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Tip.It "Stranded" First group begun!


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This dam Island weather *Resting under a nearby tree* that darn thing threw me right off course, I hope the others didn't land on this island *Gets up and carrys on walking*

Well I knew you wouldn't agree. I know how you hate facing facts.

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ZZZZZZZzzzzzZZZZZZzzzzzz *speaker crakles* WOAH!! startled me there. *We are experiencing problems*. Yea whatever. *falls back to sleep. Wakes up to the sound of running water.* Wow its Brazil! We crashed in Brazil! *starts running. Still is running after an hour.* This isn't Brazil.... *Cough Cough* Wow if i didn't know better that smells like.... *stops and pauses at sight of a burning plain and all those surrounding it* Oh CRUD. I'm trapped. No one else. DOOMED. *turns to see a figure running after him* WAAAAAAAAA!! *Starts dashing through the forest* Lost him. *Pant Pant* Wait what's this? My ID card. I think i can still read it. Name: Classified (Codename: IO) Gender: Male




Age: Classified




Job: Butcher's apprentice *Acctually a secret agent*




other info in next reply

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Age:I do not disclose this on forums sos








Appearence:blue eyes brown hair short




Personality:bossy, pyro maniac




Reason for being on the doomed plane:Going snowboarding




Three surviving items you brought (no guns, robots, powertools, ect.):knife, axe, lighter

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Name: kam




Gender: male




Age: (not allowed to give :P)




Job: student




Appearence: tall with blond hair




Personality: egoistic, but freindly




Reason for being on the doomed plane: eschange trip to japan




Three surviving items you brought (no guns, robots, powertools, ect.): 3 choclate bars, a ipod with low-batterie and 2 bottles of diet coke




Extra Info about character?: loves animals, negative most of the time, shy

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Application to join in on game:








Name: The Bull




Gender: Male




Age: 14




Job: School




Appearence: husky




Personality: Kowlaged, willing to starve to death for others.








Reason for being on the doomed plane:




Decided that ice on the engins were not a reason to keep from going to the Florida Keys. As the ice melted, the casing on the engin expanded more rapidly then the inners, causing and explosion. With a damaged nose, the plane started a nose dive. However, miraculously, the dive did not end up spiraling, but more of a rollercoaster. As the warm air on the beach pushed up on the plane, it made a hard crash-landing rather than a divebomb.








Three surviving items you brought: Hatchet, Pocketknife, Pot.




Extra Info about character?: Wishes he could do this in real life.

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Sry guys, but I've been really busy with other stuff so I haven't been able to pay attention to this that much... Go ahead and play without me, I'll pop in every so often to check on stuff and such, but other than that you are on your own, sry.

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  • 1 year later...

Name: Gareth


Gender: Male


Age: 18


Job: Student


Appearence: Brown hair, Cocasioan, Blue eyes.




Personality: Happy on the outside, but Deppressed about his sister, mother, fathers deaths 5 years ago, and his girlfriends on the plane.




Reason for being on the doomed plane: Visiting girlfriend's parents




Three surviving items you brought (no guns, robots, powertools, ect.): Picture of girlfriend, iPod (no power), A sandwich.


Extra Info about character?: Dark, can yell at people at times, very stressed, almost commited suicide at various points in his life and on the island.


Are you sick and tired of people telling you what to put in your sig? So am I. No, don't put this in your sig, you'll be doing what THEY want!

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Name: Isabelle


Gender: Female




Job: Student


Appearance:Black hair with red streaks, grey eyes, tall,athletic.




Personality: Generally pretty happy and friendly but can fly into rages if someone makes her very angry.




Reason for being on the doomed plane: Going to visit parents.




Three surviving items:Swiss army knife,iPod with pictures on it (half battery) and book.


Extra info: Loves animals and can't stand to see them hurt, loves to read and has survival skills from camping trips as a kid.

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Name: Max


Gender: Male


Age: 15


Job: Student


Appearence: 5'6, dirty blond hair


Personality: witty, but serious when i have to, disciplined


Reason for being on the doomed plane: Returning from a foreign exchange student program


Three surviving items you brought (no guns, robots, powertools, ect.): glasses, notebook, many pens


Extra Info about character?: I have the nickname "Hawkeye" because I can spot things like a hawk, even though I wear glasses. I am well disciplined as I attend a military school, but I don't have any survival training. I have a bit of ESP, so long as I have a full stomach.

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Hey, I'll sign up for the next large plane flight, Just dropping this so you know you have at least one seat filled. Ill post some more when it gets closer to takeoff. i.e. fuller.


Name: Cap


Thx to pink for ownage sig!

87/99 fletching, started 3/24/07

Break from RS 4/01/07 to 5/01/07


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