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Wats ure definition of thr word noob?


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A noob is determined by there knowledge of the game. There skill total, combat level, or wealth can't determine if their a noob or not. I've seen level 10's that know more about the game that some level 90's. So its all about how much you know.








It's also about how you carry yourself within the game. If your nice to people and follow the rules of the game you arent a noob. If you constantly nag people for things and start cursing when you dont get your way (90% of the people I see at the abyssal demons that arent level 85 slayer) Then you are a noob.








If you have cheated in the game, or gotten black marks for a legit reason, you are a noob.








thats my definition of a noob 8)

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Wats ure definition of thr word noob?








Because how that expression is used nowadays, my opinion is that anyone using it in game, is one.

Please think before you ask a question. If you ask the right question, its much more likely you get the answer you are looking for :)




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noob- someone whos account is worth less then 15k, or just a high level that acts like a RoEoToAoRoD (read the big letters dumb)








newb- only gays use this word








choob- a word that great people call average runescape players, meaning noob








fro0b- the ones who never made it off tutorial island

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noob; a word created by those with inferiority complexes and the inate inability to say anything more intelligent.


RS name: lord krohn Combat 138

slayer specific: 103 whips, 38 dark bows and 250+ dragon boots dropped to date.

Dragon drops: 5 Half shields, 21 drag legs, 8 dragon skirts, and 9 drag meds dropped to date.

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Noob comes from the word newb, which came from the word newbie which obviously means a new player.








So if noob is a shortend word for newbie, it should mean the same. Some guy called me a noob the other day, i asked him to define it for me and he ignored.








Runescape players like that are incredibly stupid.




They call any one a noob thats a lower combat level than them, which boils my blood.








Noob means newbie, it isnt an insult, but people use it as if it is.

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noob- someone whos account is worth less then 15k, or just a high level that acts like a RoEoToAoRoD (read the big letters dumb)








newb- only gays use this word








choob- a word that great people call average runescape players, meaning noob








fro0b- the ones who never made it off tutorial island








You prejudiced bastard. One of my friends is mentally handicapped.








Another of my friends is homosexual. People like you should just get off the web.

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noob- someone whos account is worth less then 15k, or just a high level that acts like a RoEoToAoRoD (read the big letters dumb)








newb- only gays use this word








choob- a word that great people call average runescape players, meaning noob








fro0b- the ones who never made it off tutorial island












You prejudiced *. One of my friends is mentally handicapped.








Another of my friends is homosexual. People like you should just get off the web.








Probably another 10 year old who whispers gay and [developmentally delayed] all the time because they're scared they're parents or teachers might here. Then giggles after saying it. Pity him.



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