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Took moneymaking to the next level! - Advise


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:shades: Hey everyone!


I was watching alot of runescape videos and I was really amazed by the winallday videos if you have seen them, here is a link to one of them:



But anyways I was trying to figure out how to get the best chance of winning, and how much to stake and such to make money etc. and it wasn't really untill I bought this guide:



I wanna recommend it for you guys, and my interrest is actually just to encourage more people to start boxing, I don't really care if you use this guide or not, I would just feel kinda

bad if I didnt show it since it would be unfair,, :)) Anyways if you don't like boxing it also has a daily routine guide for a quick routine you can do everyday to make about 400k in 20minnutes,

but I'm starting to make a lot more from boxing so yeah.. cheers!, but yeah check it out-


If anyone has some experience with mage boxing it could be cool to hear some advise from you ;) or if you know a guide about it, please send a link! :)

Edited by tripsis
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How is it that hard to understand for so many people?


Assuming: Max stats, serious stakes - you can't make money. Sure, you can win 5 coin tosses in a row, but do 5000 and more likely than not you will end up with 2500 tails and 2500 heads. Well, not exactly 2.5k but somewhere very-very close to it.


If anyone feels that they can make money staking for large sums of money(because if the stakes are high, it's almost certain that the player you are staking with does everything you do), please post here or PM me.

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Actually there is a bunch of things you can do to win, and if you don't have maxed stats you can use the calculator that comes with that guide. You put in the stats you have and the stats the opponent has and it will say who has the better chance of winning and say how many hits you need to bring down the opponent, but well check out the guide :grin:

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Actually there is a bunch of things you can do to win, and if you don't have maxed stats you can use the calculator that comes with that guide. You put in the stats you have and the stats the opponent has and it will say who has the better chance of winning and say how many hits you need to bring down the opponent, but well check out the guide :grin:



If you don't have maxed stats, you will rarely if at all find someone to stake serious cash who has lower stats. And knowing how many hits you have to hit does NOTHING to the odds of winning the stake.

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People worse of than you aren't likely to fight you and if they do won;t be big stakes because they know they will prob lose.

People better than you will want to fight for easy cash, but this is not good choice for you to profit.


Evenly matched, its 50:50 odds, overtime any earnings trend towards 0 as 50% lose and 50% wins means for every 1mil you win you lose 1mil.


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There isnt an point arguing with this guy, he's posted the link because he wants you to pay $9 for a bollocks guide. This should just be blocked under the referral link rules.



Mercifull <3 Suzi

"We don't want players to be able to buy their way to success in RuneScape. If we let players start doing this, it devalues RuneScape for others. We feel your status in real-life shouldn't affect your ability to be successful in RuneScape" Jagex 01/04/01 - 02/03/12

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I have removed the link to your guide. On Tip.It we do not support selling RuneScape information/knowledge for money. If you genuinely want to help people you may create a free guide in our General Guides forum. But you may not sell knowledge for profit.


Feel free to PM me if you have any questions.

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Switching between accurate and defensive attack styles is bs, it's still a RNG that generates the amount of damage you deal.



Style switching does work, and if you do it consistently it's possible to pull a win:loss ratio of 1.01 or something versus people who don't style switch. That's how you make money at the arena. Of course, if you do 100m worth of stakes per hour and you win 1% of your bet on average, that's a rather low income.

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