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Grainy - Hello!

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Sorry to hear about your account. That sucks. :(


Good luck with the new one. Hopefully everything goes well.



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So, Kaida is the real version of every fictional science-badass? That explains a lot, actually...

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I will never understand why people will pull thing like this instead of pplying their skills to say, getting a college degree or starting a business. In any event, welcome, and stop by the HYT chat (Serpent Eye) sometime (if you don't already). :)


"Goals dont have a deadline." -xxxgod quoting Lady Shahdie

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Hey guys! Thanks for the posts - didn't expect it hence I haven't looked here! :P


Yeah it's a shitty thing to do. Especially since using RAT's actually takes a lot of knowledge that could be applied elsewhere.


Yes Purpie, I managed to obtain a RAT (Remote Access Trojan) on my laptop. I know how I got it, and who gave me it. I've got his IP, email address and personal info, however since he's in the U.S, and I'm in the U.K, local police authorities won't really do much, and I can't be bothered (and don't have the money) to open up a court case which probably wont stand up anyway.


Either way, it's safe to say my laptop is now 110% secure, as is this account - and I'm LOVING IT!


Had so much fun over the past few days doing my dailies again, questing, farming - which I haven't done in months due to being 99.


Polarbear, I've been active in serp since getting back on this player; however you'll all know me as MyIez. I do have the RSN "Grainy" but wont be putting it on here for ~2 weeks. :)


Again, thanks for all the support :)



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