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Is YOUR God Book Full?


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erm i dont quite see teh point of this thread...








o rly?








I guess your one of the people that dosent bother to fill thier books then.


De_Pk - Level 117 - Banned September 30th '06.

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Filled Zammy back when they were 100k a pop. Filled Sara because I was told it was GREAT for slayer monsters (kind of "ehh" in my opinion) and got a deal on all 4 pages 90k each. 8) I have a couple extra pages floating around but Guthix isn't worth the trip to the light house. Honestly though, if you are poor then I would get the Guthix one. It is exactly "average" but is very affordable. If you aren't in that bad of shape then I would only fill it so you can "bless" your friends thrice over. :wink:


PM me in game to use some skills of mine (glories/potions) free or to ask a question.

Fire Cape - 04/29/06 Lvl 104

RAHK's Pro PC Gear and Guide(clickable)

splash02tm6.jpg Tired of hack and slash? FPSers getting old? Give this game a try!

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I haven't even done teh quest yet :oops: Is it horror from the deep that gets u a book?


2146 overall - 136 combat - 6 skillcapes


Plus I think the whole teenage girl thing will end soon (hopefully), because my girlfriend is absolutely in love with him(she is 18), and im beginning to feel threatened by his [Justin Bieber] dashing looks.

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guthix book best, blesses all symbols and all round bonus




and mine is full

Back by popular demand!

And I guess I just wanted to tell you, as the light starts to fade, that you aree the reason, that I am not afraid, and I guess I just wanted to mention, as the heavens will fall, that we will be together soon if we will be anything at all.

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