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Small Mimimmap bug.


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While running cosmice I noticed this:












On the gamescreen the platform is aligned almost perfectly with the collumns. However on the minimap it is angled heavily to the right.








It seems the minimap gets slightly out of order through repeted teleporting.

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It was like that in rsc..When I was a lower lvl someone told me that Jagex had made it that way to make it harder to catch or something..Don't think thats why though..Probably is just a glitch but it has been like that for awhile.

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don;t think its anything to do with autoers








they use the hex codes to pin point specific objects and spots in the game, having the map at an altered angle will not later where tht pinpoint is








I think its juts on of this minor bugs that has no solution and isbn;t really an issue, as for the "it happens everytime u get a load screen" I find that total rubbish








load screens my map stays at the same angle etc etc








they only time it shifts is when the character is 'teleported' aka going on ships, actually teleport, entering dungeons, exiting dungeons as they are all the actions that jump your character to a different location


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The map does in fact move slightly every now and then, sometimes if you know that it happens you can see it.








Its for the more basic 'auto clickers' that people make as they go wrong if angles change.








Obviuously this does nothing for the more advanced programs.

- My skills are now really, really lame ! Time to fix that! -

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Thats because the screen slowly rotates as you play the game.












yeah i noticed that to but then i realized it was slowly rotating












(it started getting me really anoyed :lol: :roll: )


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some of the old autoers didnt have hex codes and stuff, you just told it where to click. If you spent alot of time mining, u would notice the screen shift every now and then, causing autoers to miss the rock and run off. This is probably a left over from this to thwart simple auto pragrams.

Look, if your mom still drops you off at school, you ain't gangsta, pull up your damn pants!


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yeah Jagex are really inventive when it comes to autoers, next time ur logged in try leaving ur keyboard and watch the screen, it will jolt suddenly frequently. Cool huh :D








I didnt no it still had the jolt (thats what I was talking about earlier), but I guess they want simpler autoers would be harder to detect, so they want to leave stuff like this in to stop them.

Look, if your mom still drops you off at school, you ain't gangsta, pull up your damn pants!


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