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School Trips...


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Ok, so next year I'll be a junior and in the summer of 07' I will have the chance to take a trip.








This time the school chose to go to Europe.




Within Europe we will go to England, France, Spain, and Italy








Specifically we will be in London, England, Paris France, Barcelona Spain, and I forgot about where within Italy








And also a couple side trips here an there.








And I've always wanted to go to those places and whiteness the culture and the beautiful cities. (Maby I can use this as and excuse to get that $800 camera I want) -Canon Digital Rebel- :)








This has nothing to really do with school, they are just giving us the chance to go if it want. Its going to cost about $2000 per person they estimated for a 13-14 day trip, without incidental expenses.








I then thought to myself this is a chance of a lifetime, I may never get another opportunity to get out of this country and have some fun.








Have any of you ever done something like this?

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Well, I've been to Mexico and Canada for a few school things. Not much culture change in Canada, but it's very apparent in Mexico. Other than that I went on a mission trip to the projects in Chicago, and if anyone has ever been to the projects, you'd think you were in a whole new country. It's the most bizarre feeling.

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I never realy had or have had to do any of these huge "school trip" things (haven't seen them offered much either).








Why? Because I lived in Germany for 2 years (the rest of my life I have been in the U.S)








So when I was over there I got to see a lot of Europe, from Italy to france to switzerland. Was kind of like a 2 year vacation over there, but with school. :oops: .












Seems quite expensive, $2000 is a lot of money, but if you can truly aford it it may be a chance of a lifetime. Even better if some of your high school friends are going.

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I only know of girls that are going... and maby 1 other guy besides me..








buts its a long ways away still..




it'd be sweet if I was the only guy w00t








ok enough of my immaturity :)

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I'm planning on going travelling once I have enough money saved up. I'm guessing it'll be about a year yet.




Gonna try and go to America & Australia amongst other places. Hopefully I would be travelling for about a year. Maybe try and get small jobs in places that I stop.

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Lol, *mind flashes back to thousands of movies....* Lets see, 1 guy and a bunch of girls go on a big trip....








:oops: .








what happened?








Dunno, was an example, but the idea screams cliche for a movie. :D .

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I'm planning on going travelling once I have enough money saved up. I'm guessing it'll be about a year yet.




Gonna try and go to America & Australia amongst other places. Hopefully I would be travelling for about a year. Maybe try and get small jobs in places that I stop.




















Milwaukee is a good city to visit if your coming to USA. San Antonio, TX and Hot Spring, AR are also very beautiful places to visit.

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Yah two years ago I went on a 18 day trip through Europe. I went to england, france, germany, switzerland, litchenstien (heh for like 4 or 5 hours), austria, and italy.








From that trip I have taken soo many memories.. trust me, no matter your economic status, find a way to go, its worth it. If you go though, go for the right reasons. Im from a private school and thus to many, money was of no value to them. When you go, you may be given options about where to go (ie. shopping or to a lesser known cathedral)... don't be stupid (as many were on my trip), choose the cathedral. Also when you go, don't go to "hook up" with any "chics".








When I got back, heh I lost weight :P ... I would skip meals to spend more time in the gallery's. Oh one other thing, if your parents help you pay for it (mine payed for my entire trip), try to email and call them as much as you can over there, not really to check up on them or you, but to share with them what you did that day.

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I'm planning on going travelling once I have enough money saved up. I'm guessing it'll be about a year yet.




Gonna try and go to America & Australia amongst other places. Hopefully I would be travelling for about a year. Maybe try and get small jobs in places that I stop.








I want to do a study abroad program for a year in college and see how I like those other countries :P


I just posted something! ^_^ to the terrorist...er... kirbybeam.
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I'm planning on going travelling once I have enough money saved up. I'm guessing it'll be about a year yet.




Gonna try and go to America & Australia amongst other places. Hopefully I would be travelling for about a year. Maybe try and get small jobs in places that I stop.








Most people when visiting the u.s., like to visit california. Im not suggesting that you do, but if you do I give you this heads up: don't plan on spending a large amount of time in the l.a. or hollywood areas... they're dirty and really overglorified in movies. Two cities that are rather nice though: San Diego and San Fransisco.

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My school has trips going all around the world...But seeing as how I don't have thousands of dollars to throw around at will, and I need to save for further education, I don't/won't ever go. Wouldn't really want to anyway...Might as well go on a trip once I'm done school and get to choose where I want to go and what I want to do without curfews/supervision etc.

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Yah two years ago I went on a 18 day trip through Europe. I went to england, france, germany, switzerland, litchenstien (heh for like 4 or 5 hours), austria, and italy.








From that trip I have taken soo many memories.. trust me, no matter your economic status, find a way to go, its worth it. If you go though, go for the right reasons. Im from a private school and thus to many, money was of no value to them. When you go, you may be given options about where to go (ie. shopping or to a lesser known cathedral)... don't be stupid (as many were on my trip), choose the cathedral. Also when you go, don't go to "hook up" with any "chics".








When I got back, heh I lost weight :P ... I would skip meals to spend more time in the gallery's. Oh one other thing, if your parents help you pay for it (mine payed for my entire trip), try to email and call them as much as you can over there, not really to check up on them or you, but to share with them what you did that day.








Yeah, I'd soak in all the history and goodness within..








im not gunna spend 2 grand to mess with chicks when i can do that for free here :P

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Guest AshKaYu

Argh!I was supposed to go on a SEVEC exchange, live in Quebec for a week, heck, I wrote the freaking essay! Dedicated my life on it! But oh noo, they decided to skip it and let the grade five's go to Winnipeg! NO NO NO NO NO! [/crybabywhinyunfairrant]

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The biggest trip ive been on yet was to ottawa with my grd 8 class. This year im going to new york! I know its nto a big culture change, but mostlikly a very big lifestyle diffrence from Canada.


Sig by Ikurai

Your Guide to Posting! Behave or I will send my Moose mounted Beaver launchers at you!

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The only real school trip ive had was to thredbo (snowfields here in australia), and it was incredible. Ill never have that experience again, the most vivid memory was going up the chairlift and being able to call out to people i know.

Lvl 80 construction.


Dragon Drops: 11 (4 Chains, 2 Axes, 1 Med, 2 Skirts, 1 Legs, 1 2h)


God Wars Drops: 4 Zamorakian Spears, 1 Godsword Shard 1

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I dunno.. i want a good camera.. but is 800$ overkill.. maby even get the actual FILM (Rebel) from canon for 150$ and use that








Heh LP, I got a Minolta Dimage Z5, fairly cheep (got for christmas) and it works great :D.

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In highschool an I went to Palermo, Sicily for a week. We all stayed at the home of another student. During the day they went to school and we went mostly went to visit temples and other relics of ancient greece.




That was definately an amazing trip from which I have a lot of good memories.








This summer I've been in Japan for three weeks on an trip organised by a study association. I actually helped organising it. Anyway 24 students, 3 weeks, tokyo, osaka, kyoto, hiroshima. Excursions to a neutrino detector, the second biggest magnet in the world, a fusionreactor and much more.




Quite simply a once in a lifetime chance. I payed about the same as you for it. Haven't felt sorry for paying so much for it, made a lot of friends and just had an awesome 3 weeks.








I'd go for it if I were you :D

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My school offered something like that a couple years ago, and biggest reason kids wanted to go is because they will serve you alcohol if you can see over the bar in some countries.








I don't think I'd like going with a school group though, maybe I'm spoiled, but when I travel with my family we can all sort of discuss what we want to do and can spend a longer amount of time in certain areas instead of having a set schedule and seeing all of europe in 2 weeks, that's pretty hard to do. Only downside is that if you want to experience it like this, it would take a few trips to do this. I'd like to spend more than a couple days in a city to really experience it, otherwise its not really worth it for me.

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