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Turning off daily challenges


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Ask him to stop getting some challenges, and a user interface should pop up not unlike that of an xp lamp (with all the skills in circles and whatnot). Click whatever you want to disable, and confirm. If the NPC continues to speak "gibberish", consider changing the language options.







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If your 99 is in a melee skill, you may need to max out att/str/def/hp or something to turn off those challenges because they are all grouped into "Attack" on the turn-off interface. It is a little weird and I don't know how that works.

I've never seen Sixth Sense nor Inception nor many other popular movies and I intend to keep it that way.

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It's in Summoning, if you check his hiscores.


Same deal. You need Melee/ranged/mage/pray/hp too if you want to block that.

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You can't turn just summoning challenges off I think. You'll need to max in ranged, magic, attack, constitution, strength and defence as well before you can turn those challenges off.



Add me if you so wish: SwreeTak

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