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A theory about how to identifying autoplayers.


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While i was about to go essence mining in Varrock it came to my attention that there were many low level players there with the same looks. After 2 walks they started to talk and someone said "selling rune essence 5gp each". So I walked to him and wanted to trade, but he didn't accepted my offer. After a couple of tries I added him to my contact list and wanted to send him a private message, but strangely enough when I had just added him I didn't get a message that says 'person' logged in. In fact he stayed offline the whole time but he was standing right next to me.




Then a idea popped up, I had added a couple of players to see if they had the same reaction and, just like I thought, they stayed in the offline state.








Here are 2 pics with proof:




















As you can see on the mini map, there also aren't any green dots which actually should be there.




I think this will be a good and fast way to identify autoplayers.








I also want to ask if some of you want to test this and to confirm it.








PS: Sorry for any spelling/grammer errors, this isn't one of my strongest points(even in my own language :roll: ).


Ghost killed a snaill 200 m away ... hmm but that was not a target . :P

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Or maybe there just have privat chaton friends

Sir Krohan- 138 - 2696 (2886)



Attack 112/120 || Strength 112/120 || Defence 112/120 || HP 114/120
Ranged 110/120 || Magic 104/120 || Prayer 103/120 || Slayer 114/120

All Skills 10127/27 || All Skills 102+ 25/27 || All skills 103+ 24/27
All Skills 10420/27 || All Skills 10513/27 || All skills 10611/27


288th to reach 85 Slayer & 144th to reach 90 Slayer

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They could be autoers, but that doesn't have any connection to the fact that they have their pm status to friends or off.








Ah yes, haven't thought of the private chat function.




So when you set the private chat function to friends/off they won't see who added them to there contact list?




If that's the case then I think this topic can be closed.


Ghost killed a snaill 200 m away ... hmm but that was not a target . :P

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Guest demon027

observe, this is an auto miner:












when you ask them questions they don't answer:












when you make tease them they don't answer and they follow the same path every trip to the bank they make:












they are level 3's with rune picks in that ^^^ generic character style that go to rimmington mines to mine gold, they never respond to chat, pms, and when you report them they get banned....








oh and just so you know, those pics were of three different characters

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Seriously, how many honest level threes have even discovered private chat off? Not to be against low levels, but why would you need to keep it off? For the high levels to stop begging you for money? It's probably a system where when the autoer is on it puts private chat off so it doesn't mess up the script.

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Demon, maybe you can label someone as an autoer by them playing erratically or whatever, but don't assume that just because they aren't responding to you doesn't mean that they auto. People sometimes just don't feel like reading the nonsense that people say in some areas, so they just turn off chat. Nowadays I block regular chat a lot. If I happen to not answer, that doesn't make me an autoer.




But yeah, the default look and erratic or paved playing are usually signs.

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ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬ÃââThey never talk during skill trainings like mining, tree-cutting.




ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬ÃââThey are able to type flawless and long messages at high speed.




ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬ÃââThey do not respond to random events and do not wear any armour during skill trainings.








^ Above are my ways of identifying autoers.

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I think I could prove someone to be an autoer.




I was mining essence in Varrock and I had a




suspicion this person was autoing. Do you know




what I did? I closed the door on them and they




couldn't get in. Any self respecting RS player




knows how to open doors I think. This guy was just




standing there until someone opened the door!

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Yes these are probably autoers








Ways to find out








At ess mining open and close door. if they just stand there trying to open the door without saying anything,(make sure they arent on ur ignore list)








If they get attack by a mugger they dont say help or run away, and just attack it or stand here dying








If they are bald yellow top guys with nothing weilded and are using bronze or rune pickaxe.








If they are lvl 3, or low level








If they have all chats on off, don't respond to trades talking, anything..








If they wonder off when the doors closed, because some of them cant open the door








:evil: HOW TO KILL THEM twisted: (note need to be lvl 12 and under)




Your enemies: follow autoers, crafters who need to craft, Aubury(when they teleport with under attack)








Your allies: the mugger, door, follow players who can help.








What to do:








If mugger outside: Wait till a suppose autoer is coming to teleport. keep the door closed. how to do this? where the door is when open, keep your mouse there, when door opens click, or rapid click on the spot.








The mugger will probably auto attack the autoer. watch out for players who need to get through(non - autoers) and people who think hes a normal player and attack the mugger. Tell anyone hes a auoter and the mugger is killing him :D








Keep the door closed, and try to sneak players through. be careful if he gets to aubury hes safe.








He will either.stand here trying to open the door. attack the mugger(auto-retaliate) or run/walk around the shop (trying to get in)








after hes dead, u can bury his bones or sell anything he drops(usually just bones)








If the muggers inside the shop: keep door closed. watch the macro run around the shop, stand there trying to open the door or attack the mugger, though hes twice his level.








I think if u want a break from mining or merchanting or wateva.. kill autoers. If they come bank frm lumby and start mining again and u kill them again, and they come back. They are autoers.








Report them for breaking rule 7. multiple report them every minute to increase ban chance.








I have killed 10 autoers, reported 15, 5 messages from jagex saying they have taking action.








Hope my info helps





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ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬ÃââThey never talk during skill trainings like mining, tree-cutting.




ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬ÃââThey are able to type flawless and long messages at high speed.




ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬ÃââThey do not respond to random events and do not wear any armour during skill trainings.








^ Above are my ways of identifying autoers.




Being silent isn't a sign of autoing.











Noob: I want stuff 4 3




Noob2: Free stuff plz




A high level player doesn't respond.




The noobs report the high level player

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Probably theiy're autoing.. or just ignoring you, have public chat and priv chat on friends/hide/off.. by checking how they walk you can see if they're autoing. - Autoers often use the same walk coordinates...

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Usually when I train, I'm at ice warriors standing in one place, with auto on because the ice warriors attack me. I don't talk, I don't pick stuff up often because I'm full on food for a while (85 defence), and I don't really talk to people.








You think people would report me?

RSN: F T T W, 1167 Total, 117 Combat, All F2P


Current Goal: 97/99 Defence


I am The Walrus.

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Yes these are probably autoers








Ways to find out








At ess mining open and close door. if they just stand there trying to open the door without saying anything,(make sure they arent on ur ignore list)








If they get attack by a mugger they dont say help or run away, and just attack it or stand here dying








If they are bald yellow top guys with nothing weilded and are using bronze or rune pickaxe.








If they are lvl 3, or low level








If they have all chats on off, don't respond to trades talking, anything..








If they wonder off when the doors closed, because some of them cant open the door








:evil: HOW TO KILL THEM twisted: (note need to be lvl 12 and under)




Your enemies: follow autoers, crafters who need to craft, Aubury(when they teleport with under attack)








Your allies: the mugger, door, follow players who can help.








What to do:








If mugger outside: Wait till a suppose autoer is coming to teleport. keep the door closed. how to do this? where the door is when open, keep your mouse there, when door opens click, or rapid click on the spot.








The mugger will probably auto attack the autoer. watch out for players who need to get through(non - autoers) and people who think hes a normal player and attack the mugger. Tell anyone hes a auoter and the mugger is killing him :D








Keep the door closed, and try to sneak players through. be careful if he gets to aubury hes safe.








He will either.stand here trying to open the door. attack the mugger(auto-retaliate) or run/walk around the shop (trying to get in)








after hes dead, u can bury his bones or sell anything he drops(usually just bones)








If the muggers inside the shop: keep door closed. watch the macro run around the shop, stand there trying to open the door or attack the mugger, though hes twice his level.








I think if u want a break from mining or merchanting or wateva.. kill autoers. If they come bank frm lumby and start mining again and u kill them again, and they come back. They are autoers.








Report them for breaking rule 7. multiple report them every minute to increase ban chance.








I have killed 10 autoers, reported 15, 5 messages from jagex saying they have taking action.








Hope my info helps
















Yeh I did that with a friend. Killed two, one with mime top and lederhosen hat lawl. Mugger 0wns j00! But everybody calls you noob for closing the door...

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nah ur be fine FTTW because Jagex check your mouse movements and if they are at random timing. Not 0.1sec after a giants shows up, for example, they know youre just playing the game without talking.








All those people who responded with my post saying they just have friends on chat is very unlikely, how many lvl 3 players do this? probably only the high level no combat dudes and the autoers. And most high level no combat ppl r members or mine at mining guild, not mine ess.




Also if they don't wield a pick they could be autoers. If they say something and u have general chat on or hide, and they have it on friends or off, you will see them talk. Also when u talk with chat off chat will become hide.








I suggest killing them in low ppl worlds where the banks r almost empty. There will probably be only bout 5 legit(playing) miners and rest will be bald autoers. And respect legit players and tell them when to go through the door.

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They could be autoers, but that doesn't have any connection to the fact that they have their pm status to friends or off.








Ah yes, haven't thought of the private chat function.




So when you set the private chat function to friends/off they won't see who added them to there contact list?




If that's the case then I think this topic can be closed.








lol, you're smart :wink:


[02] -RuneScript- *** [ END ]: You gained 444,384 prayer exp in 5secs. That's 319,956,480 exp/h.

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ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬ÃââThey never talk during skill trainings like mining, tree-cutting.




ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ãââdo not wear any armour during skill trainings.








^ Above are my ways of identifying autoers.

Then I most be a autoer :roll:

Sir Krohan- 138 - 2696 (2886)



Attack 112/120 || Strength 112/120 || Defence 112/120 || HP 114/120
Ranged 110/120 || Magic 104/120 || Prayer 103/120 || Slayer 114/120

All Skills 10127/27 || All Skills 102+ 25/27 || All skills 103+ 24/27
All Skills 10420/27 || All Skills 10513/27 || All skills 10611/27


288th to reach 85 Slayer & 144th to reach 90 Slayer

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