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Genie Xp


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Well as most know the genie is akinda biast event








That low lvls love, while higher lvls find useless








I mean 10xp to a lvl 1 is like jackpot




but 990xp to a lvl 99 is useless








Now I been thinking what if what your level was multiplied by to give xp (is 10 atm) was also proprotional to ur level.








Using this idea, I went away and did some tinkering and came up with:




xp given = your level*([your level/4]*5)








Now that may be a little confusing to some so as an example heres how lvl 80 would work with that:
























If this formula was used instead of lvl 1s being able to get 2 or 3 lvls from a genie, while high lvls get xp tht is virtually useless to them. the xp works out nicely (showing every 9th lvl for examples sake, all decimal places are rounded UP no matter wat at the end)








1. 2xp




9. 102xp




18. 405xp




27. 912xp




36. 1620xp




45. 2532xp




54. 3645xp




63. 4962xp




72. 6480xp




81. 8202xp




90. 10,125xp




99. 12,252xp








As you can see, it would give less xp to lower lvls - therefore making it not overpowered and giving them multiple lvls from 1 event and gives more to higher lvls - therefore making it a useful event for them as well.




I mean granted about 10k xp isn't tht much to a lvl 90 but it is stuill useful unlike 900xp genies currently give.








So anybody got any thoughts on this matter?


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yeah thts where my whole idea came from








got fed up of 500 herblore xp








I mean to be blunt not trained herblore at all in ages








I have had about 30 - 40 genies sent to herblore and no lvl up cause of how rubbish they r








If i was lvl 1 herblore and used tht many genies on it without training tI'd be flying at like lvl 30 by now








Just figured that it needed the multiple to be linked to ur lvl, original kept the times 10, but found tht it went to high. I mean 16k xp for a lvl 80 from 1 event althou not uber is a bit ott from a free random event xp so i halved it down


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dude, genies aren't supposed to give you tons of xp (well, not tons, but still too much IMO) genies are supposed to stop autoers. they give that xp to not make them very annoying, like most randoms are.




you say 990 xp for lvl 99 is too little, but its still quite a lot more xp than you'd normally get in the what, 5 seconds it takes to answer the genie?




it doesn't slow down training, it speeds it up (very little, but it does) and it breaks up the monotony (sp?!? sorry, my first language isnt english) a little, so whats wrong with it?

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To add to that: How many people with 99s have no stats that are relatively low? Obviously people like Zezima don't benefit from genies, but about 99% of people who play the game have a skill low enough that it does help somewhat. I use genies for herblore every time I get them (Currently at 52) and certainly it won't get me a level, but it helps me get there. I would not want to use a genie lamp that gave me an unfair amount of exp purely because I can click for a longer time.


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SaidinWoT can now be tracked easily on weekends - Erm, maybe when I start playing again.

Levels do not measure intelligence OR maturity.
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To add to that: How many people with 99s have no stats that are relatively low? Obviously people like Zezima don't benefit from genies, but about 99% of people who play the game have a skill low enough that it does help somewhat. I use genies for herblore every time I get them (Currently at 52) and certainly it won't get me a level, but it helps me get there. I would not want to use a genie lamp that gave me an unfair amount of exp purely because I can click for a longer time.








I'm sure I would appreciate 450 prayer xp for me, being an f2p. (i have 45 prayer)


99 Hits, Attack, Strength, Defence, Mage, Summoning, Slayer, Ranged, 96/99 Prayer

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they are to common for 1k + free exp... (and 8k+ is way to mutch)








i getted them like 4 in 1 hour...








4x 610 = 2440 prayer exp...


^^ click my sig for my lesser ranging guide ^^

jwrm22: 4816th > 99 cooking 100% f2p !1172 total! + 140mil in items.

i dont play anymore... i think rs is ruined

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Terrible, terrible, terrible. Know how much that would over power prayer? If I could get 4.5k everytime I got a genie, I'd level in no time flat. Thats equivalent to me having to collect 1k little bones. Skills that have low level training objects, like prayer, and crafting for f2p, would become much easier to train, and would make all my effort useless. As a higher level, genies may not seem too useful, but making them super powered would tick the high levels off, because they had to work hard for their stats, and everyone else has easy training from then on.


People just need to learn to share crabs.
I'd prefer my nether regions clear of diseases, thank you very much.
just turn off accept aids
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why do people make suggestions like this?




i think that jagex have thought through the genies very thouroughly or else they wouldnt have put them there in the first place.








they would have considered every possible thing that people complained about and naturally its the lazy ones who come up with it...








a bit of extra clicking isnt gonna hurt ya, so why whinge?

Finally retired from RS. It's been a good 4 or 5 years.

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I'm not whinging.








I am just saying that it is slightly biased tht low lvls can get like 2 lvls from 1 genie at first then get 1 lvl every time for a while. While higher lvls gets near usless xp amounts.








All I did was put some slight thought behind it to come up with a system that may work better then post it here to invite discussion. It doesn't matter to me whether genies give more xp or not I am gratefull for thier occasional herblore boosts


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... of lvl 1s being able to get 2 or 3 lvls from a genie...




giving them multiple lvls from 1 event...




Actually, the minimum number of genies that you need to gain




a level is 3 genie events from about levels 4 through 21.








The exp vs level equation is an exponential function plus a quadratic.




Your suggested formula is a quadratic.




An alternate foumula might be, say, always 1% of the exp needed for the next level.




Presently, you get about 10% at level 40, 5% at 49, and 1% at 69.








Finally, it takes a bit over 15000 genies to go from level 1 to level 99.

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That would give like 4 times xp atleast than wat my ideas from about lvl 40 upwards








I mean that would give lvl 98s sumat like 1mil xp


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