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Started up on osrs where I'm aiming for untrimmed slayer with one Defence longterm, but just afking motherlode for now



[2:21:46 PM] Baldvin | Leik: these comp reqs are so bad

[2:22:36 PM] Arceus Dark: Time to get...req'd?

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Decided I would track my ores between each mining level on osrs starting with 63:


That iron ore was dropped at the bank in motherlode, much happy.


Also got 96 smith at artisan's using my Enrichment aura but missed the screenie.



[2:21:46 PM] Baldvin | Leik: these comp reqs are so bad

[2:22:36 PM] Arceus Dark: Time to get...req'd?

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I like the d pick design in osrs, it goes well with other dragon stuff.

Like dragon equipment looks almost the same as every other bronze-rune equivalent, except they have a small difference in shape or something else which distinguishes them from the others.

I hope they don't stray too far from that if the community votes for the graphics updates.

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It does look better than what the current pickaxe looks like, but then that's the first step on the road of making everything super inconsistent. :/

I voted yes just because it looks better, but it will annoy me that dragon pickaxe won't be following the same trend as the other dragon equipment.

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I like the d pick design in osrs, it goes well with other dragon stuff.

Like dragon equipment looks almost the same as every other bronze-rune equivalent, except they have a small difference in shape or something else which distinguishes them from the others.

I hope they don't stray too far from that if the community votes for the graphics updates.



The designs for Dragon will stay the same. The only items getting a rework would be those that have been added since the beginning of OSRS. ^^

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When they did graphics updates the first time around in live RS, people kept complaining that "nobody wanted graphics updates" etc. etc. "everybdoy liked the old looks better"


Then they poll graphics updates for the oldschool version of the game and a vast majority of people vote yes on most graphics updates.



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I think that's because people wanted to go a different path than it did, and this is their chance to help pave osrs with their own path



[2:21:46 PM] Baldvin | Leik: these comp reqs are so bad

[2:22:36 PM] Arceus Dark: Time to get...req'd?

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