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Anyone else heard of Project Offset?


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That is AMAZING!!!! :shock: :shock:








You need to change your thread title and post some screenshots or pics from the site so that people know what you're talking about. No one knows what it is so I'm sure not many people have visited the site.








Incredible. Truly incredible.

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Hmm games companies are still going down the road of graphics and not gameplay. I thought they would of learned by now. It looks good but then again movies and art look good and movies and art are not games.


99 Magic, 99 Defence, 99 Strength, 99 Attack, 99 Hitpoints, 99 Fletching, 99 Woodcutting, 99 Firemaking, 99 Thieving, 99 Ranged, 99 Prayer, 99 Cooking, 99 Fishing

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Hmm games companies are still going down the road of graphics and not gameplay. I thought they would of learned by now. It looks good but then again movies and art look good and movies and art are not games.








Exactly what I was about to say...








And people immediately go :shock: when they see graphics...They don't remember that it's going to take an $8000 computer to run...Or that it won't come out for 2-3 years while technology catches up.








Looks and sounds pretty cool though. I think it's cool how you can ride beasts...

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Hmm games companies are still going down the road of graphics and not gameplay. I thought they would of learned by now. It looks good but then again movies and art look good and movies and art are not games.








If you go read the game section, the gameplay actually sounds fairly good, if it actually turns out the way they say it will..








Not to mention the countless cool stuff that will happen if they let people create mods based on their engine. This could be the next "Source".

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