune alot easier then barrows armor. but by no means is it gauranteed 0's on full rune. ;)

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It's a superb secondry weapon, and treasure trail weapon.








The special and poison makes up for Whip/Scimmy's useless specials, and it takes down Sara/Zammy wizards on clue trails in a matter of seconds. Plus if you get attacked, you can sometimes stop the pker by using 4 specials on them and poisoning them.

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I always carry my DDS while training. My whip's special just dosen't cut it for a special. And, I also carry it whenever I go into the wilderness agility arena. Its fangs pack a nice bite for the cake PKers. Hehe I even killed one of the noobs there for full rune :P

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i LOVE my dds. especially when im abyss RCing. ill gladly take it with the price of having to take my pickaxe in my invy, thus losing a nat per trip.




if a pesky abyss pker comes, i happily empty my spec bar on him. this will probably come as a surpise to him, giving me a good chance to kill him. even if he isnt killed, hes poisoned, and i tele away with ectophial while hes cursing over my lovely poison :twisted: .




then, because i hate abyss pkers so much, i will wait for my spec bar to replenish, then go back to him and empty it on the pker another time. i have great fun in repeating this 5+ times. usually the pker curses at me so badly that i can report him, hopefully getting him a nice black mark.

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100% agreed with the last 2 posts








kill me for a bunch of essence? or worse, just for my bones :P








you're not getting this dagger, and you'll be poisoned... preferably in deep wildy hehe :P

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i love unloading the spec at pkers, one time i was going to a bronze war when a ancient mage pker attacked us, fortionatly i always bring dragon hide and i killed him before he even had a chance to protect item.(he was about 14 combat lvls above me). thanks to him i still have full mystic with a farseer. it was a pity he had a friend, but thanks to the people in the bronze war that piled him lol.

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Just like most the other people, I really like the dds special, I usually will start off on a monster or player, by unloading a special on them, then depending on what type of armor it has i will stick with the dagger or switch to another more powerful weapon.


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its all about what you use it on.








pking it owns all rangers :cry:



Just to be different.


Think about it. A freaking Dragon Cane with a Dragonstone gem.

The spec will simply your character equiping a glove and beachslapping the enemy, who will break down and do the Cry emote for 10 seconds straight.

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oo, i remember when i had a dds just for the spec :? . i found it really useful, as i bet no one would call a d scimmy spec "one of the best". but now i use the dragon battle axe for specing, like a infinite suply of super strenght potions that slightly decrease your other stats and only take up one inventory space :wink: .


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I love the dds. used best if you turn on att+str pray right before special though, then turn it off after you do the damage. either that or pot up. i usually just use it to do its damage right off, then bring out the dscim. that, or if i have enough money at the time, a whip. not a bad combo (whip + dds/dscim + dds).








i tinks its an okay weapon, it just needs a bit of help (pray/pot) when specialing to get maximum damage. also, that poison will give you the extra edge. that little extra hit of 6 every once in a while, will defintaly work for your advantage when yu are hitting with a dscim or whip.








over all a good weapon, but has its flaws with the special, still a great weapon though.

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I use it all the time, when Im training str I use scimmy but bring dd just for the specs (well sometimes I bring hally if its a large monster).




Its also good when killing KQ, poison and spec her up alittle before bringing out the flail. So no, IMO its not the worst d weapon (spear is according to me the worst.)

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