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Guthan, now worthless? Bones to peaches discussion.


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Well, well, well. The 12m+ gp barrows set, Guthan, the set that gives an unlimited supply of food. The demand for this set has always been high, as it allows for unlimited time training at any spot.








Then jagex relieced the bones to peaches spell. Now people have to ability to turn a whole inv of bones into 8 hp food. Of cource we could always of used bones to bananas, but its not a practical spell to use as each banana only heals 3.








So does bones to peaches make guthan worthless? Lets look at the pros/cons:













    -Can heal 20+ everytime, as you heal exactly what you hit
    -No inv space needed





    -Healing is random
    -340k Recharge cost every 15 hours
    -Have to use unpoisoned spear as weapon













    -You can choose when you heal
    -You can use any weapon to train
    -One cast can get a full inv of 8 hp healing food





    -Only heals 8 per, altho this isn't that bad, its not exactly the best
    -Costs 2 nats per cast
    -Not all monsters drop bones
    Only works on normal bones (not confirmed)








So now that you've heard the pros/cons of each one, what do you think? Discuss.








(PS Don't accuse me of trying to make guthan cheaper, I can easily afford it.)


:^_^: I drew that smilie, btw, along with a few more used by this site.

Classic bloodveld for lyph3! Although I do like the new ones.

Like a ninja, here I was, gone I am now.

BUT! I may be back! Add my new account, Dr Bloodveld!

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I doubt Bones to Peaches only works on normal bones. It's not good for when you're trying to get a ton of bones though.








I don't think it has made Guthan worthless. Maybe worth less a tiny bit. But worthless for mages.

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It's not good for when you're trying to get a ton of bones though.
When you are 90+ combat, I doubt you are burying bones when training combat. (And I don't mean when fighting something just for the bones, I mean like training on something like daggs)


:^_^: I drew that smilie, btw, along with a few more used by this site.

Classic bloodveld for lyph3! Although I do like the new ones.

Like a ninja, here I was, gone I am now.

BUT! I may be back! Add my new account, Dr Bloodveld!

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I doubt Bones to Peaches only works on normal bones. It's not good for when you're trying to get a ton of bones though.








I don't think it has made Guthan worthless. Maybe worth less a tiny bit. But worthless for mages.








Bones to Peaches does ONLY work on normal bones. That eliminates some of it's uses, for example Fire Giants, or Dragons.




Though it is amazing with a combo of Bandits. Beats guthans at bandits anyday. They drop nature runes, and if you got mud staff or just water and earth, you can stay forever.

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I doubt Bones to Peaches only works on normal bones. It's not good for when you're trying to get a ton of bones though.








I don't think it has made Guthan worthless. Maybe worth less a tiny bit. But worthless for mages.








Bones to Peaches does ONLY work on normal bones.








Ahh. Okey dokey.

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It's not good for when you're trying to get a ton of bones though.
When you are 90+ combat, I doubt you are burying bones when training combat. (And I don't mean when fighting something just for the bones, I mean like training on something like daggs)








Ahh. Okey dokey.








Editorial- I retract my earlier statement by the posting of this one after gaining a better understanding of what has been asked.

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-Can heal 20+ everytime, as you heal exactly what you hit








Wrong, it doesn't heal everytime, it heals whenever the purple smoke appears, this appears randomly.








He has that it is random under the Cons section under Guthans. Also, he said that it can, not that it does.

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Bones to peaches does not give you a demi-godlike defense bonus.








Guthans is random.








Fair tradeoff, but the spell will not replace the armor. It can compliment it though, and help out people who do not have the armor or cannot use it.


My heart is broken by the terrible loss I have sustained in my old friends and companions and my poor soldiers. Believe me, nothing except a battle lost can be half so melancholy as a battle won. -Sir Arthur Wellesley

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-Can heal 20+ everytime, as you heal exactly what you hit








Wrong, it doesn't heal everytime, it heals whenever the purple smoke appears, this appears randomly.








yes he is aware. but whenever it does heal, it heals what you hit.












If you wear normal armor, and weapon, then use your guthan to heal, you pay about 377gp for every minute you heal. In most cases you are wearing it for much shorter a period of time to get back to full health. This makes it definitely cheaper (based on repair costs) than using lobs, if you can get the set.








with bones to peaches, as you said, you need a lot more inventory space to make this worth it. Which is part of what makes Guthan so handy (even if you have it only taking 4 slots). On top of that, if I'm fighting something that drops normal bones instead of big bones, d bones, or ashes... I probably do NOT need food to heal (or at least not good food).








I'll stick to my Guthan, but that's just me.



Proud to have gotten 1800 skill total before access to fishing guild


Why make a house when you can rob one?

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Bones to peaches does not give you a demi-godlike defense bonus.








Guthans is random.








Fair tradeoff, but the spell will not replace the armor. It can compliment it though, and help out people who do not have the armor or cannot use it.

Ah, but what about if I use full torag (for the def) with a whip and d square? Much better def than full guthan and with a much better training weapon...


:^_^: I drew that smilie, btw, along with a few more used by this site.

Classic bloodveld for lyph3! Although I do like the new ones.

Like a ninja, here I was, gone I am now.

BUT! I may be back! Add my new account, Dr Bloodveld!

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It won't replace Gunthan's because of the number of nats required. However, it will be helpful against enimies that drop natures, such as the bandits which have already been mentioned. It might also be helpful against basilks, since you need the shiled and cant where ful gunthan's, not that they do much damage or anything......

Look, if your mom still drops you off at school, you ain't gangsta, pull up your damn pants!


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Bones to peaches does not give you a demi-godlike defense bonus.








Guthans is random.








Fair tradeoff, but the spell will not replace the armor. It can compliment it though, and help out people who do not have the armor or cannot use it.

Ah, but what about if I use full torag (for the def) with a whip and d square? Much better def than full guthan and with a much better training weapon...








Yes, but you waste the inventory slots using Bones to peaches. I never said that either could replace the other.








Guthans: heals randomly and provides awesome defense








Bones to peaches: heals reliably, but still takes up the slots, no matter what armor you are using.


My heart is broken by the terrible loss I have sustained in my old friends and companions and my poor soldiers. Believe me, nothing except a battle lost can be half so melancholy as a battle won. -Sir Arthur Wellesley

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depends what your fighting, things that drop bones are probably better dealt with with bones to peaches, but things like gargoyles, nechryaels, and abyssal demons that drop ashes must be dealt with with guthans, simple as that.

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Bones to peaches does not give you a demi-godlike defense bonus.








Guthans is random.








Fair tradeoff, but the spell will not replace the armor. It can compliment it though, and help out people who do not have the armor or cannot use it.

Ah, but what about if I use full torag (for the def) with a whip and d square? Much better def than full guthan and with a much better training weapon...












honestly i dont put my faith into stats. seriously i dont expect guthans to provide better defense then rune armor. but thats off topic
















no bones to peaches cannot replace guthans first off, its "hard" to get meaning you cant fork over $ for instant gradification of it.

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no bones to peaches cannot replace guthans first off, its "hard" to get meaning you cant fork over $ for instant gradification of it.
So its harder to spend 600k for runes and 1 hour casting the spell than to get 12m?


:^_^: I drew that smilie, btw, along with a few more used by this site.

Classic bloodveld for lyph3! Although I do like the new ones.

Like a ninja, here I was, gone I am now.

BUT! I may be back! Add my new account, Dr Bloodveld!

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no bones to peaches cannot replace guthans first off, its "hard" to get meaning you cant fork over $ for instant gradification of it.
So its harder to spend 600k for runes and 1 hour casting the spell than to get 12m?












yes. it actually requires work to get the spell. ive been considering gettin the spell, not like religiously but its a long time of actual clicking, and waiting most waiting for enchant 1 if you go for bonus/ drag stones(drag stones rock on low populated worlds late at night )








but yes, some people make millions a day on just STANDING 12mil is by no means cheap for armor

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I would prefer guthan because demons dont drop bones so that's a big problem for gargoyles,nechs and abyssal demons.
















kurask and dark beasts are like the only thing over 60 slayer that this would work for oh yes cant forget dust devils.
















dust devils is probably going to be the time this will be widely used, i thought well hey, abbernats are vicious so killing a bloodveld or 2 could help on them, but they still hit good.

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I would prefer guthan because demons dont drop bones so that's a big problem for gargoyles,nechs and abyssal demons.
kurask and dark beasts are like the only thing over 60 slayer that this would work for
If you haven't noticed, I'm not huge on killing slayer monsters ;)








When killing the main slayer creatures (gargoyles, abyssals, ect) guthan is the only option, but what I mean is B2P vs. Guthan on just normal training(for exp) and not for drops.








Don't forget that ANYONE can use the spell, (as long as they have 60 magic, which isn't hard to get) when getting 70 atk, str, and def would be a lot harder for a ranger/mage to get, especially if they were pure.


:^_^: I drew that smilie, btw, along with a few more used by this site.

Classic bloodveld for lyph3! Although I do like the new ones.

Like a ninja, here I was, gone I am now.

BUT! I may be back! Add my new account, Dr Bloodveld!

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