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Make begging a reportable offnese.


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Beggars are perhaps the most annoying thing in runescape. It should be illegal to beg, and we should be able to report beggars for it.








Maybe you should get over yourself and learn how to deal with other people. Just because they beg and plead for help doesn't mean their account should suffer for it. Maybe instead you can ignore them with the use of the add ignore button? It's like saying the homeless should all be executed.

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Whilst most beggars are scum that should be purged, occasionally, someone really doesn't know whats what, and is genuinely stuck.








Also, people complain that their customer support queries/reports are not handled fast enough/at all, this would make it FAR worse, because everyone would be reporting every beggar they see.








Your idea is like communism - Nice to talk about, but totally impractical.








Just ignore them, or if they pester you, tell them where to go. Or, take them to wine of zammy, and tell them they can have 50k if they give it to you. To a beggar, 50k is a lot :).

Raichase, quit Runescape.


Time issues really, nothing against the game itself. Something had to go, and it happened to be the addictive game that costs money to enjoy :)


Best of luck to all of my friends here!

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I totally agree with you mate. 99.98% of all of RS2's beggars know we will give them nothing (unless the person is extremely nice) and do it just to annoy us. The other 0.02% are just random new players who really don't know anything.



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this is a stupid request, if somebody begs you, either say yes and give them, or say no and dont. ed of story. begging doesnt break any jagex rules. its a community game. raise your people skills

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it shouldn't be a bannable offense, maybe mutable if they are doing it to annoy ppl.








but then comes the issue if they are really stuck or not. so it can't be solved any reasonable way, just tell them no and ad to ignore or straight to ignore.

Whoever appeals to the law against his fellow man is either

a fool or a coward.


Whoever cannot take care of himself without that law

is both.


For a wounded man shall say to his assailant:

"If I live, I will kill you, If I Die, you are forgiven."


Such is the Rule of Honor.

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Beggers are annoying but I dont think reporting and getting them suspended or banned is the way to go. Learn how to deal with it, like flat out ignoring them and just go about your business. They're wasting their time not yours so dont get involved. And besides, beggers are sometimes funny hahaha.


.: Gallery :.

Away :( -cheers all!

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Its a fine line between beging and asking for stuff. If you suddenly shout out 'I got 20 mil go me' or walk around in full dragon with a load of otehr rich stuff, you are begging to be begged.








If I get told by one of my mates that they just got a lvl 3 clue scroll I ask them If I can have stuff, this is not begging this is asking someone to share their good fortune.








Of course back in the real world we should blow up oxfam and such because they are 'Begging' for free stuff. If you believe that then I feel sorry for you.








When someone says(this has happened to me) 'Give me you dragon hally or il report you' then started counting down from 10. That is begging(and being thick at the same time.












People that beg have to possible reasons they are lazy or they dont know anything else to do. The way to solve begging is simple. Ignore or talk to them, 99% of people that have asked me for free stuff, I could talk them into getting me some stuff, and I gave them a good deal.(addy hally for 200 iron ore for instance)








The real beggers are the people that walk about in full dragon and shout that they are rich. That is one of the main reasons for begging, people see that and want to be like, try and fail, then asked how and got told to shut up because they are noobs. They get told that so many times that they believe it and act like it.








Its the frankenstine problem, you hate what you create.

Well I knew you wouldn't agree. I know how you hate facing facts.

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  • 3 weeks later...

imagine the scenario...




your walking through varrock with a friend,




you ask them for some food as youre going pking together and theyre more than happy to give it to you but next time you try and log on:




"sorry, youve been banned for begging"




it could happen








If you dont like begging set an example by never giving anything to them except guidence on how to make some money without resorting to begging.

RSN: Ste_Boz

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I'm not sure if it's something that should be banned or made reportable - they're making themselves look bad more than anything else, so I think Jagex would probably just ignore all requests to make begging a reportable offense.








Also - I've seen begging done in P2P servers a LOT lately! IDK why, they're mostly lower levels, but I feel bad for them because one kid tried to trade me an addy scim for some gold coins and an anti-dragon shield and said "I really need a weapon", then there's other players who just ask 'PLZ I need money bad' and I kind of laugh at them on my end of the computer screen because they look stupid =) hahah.

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If someone resorts to begging, its probably because they are too lazy to make an honest buck.








For example, once i was begged for money by a low level. I told him exactly how to make money mining and woodcutting. After I was finished, he thanked me, and went straight back to begging! Honestly, people need to learn to make honest money.




I beleive that begging should be punished, but not too harshly. For example, a warning should be issued on the first few offenses, followed by one to two day bans, then maybe a 30-day ban if they get out of control.

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